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Al Stone Quotes

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Al   Stone Quotes: "We've rewritten entire scenes and had them animated twelve hours before the show goes on the air. It's not fun."

We've rewritten entire scenes and had them animated twelve hours before the show goes on the air. It's not fun.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'm concerned about people being happy."

I'm concerned about people being happy.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Morality is similar to religion - it is a somniferous drug which blinds people from seeing the squalor of their lives."

Morality is similar to religion - it is a somniferous drug which blinds people from seeing the squalor of their lives.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Sometimes we come up with something great, but a lot of times it just feels like work."

Sometimes we come up with something great, but a lot of times it just feels like work.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I think God rarely gives to one man, or one set of men, more than one great moral victory to win."

I think God rarely gives to one man, or one set of men, more than one great moral victory to win.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I expect some new phases of life this summer, and shall try to get the honey from each moment."

I expect some new phases of life this summer, and shall try to get the honey from each moment.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'd like to do a story about the medieval ages where in every scene you'd sort of feel that you were in the 12th century. That would be great to get that feeling."

I'd like to do a story about the medieval ages where in every scene you'd sort of feel that you were in the 12th century. That would be great to get that feeling.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier - unfortunately."

I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier - unfortunately.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I never put out a history, I put out a dramatic history."

I never put out a history, I put out a dramatic history.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The two things I use the most are the MacBook Air and my iPhone. Those are my two most-used gadgets that are dented, scratched and smashed."

The two things I use the most are the MacBook Air and my iPhone. Those are my two most-used gadgets that are dented, scratched and smashed.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I thought I was going to stay at Google, because it was a great place to work."

I thought I was going to stay at Google, because it was a great place to work.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Even though running is physically straining, it's mentally refreshing. Especially when you feel like you've accomplished something."

Even though running is physically straining, it's mentally refreshing. Especially when you feel like you've accomplished something.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Creativity comes from constraint."

Creativity comes from constraint.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Success isn´t guaranteed, but failure is certain if you aren´t truly emotionally invested in your work."

Success isn´t guaranteed, but failure is certain if you aren´t truly emotionally invested in your work.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I was in Woody Allen's Stardust Memories in 1980. It was only a bit part and I didn't get to speak but I felt that I was in a real movie and heading where I had always wanted to be."

I was in Woody Allen's Stardust Memories in 1980. It was only a bit part and I didn't get to speak but I felt that I was in a real movie and heading where I had always wanted to be.

Al   Stone Quotes: "When I was younger I was taught that a winner never quits, and a quitter never wins."

When I was younger I was taught that a winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It's not like I'm sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan. I try to eat fruit and be healthy. If I'm feeling a bit sickly, I usually get a good spray tan."

It's not like I'm sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan. I try to eat fruit and be healthy. If I'm feeling a bit sickly, I usually get a good spray tan.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It would be great to take one city street and turn it into a pedestrian corridor and see what kind of effect it has on the businesses in that area - It's the future I think."

It would be great to take one city street and turn it into a pedestrian corridor and see what kind of effect it has on the businesses in that area - It's the future I think.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I find it quite hard for me to pull off. It's so nice to have a tan and look healthy and glowing. I'd quite like to look like Karen Elson - she looks good pale. I feel like I look a bit washed out."

I find it quite hard for me to pull off. It's so nice to have a tan and look healthy and glowing. I'd quite like to look like Karen Elson - she looks good pale. I feel like I look a bit washed out.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The one who has not seen Paris in the morning does not know how beautiful it is."

The one who has not seen Paris in the morning does not know how beautiful it is.

Al   Stone Quotes: "When I have trouble writing, I step outside my studio into the garden and pull weeds until my mind clears--I find weeding to be the best therapy there is for writer's block."

When I have trouble writing, I step outside my studio into the garden and pull weeds until my mind clears--I find weeding to be the best therapy there is for writer's block.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It may take me a long time before I feel 'ready' to tour as a lead singer. I may never be ready... we'll just have to see."

