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Al Stone Quotes

Find the best Al Stone quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Al Stone quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There's an electrical thing about movies."

There's an electrical thing about movies.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I would like to learn, or remember, how to live."

I would like to learn, or remember, how to live.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It's like a puzzle, putting together your individual accent and what you grew up with or what you heard. It must be insane to be a dialect coach, to balance all that out."

It's like a puzzle, putting together your individual accent and what you grew up with or what you heard. It must be insane to be a dialect coach, to balance all that out.

Al   Stone Quotes: "There's something uniquely aggravating about the smugness of liberal Hollywood."

There's something uniquely aggravating about the smugness of liberal Hollywood.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The past assumes the nature of the present."

The past assumes the nature of the present.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Depending on which day, and how I am feeling on that day, I have a different favorite song on the album. One day it might be 'Karma', and other days it is 'Stay For A While'"

Depending on which day, and how I am feeling on that day, I have a different favorite song on the album. One day it might be 'Karma', and other days it is 'Stay For A While'

Al   Stone Quotes: "I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a congress."

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a congress.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I've never thought of myself as a great beauty -- just a great magician."

I've never thought of myself as a great beauty -- just a great magician.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I can have an androgynous quality."

I can have an androgynous quality.

Al   Stone Quotes: "...and rout the magical mystical moonlight with fierce proof of its own greater power to light, to heat, to make everything known."

...and rout the magical mystical moonlight with fierce proof of its own greater power to light, to heat, to make everything known.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Stardom is no longer the fuel of my soul. It is the deeper aspects of life that nurture me. And I realise I am very blessed."

Stardom is no longer the fuel of my soul. It is the deeper aspects of life that nurture me. And I realise I am very blessed.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Conspiracy nut, leftist, madman. These are terms of dismissal so you don't have to listen to the argument. It would be healthier and more fun to hear what someone has to say."

Conspiracy nut, leftist, madman. These are terms of dismissal so you don't have to listen to the argument. It would be healthier and more fun to hear what someone has to say.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I haven't always been the person I am today. I came into loving myself more than anything or anyone else."

I haven't always been the person I am today. I came into loving myself more than anything or anyone else.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I can be strong for everybody except myself. I can tell somebody, 'Hey, keep it together', but I can't take my own advice."

I can be strong for everybody except myself. I can tell somebody, 'Hey, keep it together', but I can't take my own advice.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I couldn't stop looking at the award when I received it. It was as if my whole career flashed in front of me, from beginning to the moment I was handed the Golden Globe."

I couldn't stop looking at the award when I received it. It was as if my whole career flashed in front of me, from beginning to the moment I was handed the Golden Globe.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I think that many people in history who had power were bumped off because they had power."

I think that many people in history who had power were bumped off because they had power.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Time needs another minute."

Time needs another minute.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I know not what you believe of God, but I believe He gave yearnings and longings to be filled, and that He did not mean all our time should be devoted to feeding and clothing the body"

I know not what you believe of God, but I believe He gave yearnings and longings to be filled, and that He did not mean all our time should be devoted to feeding and clothing the body

Al   Stone Quotes: "I guess every musician looks forward to a point where they can just kind of make an album that truly is like a nice art album."

I guess every musician looks forward to a point where they can just kind of make an album that truly is like a nice art album.

Al   Stone Quotes: "He had always loved God. In his darkest hours he cried out, "God did not create us to abandon us."

He had always loved God. In his darkest hours he cried out, "God did not create us to abandon us.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I love to see movies and just other embarrassing stuff."

I love to see movies and just other embarrassing stuff.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The desires of the heart...are as crooked as a corkscrew."

The desires of the heart...are as crooked as a corkscrew.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I did a guest appearance on The Practice and loved it."

I did a guest appearance on The Practice and loved it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "One parody is worth a thousand polemics."

One parody is worth a thousand polemics.

Al   Stone Quotes: "He had been standing still; for an artist, one of the more painful forms of death."

He had been standing still; for an artist, one of the more painful forms of death.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I more remember the periods of time when I wasn't getting any auditions. That's more what I find painful in memory; that feeling of not even getting the chance to try and be rejected."

I more remember the periods of time when I wasn't getting any auditions. That's more what I find painful in memory; that feeling of not even getting the chance to try and be rejected.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I've never played someone where I felt it was beneficial to build from the outside in."

