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Blaise Pascal Quotes

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Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All evil stems from this-that we do. Know how to handle your solitude."

All evil stems from this-that we do. Know how to handle your solitude.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Each one is all in all to himself; for being dead, all is dead to him."

Each one is all in all to himself; for being dead, all is dead to him.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Eloquence is the painting of thought."

Eloquence is the painting of thought.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Not to be mad is another form of madness"

Not to be mad is another form of madness

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Thinking too little about things or thinking too much both make us obstinate and fanatical."

Thinking too little about things or thinking too much both make us obstinate and fanatical.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Law was once introduced without reason, and has become reasonable."

Law was once introduced without reason, and has become reasonable.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Men seek rest in a struggle against difficulties; and when they have conquered these, rest becomes insufferable."

Men seek rest in a struggle against difficulties; and when they have conquered these, rest becomes insufferable.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Il n'est pas certain que tout soit incertain. (Translation: It is not certain that everything is uncertain.)"

Il n'est pas certain que tout soit incertain. (Translation: It is not certain that everything is uncertain.)

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All that tends not to charity is figurative. The sole aim of the Scripture is charity."

All that tends not to charity is figurative. The sole aim of the Scripture is charity.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All is one, all is different. How many natures exist in man? How many vocations? And by what chance does each man ordinarily choose what he has heard praised?"

All is one, all is different. How many natures exist in man? How many vocations? And by what chance does each man ordinarily choose what he has heard praised?

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Nothing is so conformable to reason as to disavow reason."

Nothing is so conformable to reason as to disavow reason.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We must know where to doubt, where to feel certain, where to submit. He who does not do so, understands not the force of reason."

We must know where to doubt, where to feel certain, where to submit. He who does not do so, understands not the force of reason.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Habit is a second nature that destroys the first. But what is nature? Why is habit not natural? I am very much afraid that nature itself is only a first habit, just as habit is a second nature."

Habit is a second nature that destroys the first. But what is nature? Why is habit not natural? I am very much afraid that nature itself is only a first habit, just as habit is a second nature.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The philosophers talk to you about the dignity of man, and they tempt you to pride, or they talk to you about the misery of man, and they tempt you to despair."

The philosophers talk to you about the dignity of man, and they tempt you to pride, or they talk to you about the misery of man, and they tempt you to despair.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The sum of a man's problems come from his inability to be alone in a silent room."

The sum of a man's problems come from his inability to be alone in a silent room.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Civil wars are the greatest of evils. They are inevitable, if we wish to reward merit, for all will say that they are meritorious."

Civil wars are the greatest of evils. They are inevitable, if we wish to reward merit, for all will say that they are meritorious.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Do you wish people to speak well of you? Then do not speak at all yourself."

Do you wish people to speak well of you? Then do not speak at all yourself.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If you believe in God you are at no disadvantage in this life, and at considerable advantage in the next. If you do not believe, but find in the next that there was a next, you are most unfortunate!"

If you believe in God you are at no disadvantage in this life, and at considerable advantage in the next. If you do not believe, but find in the next that there was a next, you are most unfortunate!

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The imagination enlarges little objects so as to fill our souls with a fantastic estimate; and, with rash insolence, it belittles the great to its own measure, as when talking of God."

The imagination enlarges little objects so as to fill our souls with a fantastic estimate; and, with rash insolence, it belittles the great to its own measure, as when talking of God.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Dans une grande a" me tout est grand. In a great soul everything isgreat."

Dans une grande a" me tout est grand. In a great soul everything isgreat.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "L'on a beau se cacher a' soi-me" me, l'on aime toujours. We vainly conceal from ourselves the fact that we are always in love."

L'on a beau se cacher a' soi-me" me, l'on aime toujours. We vainly conceal from ourselves the fact that we are always in love.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Admiration spoils all from infancy."

Admiration spoils all from infancy.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If magistrates had true justice, and if physicians had the true art of healing, they would have no occasion for square caps; the majesty of these sciences would itself be venerable enough."

If magistrates had true justice, and if physicians had the true art of healing, they would have no occasion for square caps; the majesty of these sciences would itself be venerable enough.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Let us weigh the gain and the loss, in wagering that God is. Consider these alternatives: if you win, you win all, if you lose you lose nothing. Do not hesitate, then, to wager that he is."

Let us weigh the gain and the loss, in wagering that God is. Consider these alternatives: if you win, you win all, if you lose you lose nothing. Do not hesitate, then, to wager that he is.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Those honor nature well, who teach that she can speak on everything..."

