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Ann Coulter Quotes

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Ann Coulter Quotes: "Anorexics never have boyfriends. ... That's one way to know you don't have anorexia, if you have a boyfriend."

Anorexics never have boyfriends. ... That's one way to know you don't have anorexia, if you have a boyfriend.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Ironically, since Obama was elected, for the first time in my life I'm sometimes not proud of my country."

Ironically, since Obama was elected, for the first time in my life I'm sometimes not proud of my country.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I note that [Benazir] Bhutto demonstrates her own deep commitment to democracy by giving herself the title chairperson for life of the Pakistan Peoples Party."

I note that [Benazir] Bhutto demonstrates her own deep commitment to democracy by giving herself the title chairperson for life of the Pakistan Peoples Party.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Conservatives have a problem with women. For that matter, all men do."

Conservatives have a problem with women. For that matter, all men do.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Being anti-war in Hollywood was an act of bravery on the order of the keynote speaker at a PLO dinner making jokes about Ariel Sharon."

Being anti-war in Hollywood was an act of bravery on the order of the keynote speaker at a PLO dinner making jokes about Ariel Sharon.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Liberals don't have to emerge from the hot tub and start attending NASCAR races or - God forbid - church, but it would be nice if they'd stop lying all the time."

Liberals don't have to emerge from the hot tub and start attending NASCAR races or - God forbid - church, but it would be nice if they'd stop lying all the time.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "The fact that a Republican is in the late Senator Kennedy's old seat probably must have him rolling in his grave, probably spilling his drink."

The fact that a Republican is in the late Senator Kennedy's old seat probably must have him rolling in his grave, probably spilling his drink.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "These days, even a moderate Democrat is someone who thinks you shouldn't be taught fisting until you're at least 12 years old."

These days, even a moderate Democrat is someone who thinks you shouldn't be taught fisting until you're at least 12 years old.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Democrats are firm believers in the welfare state for their own constituents, whether that's a crack addict mother of five or a Wall Street banker."

Democrats are firm believers in the welfare state for their own constituents, whether that's a crack addict mother of five or a Wall Street banker.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "For years, Mount Holyoke professor Joseph 'Full Metal Jacket' Ellis had been regaling students, interviewers and friends with gripping stories of his service in Vietnam."

For years, Mount Holyoke professor Joseph 'Full Metal Jacket' Ellis had been regaling students, interviewers and friends with gripping stories of his service in Vietnam.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the president."

We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the president.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Frankly, I'm getting a lot of great publicity."

Frankly, I'm getting a lot of great publicity.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "A cruise missile is more important than Head Start."

A cruise missile is more important than Head Start.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "...while a sane world would not employ 5-foot-tall grandmothers as law enforcement officers, a sane world would also not give full body-cavity searches to 5-foot-tall grandmothers at airports."

...while a sane world would not employ 5-foot-tall grandmothers as law enforcement officers, a sane world would also not give full body-cavity searches to 5-foot-tall grandmothers at airports.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "NBC's The West Wing is an icon for bad stories; Gitmo is a place where we keep an eye on evil, dangerous people who want to kill us."

NBC's The West Wing is an icon for bad stories; Gitmo is a place where we keep an eye on evil, dangerous people who want to kill us.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Invalidating laws has absolutely nothing to do with judicial activism. It depends on whether the law is unconstitutional or not. That's really the key point."

Invalidating laws has absolutely nothing to do with judicial activism. It depends on whether the law is unconstitutional or not. That's really the key point.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Here's a foolproof method for keeping America safe. Always do the exact 180-degree opposite of whatever [Jimmy] Carter says, as quickly as possible."

Here's a foolproof method for keeping America safe. Always do the exact 180-degree opposite of whatever [Jimmy] Carter says, as quickly as possible.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "David Axelrod says we need to inspire more young people to be journalists? How about inspiring journalists to be journalists?"

David Axelrod says we need to inspire more young people to be journalists? How about inspiring journalists to be journalists?

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Blacks have a special history, since they were enslaved and were here as early as the first Americans. I hate to sound like a liberal but these are facts. That makes blacks a special group."

