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Carl Safina Quotes

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Carl Safina Quotes: "If you ask the fish whether they'd rather have an oil spill or a season of fishing, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd vote for another blowout."

If you ask the fish whether they'd rather have an oil spill or a season of fishing, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd vote for another blowout.

Carl Safina Quotes: "I am drawn to the wild not because it is wild but because it is sensible, logical, ordered, stable, resilient. Wild nature is everything we're struggling to regain."

I am drawn to the wild not because it is wild but because it is sensible, logical, ordered, stable, resilient. Wild nature is everything we're struggling to regain.

Carl Safina Quotes: "To save the seas, we can eat sustainably and be conscious of the seafood we eat."

To save the seas, we can eat sustainably and be conscious of the seafood we eat.

Carl Safina Quotes: "Whether on'e special emphasis is global warming or child welfare, the cause is the same cause. And justice comes from the same place being human comes from: compassion."

Whether on'e special emphasis is global warming or child welfare, the cause is the same cause. And justice comes from the same place being human comes from: compassion.

Carl Safina Quotes: "Any honest inquiry into the reality of nature also yields insights about ourselves."

Any honest inquiry into the reality of nature also yields insights about ourselves.

Carl Safina Quotes: "We are blessed with a magnificent and miraculous world ocean on this planet. But we are also stressing it in ways that we are not even close to bringing under control."

We are blessed with a magnificent and miraculous world ocean on this planet. But we are also stressing it in ways that we are not even close to bringing under control.

Carl Safina Quotes: "But one doesn't wait for a revolution. One becomes it."

But one doesn't wait for a revolution. One becomes it.

Carl Safina Quotes: "Fishing provides time to think, and reason not to. If you have the virtue of patience, an hour or two of casting alone is plenty of time to review all you’ve learned about the grand themes of life."

Fishing provides time to think, and reason not to. If you have the virtue of patience, an hour or two of casting alone is plenty of time to review all you’ve learned about the grand themes of life.

Carl Safina Quotes: "Try to cut down drastically on plastic. Recycle. Use less energy and more renewable energy. We can all live better by doing better for ourselves and the sea!"

Try to cut down drastically on plastic. Recycle. Use less energy and more renewable energy. We can all live better by doing better for ourselves and the sea!

Carl Safina Quotes: "We put the murderer in charge of the crime scene."

We put the murderer in charge of the crime scene.

Carl Safina Quotes: "If you look right, you can see the whole world from wherever you happen to be."

If you look right, you can see the whole world from wherever you happen to be.

Carl Safina Quotes: "Economists don't seem to have noticed that the economy sits entirely within the ecology."

Economists don't seem to have noticed that the economy sits entirely within the ecology.

Carl Safina Quotes: "The revelation is this: don't wait for some revelation. We make our own luck."

The revelation is this: don't wait for some revelation. We make our own luck.