I've never played someone where I felt it was beneficial to build from the outside in.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I drive with my knees. Otherwise, how can I put on my lipstick and talk on my phone?"

I drive with my knees. Otherwise, how can I put on my lipstick and talk on my phone?

Al   Stone Quotes: "I do believe there are leaders who are like lightning and they come along and they lead. The Lincolns of the world, the Alexander the Greats, they do exist. They have existed."

I do believe there are leaders who are like lightning and they come along and they lead. The Lincolns of the world, the Alexander the Greats, they do exist. They have existed.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Each arc of color may be lovely to behold, but it is the full spectrum of our woman rainbow that glows with the brightest promise of better things to come."

Each arc of color may be lovely to behold, but it is the full spectrum of our woman rainbow that glows with the brightest promise of better things to come.

Al   Stone Quotes: "It's interesting that when economic times were the hardest, that's when many people embraced liberalism."

It's interesting that when economic times were the hardest, that's when many people embraced liberalism.

Al   Stone Quotes: "The most heartbreaking things are the ones that are sometimes the truest."

The most heartbreaking things are the ones that are sometimes the truest.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you want to have plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, live it up; go ahead and have it. But if you don't want to have it, don't have it."

If you want to have plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, live it up; go ahead and have it. But if you don't want to have it, don't have it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "At Twitter, mobile is in our DNA ... For us, it's all about mobile, and it always has been."

At Twitter, mobile is in our DNA ... For us, it's all about mobile, and it always has been.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Everybody says "love you" to each other all the time. It's this lovely little safe world."

Everybody says "love you" to each other all the time. It's this lovely little safe world.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Well, you go to Holland and everybody's on a bike - nobody would think to have a car."

Well, you go to Holland and everybody's on a bike - nobody would think to have a car.

Al   Stone Quotes: "You can never judge how the film will be taken; you can only make your best effort, and put out what you feel. How it's read, you never can tell. Or remembered for that matter."

You can never judge how the film will be taken; you can only make your best effort, and put out what you feel. How it's read, you never can tell. Or remembered for that matter.

Al   Stone Quotes: "But I suppose film is distinctive because of its nature, of its being able to cut through time with editing."

But I suppose film is distinctive because of its nature, of its being able to cut through time with editing.

Al   Stone Quotes: "To become an expert achiever in any human activity, it takes practice... practice... practice."

To become an expert achiever in any human activity, it takes practice... practice... practice.

Al   Stone Quotes: "People hunger for more attention. Full attention will be the aphrodisiac of the future."

People hunger for more attention. Full attention will be the aphrodisiac of the future.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Time is one of our most valuable possessions. Use it wisely. Remind yourselves often that things that matter most should not be left to the mercy of things that matter the least."

Time is one of our most valuable possessions. Use it wisely. Remind yourselves often that things that matter most should not be left to the mercy of things that matter the least.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Gambles are the most fun because it's part of being an actor or being a creative person. It's risky only in the vulnerable sense. And then outside of that, no one gets too hurt by it."

Gambles are the most fun because it's part of being an actor or being a creative person. It's risky only in the vulnerable sense. And then outside of that, no one gets too hurt by it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "When you're young, you get blamed for crimes that you didn't commit. When you are old, you get credit for virtues that you never had. I guess it all evens out in the end."

When you're young, you get blamed for crimes that you didn't commit. When you are old, you get credit for virtues that you never had. I guess it all evens out in the end.

Al   Stone Quotes: "Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush"

Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush

Al   Stone Quotes: "We are seeing entertainment become politics and we're seeing people acting out in ways that are extremely violent and destabilizing. No rules apply. We're in an era of no rules now, it seems."

We are seeing entertainment become politics and we're seeing people acting out in ways that are extremely violent and destabilizing. No rules apply. We're in an era of no rules now, it seems.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I never owned a pair of blue jeans until I met my second wife."

I never owned a pair of blue jeans until I met my second wife.

Al   Stone Quotes: "All you have to do is wear a hat, dark glasses and carry a Greek newspaper."

All you have to do is wear a hat, dark glasses and carry a Greek newspaper.

Al   Stone Quotes: "If you know what you want, you can find a way to get it."

If you know what you want, you can find a way to get it.

Al   Stone Quotes: "I make my films like you're going to die if you miss the next minute. You better not go get popcorn."

I make my films like you're going to die if you miss the next minute. You better not go get popcorn.