Those honor nature well, who teach that she can speak on everything...

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "How vain painting is-we admire the realistic depiction of objects which in their original state we don't admire at all."

How vain painting is-we admire the realistic depiction of objects which in their original state we don't admire at all.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "I should not be a Christian but for the miracles."

I should not be a Christian but for the miracles.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "La dernie' re chose qu'on trouve en faisant un ouvrage, est de savoir celle qu'il faut mettre la premie' re. The last thing one discovers in composing a work iswhat to put first."

La dernie' re chose qu'on trouve en faisant un ouvrage, est de savoir celle qu'il faut mettre la premie' re. The last thing one discovers in composing a work iswhat to put first.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Our natures lie in motion, without which we die."

Our natures lie in motion, without which we die.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Who dispenses reputation? Who makes us respect and revere persons, works, laws, the great? Who but this faculty of imagination? All the riches of the earth are inadequate without its approval."

Who dispenses reputation? Who makes us respect and revere persons, works, laws, the great? Who but this faculty of imagination? All the riches of the earth are inadequate without its approval.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "By thought I embrace the universe."

By thought I embrace the universe.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Those whom we call ancient were really new in all things, and properly constituted the infancy of mankind."

Those whom we call ancient were really new in all things, and properly constituted the infancy of mankind.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Rivers are highways that move on and bear us whither we wish to go."

Rivers are highways that move on and bear us whither we wish to go.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is an appalling thing to feel all one possesses drain away."

It is an appalling thing to feel all one possesses drain away.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Necessity, that great refuge and excuse for human frailty, breaks through all law; and he is not to be accounted in fault whose crime is not the effect of choice, but force."

Necessity, that great refuge and excuse for human frailty, breaks through all law; and he is not to be accounted in fault whose crime is not the effect of choice, but force.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Let us now speak according to natural lights. If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible. . . . We are then incapable of knowing of either what He is or if He is. . . ."

Let us now speak according to natural lights. If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible. . . . We are then incapable of knowing of either what He is or if He is. . . .

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "An advocate who has been well paid in advance will find the cause he is pleading all the more just."

An advocate who has been well paid in advance will find the cause he is pleading all the more just.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Everything that is incomprehensible does not, however, cease to exist."

Everything that is incomprehensible does not, however, cease to exist.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The sole cause of all human misery is the inability of people to sit quietly in their rooms."

The sole cause of all human misery is the inability of people to sit quietly in their rooms.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We are never in search of things, but always in search of the search."

We are never in search of things, but always in search of the search.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All the miseries of mankind come from one thing, not knowing how to remain alone."

All the miseries of mankind come from one thing, not knowing how to remain alone.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "That which makes us go so far for love is that we never think that we might have need of anything besides that which we love."

That which makes us go so far for love is that we never think that we might have need of anything besides that which we love.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Notre nature est dans le mouvement; le repos entier est la mort. Our nature consists in movement; absolute rest is death."

Notre nature est dans le mouvement; le repos entier est la mort. Our nature consists in movement; absolute rest is death.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "L'homme n'est qu'un sujet plein d'erreur, naturelle et ineffa c° able sans la gra" ce. Man is nothing but a subject full of natural error that cannot be eradicated except through grace."

L'homme n'est qu'un sujet plein d'erreur, naturelle et ineffa c° able sans la gra" ce. Man is nothing but a subject full of natural error that cannot be eradicated except through grace.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "What are our natural principles but principles of custom?"

What are our natural principles but principles of custom?

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All men naturally hate each other. We have used concupiscence as best we can to make it serve the common good, but this is mere sham and a false image of charity, for essentially it is just hate."

All men naturally hate each other. We have used concupiscence as best we can to make it serve the common good, but this is mere sham and a false image of charity, for essentially it is just hate.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Condition de l'homme: inconstance, ennui, inquie tude. Man's condition. Inconstancy, boredom, anxiety."

Condition de l'homme: inconstance, ennui, inquie tude. Man's condition. Inconstancy, boredom, anxiety.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Notwithstanding the sight of all our miseries, which press upon us and take us by the throat, we have an instinct which we cannot repress, and which lifts us up."

Notwithstanding the sight of all our miseries, which press upon us and take us by the throat, we have an instinct which we cannot repress, and which lifts us up.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "When a man who accepts the Christian doctrine lives unworthily of it, it is much clearer to say he is a bad Christian than to say he is not a Christian."

When a man who accepts the Christian doctrine lives unworthily of it, it is much clearer to say he is a bad Christian than to say he is not a Christian.