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C.C. Brown Quotes

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C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change."

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Goals help you channel your energy into action."

Goals help you channel your energy into action.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "You must remain focused on your journey to greatness."

You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Nobody tells you what you can and can't do."

Nobody tells you what you can and can't do.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "A river is water is its loveliest form; rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart"

A river is water is its loveliest form; rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."

You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "See, it's no in between: you're either free or you're a slave."

See, it's no in between: you're either free or you're a slave.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Neutrinos have mass? i didn't even know they're Catholic!" Robert to Vittoria"

Neutrinos have mass? i didn't even know they're Catholic!" Robert to Vittoria

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "When nothing makes sense and the world seems upside down, listen to your heart, it will never lie about your true feelings."

When nothing makes sense and the world seems upside down, listen to your heart, it will never lie about your true feelings.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Wisdom is not gained by knowing what is right. Wisdom is gained by practicing what is right, and noticing what happens when that practice succeeds and when it fails."

Wisdom is not gained by knowing what is right. Wisdom is gained by practicing what is right, and noticing what happens when that practice succeeds and when it fails.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "While the angels, all pallid and wan, Uprising, unveiling, affirm That the play is the tragedy, "Man", And its hero the Conqueror Worm."

While the angels, all pallid and wan, Uprising, unveiling, affirm That the play is the tragedy, "Man", And its hero the Conqueror Worm.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "The place where you lose the trail is not necessarily the place where it ends."

The place where you lose the trail is not necessarily the place where it ends.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "We get up in the morning feeling tired. Sometimes we feel good, sometimes bad, but we go through it with feeling. That's the root to the truth, that's where everything starts"

We get up in the morning feeling tired. Sometimes we feel good, sometimes bad, but we go through it with feeling. That's the root to the truth, that's where everything starts

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "We gon' float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. AH! Rumble, young man rumble! AH!"

We gon' float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. AH! Rumble, young man rumble! AH!

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "While earning your daily bread, be sure you share a slice with those less fortunate."

While earning your daily bread, be sure you share a slice with those less fortunate.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I wasn't thinking of competing with any artists as such, I was more thinking of being among them, and sharing thoughts with them; like sharing views, ideas, etc."

I wasn't thinking of competing with any artists as such, I was more thinking of being among them, and sharing thoughts with them; like sharing views, ideas, etc.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I love to have battles of the wits with people that can dish fast and dirty - and it leads to problems occasionally, 'cause I can sound mean without attempting to be mean."

I love to have battles of the wits with people that can dish fast and dirty - and it leads to problems occasionally, 'cause I can sound mean without attempting to be mean.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "You'd be sick if you saw my adidas collection...you would be physically sick if you saw it. I'm not gonna say where it is."

You'd be sick if you saw my adidas collection...you would be physically sick if you saw it. I'm not gonna say where it is.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember."

A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs."

The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955, it's a little hard to come by."

I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955, it's a little hard to come by.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "The richest most meaningful stories are found in small places: made, carried, crafted, told, and retold by apparently unimportant people."

The richest most meaningful stories are found in small places: made, carried, crafted, told, and retold by apparently unimportant people.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "You can't get to courage without walking through vulnerability."

You can't get to courage without walking through vulnerability.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "We're terrible at realising what goes on in other people's heads because we are trapped inside our own."

We're terrible at realising what goes on in other people's heads because we are trapped inside our own.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "When I was 12, all I wanted for Christmas was a trampoline or a four-wheeler. I ended up getting both presents for Christmas."

When I was 12, all I wanted for Christmas was a trampoline or a four-wheeler. I ended up getting both presents for Christmas.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Your success is determined by how much you can really learn from your failures."

Your success is determined by how much you can really learn from your failures.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Our waiting is not nothing. It is something -- a very big something -- because people tend to be shaped by whatever it is they are waiting for."

Our waiting is not nothing. It is something -- a very big something -- because people tend to be shaped by whatever it is they are waiting for.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Even as water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character."

Even as water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I Don’t Want Nobody to Give Me Nothing (Open Up the Door, I'll Get It Myself)"

I Don’t Want Nobody to Give Me Nothing (Open Up the Door, I'll Get It Myself)

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back."

No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Concealers are like undergarments. They make you feel taller and thinner."

Concealers are like undergarments. They make you feel taller and thinner.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Make sure when anyone tackles you he remembers how much it hurts."

Make sure when anyone tackles you he remembers how much it hurts.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Have your cake and eat it... there's no other reason to have a cake"

Have your cake and eat it... there's no other reason to have a cake

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways."

Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began."

When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom."

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Culinary tradition is not always based on fact. Sometimes it's based on history, on habits that come out of a time when kitchens were fueled by charcoal."

Culinary tradition is not always based on fact. Sometimes it's based on history, on habits that come out of a time when kitchens were fueled by charcoal.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Do my movement and my thinking have an intimate connection? First of all, I don't think my body doesn't think."

Do my movement and my thinking have an intimate connection? First of all, I don't think my body doesn't think.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I'll go a step further. You must be bisexual."

Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I'll go a step further. You must be bisexual.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "The greatest sin a coach can commit is to allow kids to slide by. This goes for the classroom as well as the court"

The greatest sin a coach can commit is to allow kids to slide by. This goes for the classroom as well as the court

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "No one rises to low expectations"

No one rises to low expectations

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I named my new son James Joseph Brown II. I think he's going to be a lot better than I was."

I named my new son James Joseph Brown II. I think he's going to be a lot better than I was.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "you don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."

you don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "I feel that the simplicity of life is just being yourself."

I feel that the simplicity of life is just being yourself.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Leave as little to chance as possible. Preparation is the key to success."

Leave as little to chance as possible. Preparation is the key to success.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "You will fall many times in life, but you will pick yourself up and become stronger and wiser for each trouble you pass."

You will fall many times in life, but you will pick yourself up and become stronger and wiser for each trouble you pass.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "When you're feeling terrific, notify your face."

When you're feeling terrific, notify your face.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Remember, a good marriage is like a campfire. Both grow cold if left unattended."

Remember, a good marriage is like a campfire. Both grow cold if left unattended.

C.C.  Brown Quotes: "Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them."

Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.