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C.F. Joyce Quotes

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C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I am proud to be an emotionalist."

I am proud to be an emotionalist.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We are not filled with the Spirit of God to do easy things. He fills us with His Spirit so we can do impossible things."

We are not filled with the Spirit of God to do easy things. He fills us with His Spirit so we can do impossible things.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "As you read or listen to God's Word and spend time talking to Him in prayer, your spirit will eventually become stronger than your flesh."

As you read or listen to God's Word and spend time talking to Him in prayer, your spirit will eventually become stronger than your flesh.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Running! If there's any activity happier, more exhilarating, more nourishing to the imagination, I can't think of what it might be."

Running! If there's any activity happier, more exhilarating, more nourishing to the imagination, I can't think of what it might be.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "The more positive you are, the powerful youll be."

The more positive you are, the powerful youll be.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We don’t need self-confidence we need God-confidence"

We don’t need self-confidence we need God-confidence

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood."

and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I have forced myself to begin writing when I've been utterly exhausted, when I've felt my soul as thin as a playing card…and somehow the activity of writing changes everything."

I have forced myself to begin writing when I've been utterly exhausted, when I've felt my soul as thin as a playing card…and somehow the activity of writing changes everything.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We are not a failure just because we fail at something. Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying!"

We are not a failure just because we fail at something. Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying!

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "God of peace, you are at the center of my life, a strong refuge of peace in the whirlwind of my pain. I look to you for strength and a constant assurance of hope."

God of peace, you are at the center of my life, a strong refuge of peace in the whirlwind of my pain. I look to you for strength and a constant assurance of hope.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "God wants to use you to make other people happy! And the happier you make others, the happier you will be because you reap what you sow."

God wants to use you to make other people happy! And the happier you make others, the happier you will be because you reap what you sow.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "People can't see what's in your heart - they can only see what you do."

People can't see what's in your heart - they can only see what you do.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Even if you think the grass is greener on the other side, you’re going to have to mow that side too."

Even if you think the grass is greener on the other side, you’re going to have to mow that side too.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Don't waste your time being upset about something you can't change. Begin again and do it better this time."

Don't waste your time being upset about something you can't change. Begin again and do it better this time.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Be truly present in the moment that you are in and don’t let life slip by unnoticed."

Be truly present in the moment that you are in and don’t let life slip by unnoticed.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We're not like robots. God promises to guide us through the Holy Spirit, but He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions."

We're not like robots. God promises to guide us through the Holy Spirit, but He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "The purpose of faith isn't always to keep us from having trouble. It is often to carry us through trouble. If we never had any trouble, we wouldn't need any faith."

The purpose of faith isn't always to keep us from having trouble. It is often to carry us through trouble. If we never had any trouble, we wouldn't need any faith.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We are linked by blood, and blood is memory without language."

We are linked by blood, and blood is memory without language.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Patience is not just about waiting for something... it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting."

Patience is not just about waiting for something... it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "White pudding and eggs and sausages and cups of tea! How simple and beautiful was life after all!"

White pudding and eggs and sausages and cups of tea! How simple and beautiful was life after all!

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash."

Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "No matter how much light I carry within me, there will always be times of feeling lost, being confused, seeking direction. It is the way of the human heart."

No matter how much light I carry within me, there will always be times of feeling lost, being confused, seeking direction. It is the way of the human heart.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Sometimes love is best expressed through service. Words are great, but when you walk in love, your commitment must be more than words."

Sometimes love is best expressed through service. Words are great, but when you walk in love, your commitment must be more than words.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "A writer who has published as many books as I have has developed, of necessity, a hide like a rhino's, while inside there dwells a frail, hopeful butterfly of a spirit."

A writer who has published as many books as I have has developed, of necessity, a hide like a rhino's, while inside there dwells a frail, hopeful butterfly of a spirit.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage."

Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Every life is in many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves."

Every life is in many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today."

Freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Grace keeps us from worrying because worry deals with the past, while grace deals with the present and future."

Grace keeps us from worrying because worry deals with the past, while grace deals with the present and future.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Anytime we step out boldly to make changes, we take a chance that we might fail. But the only way to get better is to try."

Anytime we step out boldly to make changes, we take a chance that we might fail. But the only way to get better is to try.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "There's no friends like the old friends."

There's no friends like the old friends.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "As long as we complain, we remain stuck in our problems. But a thankful attitude brings deliverance and makes God smile."

As long as we complain, we remain stuck in our problems. But a thankful attitude brings deliverance and makes God smile.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "If you will tend to God’s business, He will tend to yours."

If you will tend to God’s business, He will tend to yours.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "If you want to give the devil a nervous breakdown, just get up every day and see how much good you can do."

If you want to give the devil a nervous breakdown, just get up every day and see how much good you can do.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Love listens to the other person and searches for clues on ways to serve, bless and lift up that person."

Love listens to the other person and searches for clues on ways to serve, bless and lift up that person.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Your word is your honor. If you say you're going to do something, then you need to do it."

Your word is your honor. If you say you're going to do something, then you need to do it.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Set your mind that no matter what is going on in your life, you will have a good attitude."

Set your mind that no matter what is going on in your life, you will have a good attitude.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Alimony is a system by which, when two people make a mistake, one of them continues to pay for it."

Alimony is a system by which, when two people make a mistake, one of them continues to pay for it.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable, for God has your deliverance planned."

God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable, for God has your deliverance planned.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "You have the power to make the world a better place by being kind to someone today"

You have the power to make the world a better place by being kind to someone today

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Give Him your mess and let it become your message."

Give Him your mess and let it become your message.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I have the words already. What I am seeking is the perfect order of words in the sentence. You can see for yourself how many different ways they might be arranged."

I have the words already. What I am seeking is the perfect order of words in the sentence. You can see for yourself how many different ways they might be arranged.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "You're so caught up in grumbling, complaining, and seeing what's wrong that you have no energy or time to appreciate what's good."

You're so caught up in grumbling, complaining, and seeing what's wrong that you have no energy or time to appreciate what's good.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by posterity because he was the last to discover America."

Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by posterity because he was the last to discover America.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "My husband and I have never considered divorce... murder sometimes, but never divorce."

My husband and I have never considered divorce... murder sometimes, but never divorce.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."

A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I encourage you to be a person who is not afraid of responsibility. In meeting resistance you will build your strength. If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak."

I encourage you to be a person who is not afraid of responsibility. In meeting resistance you will build your strength. If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Small beginnings are the launching pad to great endings."

Small beginnings are the launching pad to great endings.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace."

Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Getting the first draft finished is like pushing a peanut with your nose across a very dirty floor."

Getting the first draft finished is like pushing a peanut with your nose across a very dirty floor.