It may take me a long time before I feel 'ready' to tour as a lead singer. I may never be ready... we'll just have to see.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I've always related music to those moments when someone turns you loose on something and they haven't told you how to do it."

I've always related music to those moments when someone turns you loose on something and they haven't told you how to do it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "One does not consider style, because style is."

One does not consider style, because style is.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It is definitely somewhat a crutch of feeling that you have to please others in order to be accepted."

It is definitely somewhat a crutch of feeling that you have to please others in order to be accepted.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I get a special joy in knowing people feel comfortable if they see me in Wal-Mart or in a no-frills section trying to get something on a discount."

I get a special joy in knowing people feel comfortable if they see me in Wal-Mart or in a no-frills section trying to get something on a discount.

Al   Stone Quotes: "What should all men know about women? That we are always right and you should just agree."

What should all men know about women? That we are always right and you should just agree.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I just know that I love to write songs, and I have for a long time."

I just know that I love to write songs, and I have for a long time.

Al   Stone Quotes: "As an artist, program directors always want to put you in a little box."

As an artist, program directors always want to put you in a little box.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences."

Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Why do we need to wait until somebody sells 10 million records to give people a show like that? What about us smaller, hungry folk? At least gimme a curtain!"

Why do we need to wait until somebody sells 10 million records to give people a show like that? What about us smaller, hungry folk? At least gimme a curtain!

Al   Stone Quotes: "What does Donald Trump look like? He looks like a president."

What does Donald Trump look like? He looks like a president.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Guys like me come along very seldom in the wrestling business. You can count 'em on a couple of fingers."

Guys like me come along very seldom in the wrestling business. You can count 'em on a couple of fingers.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Sunday school don't make you cool forever..."

Sunday school don't make you cool forever...

Al   Stone Quotes: "The religion is a formality. What matters is you show respect to God and your faith in God."

The religion is a formality. What matters is you show respect to God and your faith in God.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg."

Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg.

Al   Stone Quotes: "My only weapon is my pen, I'm a songwriter."

My only weapon is my pen, I'm a songwriter.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Realise when you are 'middle aged' you have a chance for a whole second career, another love, another life."

Realise when you are 'middle aged' you have a chance for a whole second career, another love, another life.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I feel like war should occur only for the most vital and necessary reasons, and only then."

I feel like war should occur only for the most vital and necessary reasons, and only then.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There's a lot of bleeding idiots in t'country and they deserve some representation."

There's a lot of bleeding idiots in t'country and they deserve some representation.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Watching children grow up, you learn a lot about life and about being a better person - you learn a lot about what's really important in the world and what isn't."

Watching children grow up, you learn a lot about life and about being a better person - you learn a lot about what's really important in the world and what isn't.

Al   Stone Quotes: "My father has always been supportive of my individuality."

My father has always been supportive of my individuality.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Who says soul has only one colour?"

Who says soul has only one colour?

Al   Stone Quotes: "Divorce is hard and painful and complicated, and something you have to grow through."

Divorce is hard and painful and complicated, and something you have to grow through.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I could make Basic Instinct 16. If guys will keep thinking I'm hot, I might turn it into a TV series."

I could make Basic Instinct 16. If guys will keep thinking I'm hot, I might turn it into a TV series.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Wonder what customers really want? Ask. Don't Tell."

Wonder what customers really want? Ask. Don't Tell.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I don't think there is anything wrong with cosmetic surgery at all. I think it's great. But I don't think it's alright to distort yourself."

I don't think there is anything wrong with cosmetic surgery at all. I think it's great. But I don't think it's alright to distort yourself.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you haven't fought for your life for something you want, you don't know what's life all about."

If you haven't fought for your life for something you want, you don't know what's life all about.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I miss the ocean. I miss diving into the cold water and coming out a new man. On the road it's hard to get that feeling. Showers are okay, but there's nothing quite like being in the ocean."

I miss the ocean. I miss diving into the cold water and coming out a new man. On the road it's hard to get that feeling. Showers are okay, but there's nothing quite like being in the ocean.