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Ab-Soul Quotes

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Ab-Soul Quotes: "It is one thing doing what you love for a living. It is another thing doing what you love with love"

It is one thing doing what you love for a living. It is another thing doing what you love with love

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Since we have free will, we create our own reality and virtually everything is negotiable."

Since we have free will, we create our own reality and virtually everything is negotiable.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "People's realities are the result of their perceptions."

People's realities are the result of their perceptions.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Like a fire alarm going off in your ear, sulfur up your nose, mouth full of sour milk, reality is what it is – you deal with it."

Like a fire alarm going off in your ear, sulfur up your nose, mouth full of sour milk, reality is what it is – you deal with it.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Mediation on word of God leads to renewal of mind"

Mediation on word of God leads to renewal of mind

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Positivity brings about a peace of mind which in turn relaxes your whole being."

Positivity brings about a peace of mind which in turn relaxes your whole being.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Size doesn't define your beauty and intelligence. Appearance doesn't measure the goodness of your heart and the hidden joy of your soul."

Size doesn't define your beauty and intelligence. Appearance doesn't measure the goodness of your heart and the hidden joy of your soul.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Every pain is repeated in other places and other lives, every joy is repeated in other places and other lives."

Every pain is repeated in other places and other lives, every joy is repeated in other places and other lives.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Until 'you' FULLY embrace who 'you are', no amount of money, no person or external things will EVER make you happy or bring you peace."

Until 'you' FULLY embrace who 'you are', no amount of money, no person or external things will EVER make you happy or bring you peace.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Hold on to hope and positive thoughts"

Hold on to hope and positive thoughts

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Children will often rise or fall accordingto the expectations of loved ones in their lives."

Children will often rise or fall accordingto the expectations of loved ones in their lives.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Teach children the value of work and to work hard at everything they do. The virtue of compassion and value of appreciation of the hard work of others too."

Teach children the value of work and to work hard at everything they do. The virtue of compassion and value of appreciation of the hard work of others too.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "It's your destiny to be here, Dana.""Oh really. How nice. Is it Brandon's destiny to be here too?""Yep."

It's your destiny to be here, Dana.""Oh really. How nice. Is it Brandon's destiny to be here too?""Yep.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Tonight let's slay some dragons."

Tonight let's slay some dragons.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Max is short for General Maximus Decimus Meridius."

Max is short for General Maximus Decimus Meridius.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Brandon tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Unbelievable. He had his name. God had given it. Just like Reece said he would."

Brandon tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Unbelievable. He had his name. God had given it. Just like Reece said he would.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Knowing what I know today about how deeply the word feminist threatens the existing social compact, to say radical feminist now seems to me almost redundant. (Robin Morgan)"

Knowing what I know today about how deeply the word feminist threatens the existing social compact, to say radical feminist now seems to me almost redundant. (Robin Morgan)

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Compassion, acceptance and LOVE is the cure to MOST of the issues that plague this world."

Compassion, acceptance and LOVE is the cure to MOST of the issues that plague this world.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Through the ages, countless spiritual disciplines have urged us to look within ourselves and seek the truth. Part of that truth resides in a small, dark room -- one we are afraid to enter"

Through the ages, countless spiritual disciplines have urged us to look within ourselves and seek the truth. Part of that truth resides in a small, dark room -- one we are afraid to enter

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Progression and regression go hand in hand with mental health. It is a tough illness. You often take one step forward and ten steps back."

Progression and regression go hand in hand with mental health. It is a tough illness. You often take one step forward and ten steps back.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "There were times my heart broke into painful fragments then my soul perseveringly gathered an ocean of strength on my voyage towards renewal."

There were times my heart broke into painful fragments then my soul perseveringly gathered an ocean of strength on my voyage towards renewal.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "You augment your strength every time you overcome obstacles. Discover and use that unique potential you have in coping well in a positive way no matter how worst the situation can be."

You augment your strength every time you overcome obstacles. Discover and use that unique potential you have in coping well in a positive way no matter how worst the situation can be.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "It's easy to point out other people flaws, but it takes TRUE courage and strength take a look in the mirror, admit personal flaws AND strive to do and be better. That's growth!"

It's easy to point out other people flaws, but it takes TRUE courage and strength take a look in the mirror, admit personal flaws AND strive to do and be better. That's growth!

Ab-Soul Quotes: "When the winds of life are pushing you back, THAT'S when you push forward the hardest."

When the winds of life are pushing you back, THAT'S when you push forward the hardest.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "God has ALREADY given you the strength you need, it's up to you to recognize that you were BORN a conqueror!"

God has ALREADY given you the strength you need, it's up to you to recognize that you were BORN a conqueror!

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Always rememberYou are lovedYou carry the loveYou spread the loveYou radiate the loveAnd the love is returned to you"

Always rememberYou are lovedYou carry the loveYou spread the loveYou radiate the loveAnd the love is returned to you

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Even in the darkest cloudsThere are specks of joyOut of the darknessComes lightJust as dayAlways follows night"

Even in the darkest cloudsThere are specks of joyOut of the darknessComes lightJust as dayAlways follows night

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Now is everythingNow is the essenceNow is the focusFocus on the nowFor that is the key"

Now is everythingNow is the essenceNow is the focusFocus on the nowFor that is the key

Ab-Soul Quotes: "This the kind of world, if you don’t die, you just keep on growing up and living through everything that comes."

This the kind of world, if you don’t die, you just keep on growing up and living through everything that comes.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "We are wrapped around a mystery to which we were drawn before we were born."

We are wrapped around a mystery to which we were drawn before we were born.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "We do have the ability to manifest things, but our purpose, our end, our legacy is alsocontrolled by our destiny. So focus on what comes easy—that is your destined life."

We do have the ability to manifest things, but our purpose, our end, our legacy is alsocontrolled by our destiny. So focus on what comes easy—that is your destined life.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "It was as if God had become not only the object of my praise and thanksgiving but my creative partner as well."

It was as if God had become not only the object of my praise and thanksgiving but my creative partner as well.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "There are two futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man's reason has never learned to separate them."

There are two futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man's reason has never learned to separate them.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Once upon a time, he might’ve chased her and tumbled her in the sheets with the promise of more in the future."

Once upon a time, he might’ve chased her and tumbled her in the sheets with the promise of more in the future.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "I am responsible for what I believe and, I might add, for what I refuse to believe, because the content of what I do or do not believe makes a tremendous difference to what I become and how I act."

I am responsible for what I believe and, I might add, for what I refuse to believe, because the content of what I do or do not believe makes a tremendous difference to what I become and how I act.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Spirituality is a universal currency. It is part of every religion, every faith, and every person. Everybody has a belief system."

Spirituality is a universal currency. It is part of every religion, every faith, and every person. Everybody has a belief system.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Susan hated Literature. She'd much prefer to read a good book."

Susan hated Literature. She'd much prefer to read a good book.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "When you speak, your words echo only across the room or down the hall. but when you write, your words echo down the ages."

When you speak, your words echo only across the room or down the hall. but when you write, your words echo down the ages.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Gossip: a weed watered by wayward words."

Gossip: a weed watered by wayward words.

Ab-Soul Quotes: "Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit instead of the barrage coming from your brain."

Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit instead of the barrage coming from your brain.