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Al Stone Quotes

Find the best Al Stone quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Al Stone quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There are some things that have to wait and that can't just happen right now."

There are some things that have to wait and that can't just happen right now.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Comedy's my first love. I love that so much. You play comedy in drama, too. The difference between genres doesn't really change the method of acting."

Comedy's my first love. I love that so much. You play comedy in drama, too. The difference between genres doesn't really change the method of acting.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Misery is the only thing in the world that has no end or edge."

Misery is the only thing in the world that has no end or edge.

Al   Stone Quotes: "He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark."

He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself."

Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.

Al   Stone Quotes: "A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when you're in a car. You're more in the environment. It's enjoyable. Even when It's raining It's still fun."

A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when you're in a car. You're more in the environment. It's enjoyable. Even when It's raining It's still fun.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It's my experience that you really can't lose when you try the truth."

It's my experience that you really can't lose when you try the truth.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Henceforth the leaves of the tree of knowledge were for women, and for the healing of the nations."

Henceforth the leaves of the tree of knowledge were for women, and for the healing of the nations.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I think women should wear whatever makeup they want for themselves. Makeup should be fun."

I think women should wear whatever makeup they want for themselves. Makeup should be fun.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality."

Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The world turns on our every action, and our every omission, whether we know it or not."

The world turns on our every action, and our every omission, whether we know it or not.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Understand that you dont have all the answers, you just have to start somewhere and keep an open mind."

Understand that you dont have all the answers, you just have to start somewhere and keep an open mind.

Al   Stone Quotes: "That decision to commit your life to certain principles and a certain narrative, if I wrote a paper on that, I know I'd find inconsistencies."

That decision to commit your life to certain principles and a certain narrative, if I wrote a paper on that, I know I'd find inconsistencies.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The last few years on ‘South Park’ we have done some of the riskiest things we have ever done, knowing it could kill the show, but we also know that’s what we have to do."

The last few years on ‘South Park’ we have done some of the riskiest things we have ever done, knowing it could kill the show, but we also know that’s what we have to do.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Anybody in television lives under grinding deadlines."

Anybody in television lives under grinding deadlines.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I have a massage when I want to relax. I love being pampered. I love island massages when you're outside in the fresh air."

I have a massage when I want to relax. I love being pampered. I love island massages when you're outside in the fresh air.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There are neither good nor evil, only the existence and action."

There are neither good nor evil, only the existence and action.

Al   Stone Quotes: "All the best bits of a film happen when I'm looking down at my phone. Life, is similar."

All the best bits of a film happen when I'm looking down at my phone. Life, is similar.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I liked the banana-seat bikes with the high handlebars - maybe a card in the wheel could have been part of it."

I liked the banana-seat bikes with the high handlebars - maybe a card in the wheel could have been part of it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It takes less work to succeed than to fail."

It takes less work to succeed than to fail.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be. I think of dieting, then I eat pizza. I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier — unfortunately."

If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be. I think of dieting, then I eat pizza. I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier — unfortunately.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Stay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat."

Stay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat.

Al   Stone Quotes: "But I do believe that a woman's truest place is in a home, with a husband and with children, and with large freedom, pecuniary freedom, personal freedom, and the right to vote"

But I do believe that a woman's truest place is in a home, with a husband and with children, and with large freedom, pecuniary freedom, personal freedom, and the right to vote

Al   Stone Quotes: "I get blamed for things I have nothing to do with."

I get blamed for things I have nothing to do with.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Big doors swing on little hinges."

Big doors swing on little hinges.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The first casualty of war is innocence."

The first casualty of war is innocence.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I thought it might be a good move to get into a beauty contest so I tried for Miss Pennsylvania and won. I think that helped me get noticed, at least by the people of Pennsylvania."

I thought it might be a good move to get into a beauty contest so I tried for Miss Pennsylvania and won. I think that helped me get noticed, at least by the people of Pennsylvania.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Breathing determines emotion. Emotion determines breathing."

Breathing determines emotion. Emotion determines breathing.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Sometimes the things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise."

Sometimes the things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you couldn't tell the difference between what hurt and what didn't, you had no business being alive. You can't have any good times if you can't tell."

If you couldn't tell the difference between what hurt and what didn't, you had no business being alive. You can't have any good times if you can't tell.

Al   Stone Quotes: "All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual."

All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Drama is this incredibly vulnerable thing, but with comedy, you have to have a sense of rhythm and be very sensitive to the pace of things."

Drama is this incredibly vulnerable thing, but with comedy, you have to have a sense of rhythm and be very sensitive to the pace of things.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It's a perfectly human instinct to want to be near water."

It's a perfectly human instinct to want to be near water.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I understand what it's like to go to hospitals and there's no medicine, and the best thing you have to give the patients is compassion."

I understand what it's like to go to hospitals and there's no medicine, and the best thing you have to give the patients is compassion.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Your mind is your invisible talisman. The letters PMA (positive mental attitude) are emblazoned on one side, and NMA (negative mental attitude) on the other. These are powerful forces."

Your mind is your invisible talisman. The letters PMA (positive mental attitude) are emblazoned on one side, and NMA (negative mental attitude) on the other. These are powerful forces.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I think I am aging, but I'm enjoying the process."

I think I am aging, but I'm enjoying the process.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I want to feel all my feelings, to have every feeling a person can have and never not feel it."

I want to feel all my feelings, to have every feeling a person can have and never not feel it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "How difficult it is to be simple."

How difficult it is to be simple.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Well, I think when we can turn to the person sitting next to us and really see them with kindness and see ourselves reflected back - when there's some dignity and compassion traveling back and forth."

Well, I think when we can turn to the person sitting next to us and really see them with kindness and see ourselves reflected back - when there's some dignity and compassion traveling back and forth.

Al   Stone Quotes: "You can only sleep your way to the middle; you have to claw your way to the top."

You can only sleep your way to the middle; you have to claw your way to the top.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I wish I gardened. I don't have a space for a garden. I'm in an apartment in New York but I do lots of stuff. I read and write and hang out with people. I go see movies."

I wish I gardened. I don't have a space for a garden. I'm in an apartment in New York but I do lots of stuff. I read and write and hang out with people. I go see movies.

Al   Stone Quotes: "My life is PG-13 sometimes, and I really want Josh Grogan to propose to me, and he just won't do it."

My life is PG-13 sometimes, and I really want Josh Grogan to propose to me, and he just won't do it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "In Hollywood - and indeed, the world - a lot of women only think about themselves in the context of men. It's truly sad."

In Hollywood - and indeed, the world - a lot of women only think about themselves in the context of men. It's truly sad.

Al   Stone Quotes: "My favorite thing about movies is the ending and so all my favorite movies have really great endings."

My favorite thing about movies is the ending and so all my favorite movies have really great endings.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I am a Libertarian Republican in the Goldwater style."

I am a Libertarian Republican in the Goldwater style.

Al   Stone Quotes: "You won't hear me saying I have no body issues because I wouldn't be human if I didn't."

You won't hear me saying I have no body issues because I wouldn't be human if I didn't.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you act like you know what you're going, you can do anything you want - except neurosurgery."

If you act like you know what you're going, you can do anything you want - except neurosurgery.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Life is good. Or at least, it's always interesting."

Life is good. Or at least, it's always interesting.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Taylor is a musician who does things under her own name and tells her own stories-her songs and her albums are her."

Taylor is a musician who does things under her own name and tells her own stories-her songs and her albums are her.