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Blaise Pascal Quotes

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Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The pagans do not know God, and love only the earth. The Jews know the true God, and love only the earth. The Christians know the true God, and do not love the earth."

The pagans do not know God, and love only the earth. The Jews know the true God, and love only the earth. The Christians know the true God, and do not love the earth.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Not only do we know God through Jesus Christ, we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ."

Not only do we know God through Jesus Christ, we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Orthodoxy on one side of the Pyrenees may be heresy on the other."

Orthodoxy on one side of the Pyrenees may be heresy on the other.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The past and present are only our means; the future is always our end. Thus we never really live, but only hope to live."

The past and present are only our means; the future is always our end. Thus we never really live, but only hope to live.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "This is what I see, and what troubles me. I look on all sides, and everywhere I see nothing but obscurity. Nature offers me nothing that is not a matter of doubt and disquiet."

This is what I see, and what troubles me. I look on all sides, and everywhere I see nothing but obscurity. Nature offers me nothing that is not a matter of doubt and disquiet.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The parts of the universe ... all are connected with each other in such a way that I think it to be impossible to understand any one without the whole."

The parts of the universe ... all are connected with each other in such a way that I think it to be impossible to understand any one without the whole.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Losses are comparative; imagination only makes them of any moment."

Losses are comparative; imagination only makes them of any moment.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The whole title by which you possess your property, is not a title of nature but of a human institution."

The whole title by which you possess your property, is not a title of nature but of a human institution.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "E? loquence quipersuade par douceur, non par empire, en tyran, non en roi. Eloquence should persuade gently, not by force or like a tyrant or king."

E? loquence quipersuade par douceur, non par empire, en tyran, non en roi. Eloquence should persuade gently, not by force or like a tyrant or king.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Justice is as much a matter of fashion as charm is."

Justice is as much a matter of fashion as charm is.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Eloquence; it requires the pleasant and the real; but the pleasant must itself be drawn from the true."

Eloquence; it requires the pleasant and the real; but the pleasant must itself be drawn from the true.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We see neither justice nor injustice which does not change its nature with change in climate. Three degrees of latitude reverse all jurisprudence; a meridian decides the truth."

We see neither justice nor injustice which does not change its nature with change in climate. Three degrees of latitude reverse all jurisprudence; a meridian decides the truth.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Eloquence is a painting of thought; and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait."

Eloquence is a painting of thought; and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Flies are so mighty that they win battles, paralyse our minds, eat up our bodies."

Flies are so mighty that they win battles, paralyse our minds, eat up our bodies.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth."

It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Fire. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars. I will not forget thy word. Amen."

Fire. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars. I will not forget thy word. Amen.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "When we read too fast or too slowly, we understand nothing."

When we read too fast or too slowly, we understand nothing.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Lust is the source of all our actions, and humanity."

Lust is the source of all our actions, and humanity.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "No animal admires another animal."

No animal admires another animal.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Our own interests are still an exquisite means for dazzling our eyes agreeably."

Our own interests are still an exquisite means for dazzling our eyes agreeably.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Men are so completely fools by necessity that he is but a fool in a higher strain of folly who does not confess his foolishness."

Men are so completely fools by necessity that he is but a fool in a higher strain of folly who does not confess his foolishness.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is the contest that delights us, and not the victory."

It is the contest that delights us, and not the victory.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "(Man,) the glory and the scandal of the universe."

(Man,) the glory and the scandal of the universe.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is not in Montaigne, but in myself, that I find all that I see in him."

It is not in Montaigne, but in myself, that I find all that I see in him.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Thought makes the whole dignity of man; therefore endeavor to think well, that is the only morality."

Thought makes the whole dignity of man; therefore endeavor to think well, that is the only morality.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Amusement that is excessive and followed only for its own sake, allures and deceives us."

Amusement that is excessive and followed only for its own sake, allures and deceives us.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All men seek happiness. There are no exceptions.... This is the motive of every act of every man, including those who go and hang themselves."

All men seek happiness. There are no exceptions.... This is the motive of every act of every man, including those who go and hang themselves.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Nothing is surer than that the people will be weak."

Nothing is surer than that the people will be weak.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Bless yourself with holy water, have Masses said, and so on; by a simple and natural process this will make you believe, and will dull you - will quiet your proudly critical intellect."

Bless yourself with holy water, have Masses said, and so on; by a simple and natural process this will make you believe, and will dull you - will quiet your proudly critical intellect.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If men knew themselves, God would heal and pardon them."

If men knew themselves, God would heal and pardon them.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The statements of atheists ought to be perfectly clear of doubt. Now it is not perfectly clear that the soul is material."

The statements of atheists ought to be perfectly clear of doubt. Now it is not perfectly clear that the soul is material.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The mind naturally makes progress, and the will naturally clings to objects; so that for want of right objects, it will attach itself to wrong ones."

The mind naturally makes progress, and the will naturally clings to objects; so that for want of right objects, it will attach itself to wrong ones.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "How hollow is the heart of man, and how full of excrement!"

How hollow is the heart of man, and how full of excrement!

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Either God exists or He doesn't. Either I believe in God or I don't. Of the four possibilities, only one is to my disadvantage. To avoid that possibility, I believe in God."

Either God exists or He doesn't. Either I believe in God or I don't. Of the four possibilities, only one is to my disadvantage. To avoid that possibility, I believe in God.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The Church limits her sacramental services to the faithful. Christ gave Himself upon the cross a ransom for all."

The Church limits her sacramental services to the faithful. Christ gave Himself upon the cross a ransom for all.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?"

How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The world is satisfied with words. Few appreciate the things beneath. [Fr., Le monde se paye de paroles; peu approfondissement les choses.]"

The world is satisfied with words. Few appreciate the things beneath. [Fr., Le monde se paye de paroles; peu approfondissement les choses.]

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "At the centre of every human being is a God-shaped vacuum which can only be filled by Jesus Christ."

At the centre of every human being is a God-shaped vacuum which can only be filled by Jesus Christ.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Continuous eloquence is tedious."

Continuous eloquence is tedious.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If man were happy, he would be the more so, the less he was diverted, like the saints and God."

If man were happy, he would be the more so, the less he was diverted, like the saints and God.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Man governs himself more by impulse than reason"

Man governs himself more by impulse than reason

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Look for the truth, it wants to be found."

Look for the truth, it wants to be found.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "True eloquence makes light of eloquence. True morality makes light of morality."

True eloquence makes light of eloquence. True morality makes light of morality.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The heart has its reasons, which Reason does not know. We feel it in a thousand things. It is the heart which feels God, and not Reason. This, then, is perfect faith: God felt in the heart."

The heart has its reasons, which Reason does not know. We feel it in a thousand things. It is the heart which feels God, and not Reason. This, then, is perfect faith: God felt in the heart.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Why God has instituted Prayer:— To communicate to his creatures the dignity of causation."

Why God has instituted Prayer:— To communicate to his creatures the dignity of causation.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is a dangerous experiment to call in gratitude as an ally to love. Love is a debt which inclination always pays, obligation never."

It is a dangerous experiment to call in gratitude as an ally to love. Love is a debt which inclination always pays, obligation never.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The eternal Being is forever if he is at all."

The eternal Being is forever if he is at all.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Man is so made that if he is told often enough that he is a fool he believes it."

Man is so made that if he is told often enough that he is a fool he believes it.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If a soldier or labourer complain of the hardship of his lot, set him to do nothing."

If a soldier or labourer complain of the hardship of his lot, set him to do nothing.