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Bill Vaughan Quotes

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Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war."

Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "I return with feelings of misgiving from my third war-I was the first American commander to put his signature to a paper ending a war when we did not win it."

I return with feelings of misgiving from my third war-I was the first American commander to put his signature to a paper ending a war when we did not win it.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him."

If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The man who is always talking about being a gentleman, never is one."

The man who is always talking about being a gentleman, never is one.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Familiarity is the most destructive of all iconoclasts."

Familiarity is the most destructive of all iconoclasts.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "So there is a natural efficiency that you pick up as you can prioritize capital across a bigger set of opportunities."

So there is a natural efficiency that you pick up as you can prioritize capital across a bigger set of opportunities.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The things which must be, must be for the best, God helps us do our duty and not shrink, And trust His mercy humbly for the rest."

The things which must be, must be for the best, God helps us do our duty and not shrink, And trust His mercy humbly for the rest.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "A cancer is not only a physical disease, it is a state of mind."

A cancer is not only a physical disease, it is a state of mind.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Pouter, tumbler, and fantail are from the same source; The racer and hack may be traced to one Horse; So men were developed from monkeys of course, Which nobody can deny."

Pouter, tumbler, and fantail are from the same source; The racer and hack may be traced to one Horse; So men were developed from monkeys of course, Which nobody can deny.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Not armies, not nations, have advanced the race; but here and there, in the course of ages, an individual has stood up and cast his shadow over the world."

Not armies, not nations, have advanced the race; but here and there, in the course of ages, an individual has stood up and cast his shadow over the world.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "It is a great deal easier to do that which God gives us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it."

It is a great deal easier to do that which God gives us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "You only get to keep what you give away."

You only get to keep what you give away.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "In the midst of life we are in debt."

In the midst of life we are in debt.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The guru, if he is gifted, reads the story as any bilingual person might. He does not translate-he understands."

The guru, if he is gifted, reads the story as any bilingual person might. He does not translate-he understands.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Any manwhose love of horses isstronger thanhis fear of being an absurdity is all right with me."

Any manwhose love of horses isstronger thanhis fear of being an absurdity is all right with me.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "I got shot in the head by my own guys in my foxhole. And they didn't even give me an honorable death."

I got shot in the head by my own guys in my foxhole. And they didn't even give me an honorable death.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The cold war was an aberration. Note how quickly the Europeans turned on America once 400 hostile divisions were no longer on their borders."

The cold war was an aberration. Note how quickly the Europeans turned on America once 400 hostile divisions were no longer on their borders.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsions, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom."

Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsions, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Abroad is unutterably bloody and foreigners are fiends."

Abroad is unutterably bloody and foreigners are fiends.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Iraq may get peace and stability through restoring it's sovereignty under participation of all Iraqi factions and sectarian groups, who must rebuild a new democratic, free and independent Iraq."

Iraq may get peace and stability through restoring it's sovereignty under participation of all Iraqi factions and sectarian groups, who must rebuild a new democratic, free and independent Iraq.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "It may be asserted without scruple, that no otherclass of dependants have had their character so entirely distorted from its natural proportions by their relations with their masters."

It may be asserted without scruple, that no otherclass of dependants have had their character so entirely distorted from its natural proportions by their relations with their masters.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Life is about balance too much excess is chaos."

Life is about balance too much excess is chaos.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "There are people in many other states who are cheering us."

There are people in many other states who are cheering us.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Material civilization, nay, even luxury, is necessary to create work for the poor. Bread! Bread! I do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread here, giving me eternal bliss in heaven!"

Material civilization, nay, even luxury, is necessary to create work for the poor. Bread! Bread! I do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread here, giving me eternal bliss in heaven!

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Then years back, when I moved to California, I happened to see a book about fashions of 19th-century Victorian England, only four pages of which was devoted to the dress of the working class."

Then years back, when I moved to California, I happened to see a book about fashions of 19th-century Victorian England, only four pages of which was devoted to the dress of the working class.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "We are wrong to fear superiority of mind and soul; this superiority is very moral, for understanding everything makes a person tolerant and the capacity to feel deeply inspires great goodness."

