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Blaise Pascal Quotes

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Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Reason's last step is to acknowledge that there are infinitely many things beyond it."

Reason's last step is to acknowledge that there are infinitely many things beyond it.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If he exalts himself, I humble him. If he humbles himself, I exalt him. And I go on contradicting him Until he understands That he is a monster that passes all understanding."

If he exalts himself, I humble him. If he humbles himself, I exalt him. And I go on contradicting him Until he understands That he is a monster that passes all understanding.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Those we call the ancients were really new in everything."

Those we call the ancients were really new in everything.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "When some passion or effect is described in a natural style, we find within ourselves the truth of what we hear, without knowing it was there."

When some passion or effect is described in a natural style, we find within ourselves the truth of what we hear, without knowing it was there.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Let each of us examine his thoughts"

Let each of us examine his thoughts

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We have so exalted a notion of the human soul that we cannot bear to be despised, or even not to be esteemed by it. Man, in fact, places all his happiness in this esteem."

We have so exalted a notion of the human soul that we cannot bear to be despised, or even not to be esteemed by it. Man, in fact, places all his happiness in this esteem.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The last advance of reason is to recognize that it is surpassed by innumerable things; it is feeble if it cannot realize that."

The last advance of reason is to recognize that it is surpassed by innumerable things; it is feeble if it cannot realize that.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Le nez de Cle opa" tre: s'il e u" t e te plus court, toute la face de la terre aurait change . Cleopatra'snose: if it had beenshorter the whole face of the earth would have been different."

Le nez de Cle opa" tre: s'il e u" t e te plus court, toute la face de la terre aurait change . Cleopatra'snose: if it had beenshorter the whole face of the earth would have been different.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The Fall is an offense to human reason, but once accepted, it makes perfect sense of the human condition."

The Fall is an offense to human reason, but once accepted, it makes perfect sense of the human condition.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "I cannot judge my work while I am doing it. I have to do as painters do, stand back and view it from a distance, but not too great a distance. How great? Guess."

I cannot judge my work while I am doing it. I have to do as painters do, stand back and view it from a distance, but not too great a distance. How great? Guess.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "When we would think of God, how many things we find which turn us away from Him, and tempt us to think otherwise. All this is evil, yet it is innate."

When we would think of God, how many things we find which turn us away from Him, and tempt us to think otherwise. All this is evil, yet it is innate.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Nature confuses the skeptics and reason confutes the dogmatists"

Nature confuses the skeptics and reason confutes the dogmatists

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Who confers reputation? who gives respect and veneration to persons, to books, to great men? Who but Opinion? How utterly insufficient are all the riches of the world without her approbation!"

Who confers reputation? who gives respect and veneration to persons, to books, to great men? Who but Opinion? How utterly insufficient are all the riches of the world without her approbation!

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is not our task to secure the triumph of truth, but merely to fight on its behalf."

It is not our task to secure the triumph of truth, but merely to fight on its behalf.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The last thing we decide in writing a book is what to put first."

The last thing we decide in writing a book is what to put first.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "To ridicule philosophy is truly philosophical. [Fr., Se moquer de la philosophie c'est vraiment philosophe.]"

To ridicule philosophy is truly philosophical. [Fr., Se moquer de la philosophie c'est vraiment philosophe.]

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "La chose la plus importante a' toute la vie est le choix du me tier: le hasard en dispose. The most important thing in life is to choose a profession: chance arranges for that."

La chose la plus importante a' toute la vie est le choix du me tier: le hasard en dispose. The most important thing in life is to choose a profession: chance arranges for that.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Montaigne is wrong in declaring that custom ought to be followed simply because it is custom, and not because it is reasonable or just."

Montaigne is wrong in declaring that custom ought to be followed simply because it is custom, and not because it is reasonable or just.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We do not worry about being respected in towns through which we pass. But if we are going to remain in one for a certain time, we do worry. How long does this time have to be?"

We do not worry about being respected in towns through which we pass. But if we are going to remain in one for a certain time, we do worry. How long does this time have to be?

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The married should not forget that to speak of love begets love."

The married should not forget that to speak of love begets love.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "I know whom I have believed."

I know whom I have believed.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good."

Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Custom creates the whole of equity, for the simple reason that it is accepted."

Custom creates the whole of equity, for the simple reason that it is accepted.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Imagination is the deceptive part in man, the mistress of error and falsehood."

Imagination is the deceptive part in man, the mistress of error and falsehood.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If man made himself the first object of study, he would see how incapable he is of going further. How can a part know the whole?"

If man made himself the first object of study, he would see how incapable he is of going further. How can a part know the whole?

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Men blaspheme what they do not know."

Men blaspheme what they do not know.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All err the more dangerously because each follows a truth. Their mistake lies not in following a falsehood but in not following another truth."

All err the more dangerously because each follows a truth. Their mistake lies not in following a falsehood but in not following another truth.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is your own assent to yourself, and the constant voice of your own reason, and not of others, that should make you believe."

It is your own assent to yourself, and the constant voice of your own reason, and not of others, that should make you believe.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The God of the infinite is the God of the infinitesimal."

The God of the infinite is the God of the infinitesimal.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is not shameful for a man to succumb to pain and it is shameful to succumb to pleasure."

It is not shameful for a man to succumb to pain and it is shameful to succumb to pleasure.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The truth about nature we discover with our brains. The truth about religion we discover with our hearts."

The truth about nature we discover with our brains. The truth about religion we discover with our hearts.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Something incomprehensible is not for that reason less real."

Something incomprehensible is not for that reason less real.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "We desire truth, and find within ourselves only uncertainty. We seek happiness, and find only misery and death. We cannot but desire truth and happiness, and are incapable of certainty or happiness."

We desire truth, and find within ourselves only uncertainty. We seek happiness, and find only misery and death. We cannot but desire truth and happiness, and are incapable of certainty or happiness.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "...for the truth is always older than all the opinions men have held regarding it; and one should be ignoring the nature of truth if we imagined that the truth began at the time it came to be known."

...for the truth is always older than all the opinions men have held regarding it; and one should be ignoring the nature of truth if we imagined that the truth began at the time it came to be known.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Now, if the passions had no hold on us, a week and a hundred years would amount to the same."

Now, if the passions had no hold on us, a week and a hundred years would amount to the same.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Education produces natural intuitions, and natural intuitions are erased by education."

Education produces natural intuitions, and natural intuitions are erased by education.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The world is ruled by force, not by opinion; but opinion uses force."

The world is ruled by force, not by opinion; but opinion uses force.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All mankind's troubles are caused by one single thing, which is their inability to sit quietly."

All mankind's troubles are caused by one single thing, which is their inability to sit quietly.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Philosophers.-We are full of things which take us out of ourselves."

Philosophers.-We are full of things which take us out of ourselves.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The origins of disputes between philosophers is, that one class of them have undertaken to raise man by displaying his greatness, and the other to debase him by showing his miseries."

The origins of disputes between philosophers is, that one class of them have undertaken to raise man by displaying his greatness, and the other to debase him by showing his miseries.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Imagination cannot make fools wise, but it makes them happy, as against reason, which only makes its friends wretched: one covers them with glory, the other with shame."

Imagination cannot make fools wise, but it makes them happy, as against reason, which only makes its friends wretched: one covers them with glory, the other with shame.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause."

It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "If there were only one religion, God would indeed be manifest."

If there were only one religion, God would indeed be manifest.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Custom determines what is agreeable."

Custom determines what is agreeable.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Must we kill to prevent there being any wicked? This is to make both parties wicked instead of one."

Must we kill to prevent there being any wicked? This is to make both parties wicked instead of one.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "The state of man is inconstancy, ennui, anxiety."

The state of man is inconstancy, ennui, anxiety.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "All our reasoning boils down to yielding to sentiment."

All our reasoning boils down to yielding to sentiment.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Tout notre raisonnement se re duit a' ce der au sentiment. All our reasoning comes down to surrendering to feeling."

Tout notre raisonnement se re duit a' ce der au sentiment. All our reasoning comes down to surrendering to feeling.

Blaise Pascal Quotes: "Who knows if this other half of life where we think we're awake is not another sleep a little different from the first."

Who knows if this other half of life where we think we're awake is not another sleep a little different from the first.