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C.F. Joyce Quotes

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C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Children must be educated by love, not punishment."

Children must be educated by love, not punishment.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Time's ruins build eternity's mansions."

Time's ruins build eternity's mansions.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "When it comes to our everyday habits, it's important to ask: 'Am I putting God first?'"

When it comes to our everyday habits, it's important to ask: 'Am I putting God first?'

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Love between man and man is impossible because there must not be sexual intercourse and friendship between man and woman is impossible because there must be sexual intercourse."

Love between man and man is impossible because there must not be sexual intercourse and friendship between man and woman is impossible because there must be sexual intercourse.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Don't judge other people. For example, if you want God's anointing to be on you for parenting, you need to be careful not to criticize other parents."

Don't judge other people. For example, if you want God's anointing to be on you for parenting, you need to be careful not to criticize other parents.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have"

Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "God wants you to be delivered from what you have done and from what has been done to you - Both are equally imporant to Him."

God wants you to be delivered from what you have done and from what has been done to you - Both are equally imporant to Him.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not."

Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I don't give advice. I can't tell anybody what to do. Instead I say this is what we know about this problem at this time. And here are the consequences of these actions."

I don't give advice. I can't tell anybody what to do. Instead I say this is what we know about this problem at this time. And here are the consequences of these actions.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the crudest words."

Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the crudest words.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody."

You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Don’t wait around waiting for God to do something that He’s already given you the power to do."

Don’t wait around waiting for God to do something that He’s already given you the power to do.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I think we should follow a simple rule: if we can take the worst, take the risk."

I think we should follow a simple rule: if we can take the worst, take the risk.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway."

Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "You know, it's one thing to say you believe. It's another thing to have your faith tested severely and come out on the other side of it still believing God."

You know, it's one thing to say you believe. It's another thing to have your faith tested severely and come out on the other side of it still believing God.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Our desire for approval can only truly be met by receiving God’s acceptance and approval of us."

Our desire for approval can only truly be met by receiving God’s acceptance and approval of us.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We should be reminding ourselves that no matter how many problems may be facing us, the One Who is with us is greater than all those who oppose us."

We should be reminding ourselves that no matter how many problems may be facing us, the One Who is with us is greater than all those who oppose us.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "No matter what's going on in our lives, the victory is in refusing to quit."

No matter what's going on in our lives, the victory is in refusing to quit.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "The mere passage of time makes us all exiles."

The mere passage of time makes us all exiles.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "There are no drive-thru breakthroughs. Breakthroughs take time."

There are no drive-thru breakthroughs. Breakthroughs take time.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I used to have a real problem with self-pity. Every time the devil would throw a pity party, I would attend."

I used to have a real problem with self-pity. Every time the devil would throw a pity party, I would attend.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "All complaining comes from pride."

All complaining comes from pride.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Like the tender fires of stars moments of their life together, that no one knew of or would ever know of, broke upon and illuminated his memory."

Like the tender fires of stars moments of their life together, that no one knew of or would ever know of, broke upon and illuminated his memory.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Any day that we don't give up puts us one day closer to success!"

Any day that we don't give up puts us one day closer to success!

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "The fairy poet takes a sheet Of moonbeam, silver white; His ink is dew from daisies sweet, His pen a point of light."

The fairy poet takes a sheet Of moonbeam, silver white; His ink is dew from daisies sweet, His pen a point of light.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "It is only through disruptions and confusion that we grow, jarred out of ourselves by the collision of someone else's private world with our own."

It is only through disruptions and confusion that we grow, jarred out of ourselves by the collision of someone else's private world with our own.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Don’t waste another day of your life grieving over something that you cannot do anything about. Let God give you a new beginning. Your mistakes are not enough to stop God if you don’t let them."

Don’t waste another day of your life grieving over something that you cannot do anything about. Let God give you a new beginning. Your mistakes are not enough to stop God if you don’t let them.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "When a woman gets the idea of justice, there's no teaching her any sense."

When a woman gets the idea of justice, there's no teaching her any sense.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Progress everywhere today does seem to come so very heavily disguised as Chaos."

Progress everywhere today does seem to come so very heavily disguised as Chaos.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "We can never lose anything that is good, never lose love or the memories of great happiness because they are true."

We can never lose anything that is good, never lose love or the memories of great happiness because they are true.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies."

Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "As I am. As I am. All or not at all."

As I am. As I am. All or not at all.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Pray that God will open the doors you can't open and close the doors that need to be closed."

Pray that God will open the doors you can't open and close the doors that need to be closed.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Our prayers are heard by God not according to what we try to be when we pray, but who we are when we are not praying"

Our prayers are heard by God not according to what we try to be when we pray, but who we are when we are not praying

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Tenors get women by the score."

Tenors get women by the score.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Sometimes new opportunity means new opposition. Not everything God asks us to do will be comfortable."

Sometimes new opportunity means new opposition. Not everything God asks us to do will be comfortable.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Good intentions never change anything. They only become a deeper and deeper rut."

Good intentions never change anything. They only become a deeper and deeper rut.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why."

Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery."

Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Get up every day, love God, and do your best. He will do the rest!"

Get up every day, love God, and do your best. He will do the rest!

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Beauty is a question of optics. All sight is illusion."

Beauty is a question of optics. All sight is illusion.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I had forgotten that time wasn't fixed like concrete but in fact was fluid as sand, or water. I had forgotten that even misery can end."

I had forgotten that time wasn't fixed like concrete but in fact was fluid as sand, or water. I had forgotten that even misery can end.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Fiction that adds up, that suggests a "logical consistency," or an explanation of some kind, is surely second-rate fiction; for the truth of life is its mystery."

Fiction that adds up, that suggests a "logical consistency," or an explanation of some kind, is surely second-rate fiction; for the truth of life is its mystery.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "A novel should be an experience and convey an emotional truth rather than arguments."

A novel should be an experience and convey an emotional truth rather than arguments.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Nobody has a perfect life and it's entirely possible that if you want someone else's life they are busy wanting someone else's too–maybe even yours."

Nobody has a perfect life and it's entirely possible that if you want someone else's life they are busy wanting someone else's too–maybe even yours.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Real Christianity can be summed up in two commands: Love God, and love people."

Real Christianity can be summed up in two commands: Love God, and love people.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances."

Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I don't just pray for God to open doors, I also pray for God to close doors."

I don't just pray for God to open doors, I also pray for God to close doors.

C.F. Joyce Quotes: "I want to encourage you to place yourself totally into God's hands and allow Him to be the Manager of your life."

I want to encourage you to place yourself totally into God's hands and allow Him to be the Manager of your life.