Blacks have a special history, since they were enslaved and were here as early as the first Americans. I hate to sound like a liberal but these are facts. That makes blacks a special group.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Right before The Civil War, only 8% of white people owned slaves. Some plantations would have hundreds and hundreds of slaves, but the vast majority of whites didn't have any."

Right before The Civil War, only 8% of white people owned slaves. Some plantations would have hundreds and hundreds of slaves, but the vast majority of whites didn't have any.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I'm against reparations. At this point, blacks should just be handing money to themselves."

I'm against reparations. At this point, blacks should just be handing money to themselves.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "The only question I'd be interested in is what books other celebrities have read recently, which is part of my campaign to promote reading."

The only question I'd be interested in is what books other celebrities have read recently, which is part of my campaign to promote reading.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Yes, of course, black Americans are a special group, and I'm disappointed that they're not Republicans, given our traditions. We're not getting much love in return, despite our efforts."

Yes, of course, black Americans are a special group, and I'm disappointed that they're not Republicans, given our traditions. We're not getting much love in return, despite our efforts.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I wouldn't know all that I do about history, if I spent my time watching cartoons and other TV shows."

I wouldn't know all that I do about history, if I spent my time watching cartoons and other TV shows.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Science is something that you have facts. They can be tested. They can be checked. Heterosexual AIDS, another one."

Science is something that you have facts. They can be tested. They can be checked. Heterosexual AIDS, another one.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "Lawyers tend to be bright people. They tend to be-much more than many journalists I've encountered-sticklers for detail and accuracy, and they have a logical way of arguing."

Lawyers tend to be bright people. They tend to be-much more than many journalists I've encountered-sticklers for detail and accuracy, and they have a logical way of arguing.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I don't really understand the point about carping about every casualty, every bombing, every death. War is hell. That's why people say war is hell."

I don't really understand the point about carping about every casualty, every bombing, every death. War is hell. That's why people say war is hell.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "This is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews."

This is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "If we had complete knowledge, you wouldn't need any intelligence gathering whatsoever. The president isn't god. We do have intelligence gathering."

If we had complete knowledge, you wouldn't need any intelligence gathering whatsoever. The president isn't god. We do have intelligence gathering.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "A married woman, the safest place for any woman to be is at home with her husband."

A married woman, the safest place for any woman to be is at home with her husband.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I support guns and I support the death penalty. Half of my interviews are convincing liberals they're not liberal."

I support guns and I support the death penalty. Half of my interviews are convincing liberals they're not liberal.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I think being called a she-devil by a trial lawyer is meant as a compliment."

I think being called a she-devil by a trial lawyer is meant as a compliment.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "I never wanted to be famous and the only part I like is that it means people are reading my books and listening to me on TV and radio."

I never wanted to be famous and the only part I like is that it means people are reading my books and listening to me on TV and radio.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "The most we can hope for is strong marriages. Married women vote Republican; single women vote Democratic."

The most we can hope for is strong marriages. Married women vote Republican; single women vote Democratic.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "What I and other commentators do is attempt to move the public opinion. We try to change minds."

What I and other commentators do is attempt to move the public opinion. We try to change minds.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "From the people who brought you "zero tolerance, " I present the Gun-Free Zone! Yippee! Problem solved! Bam! Bam! Everybody down! Hey, how did that deranged loner get a gun into this Gun-Free Zone?"

From the people who brought you "zero tolerance, " I present the Gun-Free Zone! Yippee! Problem solved! Bam! Bam! Everybody down! Hey, how did that deranged loner get a gun into this Gun-Free Zone?

Ann Coulter Quotes: "For most Americans, our most precious possession is citizenship in this amazing country."

For most Americans, our most precious possession is citizenship in this amazing country.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now."

We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

Ann Coulter Quotes: "There's nothing good about diversity, other than the food, and we don't need 128 million Mexicans for the restaurants."

There's nothing good about diversity, other than the food, and we don't need 128 million Mexicans for the restaurants.