Well, firstly we would like to thank you that you showed interest in reading about us.
As the name suggests, QuotesLyfe is an ocean flowing with quotes. And the flow of quotes seems to be increasing day by day. We can also boast of one of the largest databases of quotations. Whether you need quotes for your debate, speech, argument, birthday, anniversary, or motivation, to show your love, hatred, anger, romance, jealousy, spirituality, etc we have quotes for all. We have a treasure of quotes spoken by famous people, like A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi, J. K. Rowling, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, John F. Kennedy, Chanakya, Leo Tolstoy, Mao Zedong, Vincent Van Gogh, Walt Disney, etc.that time and again you might always want to read.
We have also one Quote of the day for every category that we have. This quote might ignite a thought in your mind.
Your age will not matter when you think of using Quoteslyfe. We have quotes for everyone. Whether you are a student, writer, teacher, scientist, doctor, engineer, mother, father, friend, lover, etc, we have quotes for every occasion and mood. We have tried to cover a huge variety of categories ranging from love, hatred, anger, religion to spirituality, politics, motivation, family, etc.
While creating this website, we have relived the quotes and had countless memories linked to them. We want you to feel the same experience when you read the quotes. Feeling nostalgic is a good feeling in itself but you will also get a chance to create new memories when you use these quotes.
We had a big appetite for quotes which led to the formation of QuotesLyfe. It is our passion that we read the quotes over and over again, use them and inspire people to read them. When you start to interpret them, you will understand the feelings, idea, experience, and belief that lies behind every quote. This way you may also start reading between the lines and understand people better. The world might just turn more beautiful for you!
QuotesLyfe is free to use. You can download the quote images and use them wherever you want to. But it would be really sweet of you if you can give the credits of the picture to us.