We are wrong to fear superiority of mind and soul; this superiority is very moral, for understanding everything makes a person tolerant and the capacity to feel deeply inspires great goodness.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "There is a huge antipathy in England between the north and the south, the working class and the owning class."

There is a huge antipathy in England between the north and the south, the working class and the owning class.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Every man seeks the truth, but God only knows who has found it."

Every man seeks the truth, but God only knows who has found it.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The same sun that melts butter hardens clay."

The same sun that melts butter hardens clay.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "At bank, post office or supermarket, there is one universal law which you ignore at your own peril: the shortest line moves the slowest."

At bank, post office or supermarket, there is one universal law which you ignore at your own peril: the shortest line moves the slowest.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The ideal Christmas gift is money, but the trouble is you can't charge it."

The ideal Christmas gift is money, but the trouble is you can't charge it.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "You have to climb to reach a deep thought."

You have to climb to reach a deep thought.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "You know when I was depressed I said I didn't want to live? Well, I'll tell you something - I didn't want to die."

You know when I was depressed I said I didn't want to live? Well, I'll tell you something - I didn't want to die.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "It is only when all our Christian ancestors are allowed to become our contemporaries that the real splendor of the Christian faith and the Christian life begins to dawn upon us."

It is only when all our Christian ancestors are allowed to become our contemporaries that the real splendor of the Christian faith and the Christian life begins to dawn upon us.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Kids are not driving themselves to McDonalds. It's not about kids and their choices. It's about parents and their choices."

Kids are not driving themselves to McDonalds. It's not about kids and their choices. It's about parents and their choices.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "It is possible that our race may be an accident, in a meaningless universe, living its brief life uncared for, on this dark, cooling star"

It is possible that our race may be an accident, in a meaningless universe, living its brief life uncared for, on this dark, cooling star

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The great soul that sits on the throne of the universe is not, never was, and never will be, in a hurry."

The great soul that sits on the throne of the universe is not, never was, and never will be, in a hurry.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Calamity was ordained for man."

Calamity was ordained for man.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "It's a real triumph taking a painting out from a pit-hole with a loose and open approach. Some aspects in its favour are those strange accidents that can produce amazing results."

It's a real triumph taking a painting out from a pit-hole with a loose and open approach. Some aspects in its favour are those strange accidents that can produce amazing results.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The test of an abstract picture, for me, is not my first reaction to it, but how long I can stand it hanging on the wall of a room where I am living."

The test of an abstract picture, for me, is not my first reaction to it, but how long I can stand it hanging on the wall of a room where I am living.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Salinger is a master of the memorable detail, the seemingly random gesture, the debris of mundane daily operations, the stuff that is left out of any analysis."

Salinger is a master of the memorable detail, the seemingly random gesture, the debris of mundane daily operations, the stuff that is left out of any analysis.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The nature of our constitution makes eloquence more useful and more necessary in this country than in any other in Europe."

The nature of our constitution makes eloquence more useful and more necessary in this country than in any other in Europe.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Let dull critics feed upon the carcases of plays; give me the taste and the dressing."

Let dull critics feed upon the carcases of plays; give me the taste and the dressing.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "The finger of God never leaves identical fingerprints."

The finger of God never leaves identical fingerprints.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Experience is something I always think I have until I get more of it."

Experience is something I always think I have until I get more of it.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Nothing is more irritating than not being invited to a party you wouldn''t be seen dead at"

Nothing is more irritating than not being invited to a party you wouldn''t be seen dead at

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "In the next century it will be the early mechanical bird which get the first plastic worm out of the artificial grass."

In the next century it will be the early mechanical bird which get the first plastic worm out of the artificial grass.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Someday there is going to be a book about a middle-aged man with a good job, a beautiful wife and two lovely children who still manages to be happy."

Someday there is going to be a book about a middle-aged man with a good job, a beautiful wife and two lovely children who still manages to be happy.

Bill Vaughan Quotes: "Whether it is fun to go to bed with a good book depends a great deal on who's reading it."

Whether it is fun to go to bed with a good book depends a great deal on who's reading it.