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Christopher Hitchens Quotes

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Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "I've always regarded it as a test of character to dislike the Kennedys. I don't really respect anyone who falls for Camelot."

I've always regarded it as a test of character to dislike the Kennedys. I don't really respect anyone who falls for Camelot.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "What if, I never tire of asking, we said 'Secret Council' instead of the archaic and therefore cuddly 'Privy Council'?"

What if, I never tire of asking, we said 'Secret Council' instead of the archaic and therefore cuddly 'Privy Council'?

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Thus in order to be a "radical" one must be open to the possibility that one's own core assumptions are misconceived."

Thus in order to be a "radical" one must be open to the possibility that one's own core assumptions are misconceived.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it's your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you"

The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it's your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "I am sorry for those who have never had the experience of seeing the victory of a national liberation movement, and I feel cold contempt for those who jeer at it."

I am sorry for those who have never had the experience of seeing the victory of a national liberation movement, and I feel cold contempt for those who jeer at it.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "The two things he most valued, which is to say liberty and equality, were not natural allies."

The two things he most valued, which is to say liberty and equality, were not natural allies.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Bloomberg does not support the measure to silence the useless and maddening car alarm: he would rather impose himself on people than on mechanical devices."

Bloomberg does not support the measure to silence the useless and maddening car alarm: he would rather impose himself on people than on mechanical devices.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Terrorism works better as a tactic for dictatorships, or for would-be dictators, than for revolutionaries."

Terrorism works better as a tactic for dictatorships, or for would-be dictators, than for revolutionaries.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "It is indeed strange, given the heavy emphasis placed by chroniclers on Churchill's sheer magnitude of personality, that the ingredient of pure ambition should be so much ignored or even disallowed."

It is indeed strange, given the heavy emphasis placed by chroniclers on Churchill's sheer magnitude of personality, that the ingredient of pure ambition should be so much ignored or even disallowed.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "When Maimonides says that the Messiah will come but that 'he may tarry, ' we see the origin of every Jewish shrug from Spinoza to Woody Allen."

When Maimonides says that the Messiah will come but that 'he may tarry, ' we see the origin of every Jewish shrug from Spinoza to Woody Allen.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Try your hardest to combat atrophy and routine. To question The Obvious and the given is an essential element of the maxim 'de omnius dubitandum' [All is to be doubted]."

Try your hardest to combat atrophy and routine. To question The Obvious and the given is an essential element of the maxim 'de omnius dubitandum' [All is to be doubted].

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "mass indoctrination of uneducated young men with such ideas is in itself a lethal danger to society and to international order."

mass indoctrination of uneducated young men with such ideas is in itself a lethal danger to society and to international order.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "[T]hose who willed the means and wished the ends are not absolved from guilt by the refusal of reality to match their schemes."

[T]hose who willed the means and wished the ends are not absolved from guilt by the refusal of reality to match their schemes.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "When the New York Times scratches its head, get ready for total baldness as you tear out your hair."

When the New York Times scratches its head, get ready for total baldness as you tear out your hair.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "When people have tried everything and have discovered that nothing works, they will tend to revert to what they know best—which will often be the tribe, the totem, or the taboo."

When people have tried everything and have discovered that nothing works, they will tend to revert to what they know best—which will often be the tribe, the totem, or the taboo.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "At a certain point talk about 'essence' and 'oneness' and the universal becomes more tautological than inquisitive."

At a certain point talk about 'essence' and 'oneness' and the universal becomes more tautological than inquisitive.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "[T]his is an enemy for life, as well as an enemy of life."

[T]his is an enemy for life, as well as an enemy of life.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Religion poisons everything"

Religion poisons everything

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Wit, after all, is the unfailing symptom of intelligence."

Wit, after all, is the unfailing symptom of intelligence.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information."

I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Your narrative may fail to grip if you haven't taken any care to find out how well or badly your audience member is faring (or feeling)."

Your narrative may fail to grip if you haven't taken any care to find out how well or badly your audience member is faring (or feeling).

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Those who say that I am being punished are saying that god can't think of anything more vengeful than cancer for a heavy smoker."

Those who say that I am being punished are saying that god can't think of anything more vengeful than cancer for a heavy smoker.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "There is no such thing as notoriety in the United States these days, let alone infamy. Celebrity is all."

There is no such thing as notoriety in the United States these days, let alone infamy. Celebrity is all.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "In effect, nobody who is not from the losing classes has ever been thrust into a death cell in these United States."

In effect, nobody who is not from the losing classes has ever been thrust into a death cell in these United States.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Among the privileges of being a superpower, the right and the ability to make a local quarrel into a global one ranks very high."

Among the privileges of being a superpower, the right and the ability to make a local quarrel into a global one ranks very high.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "How much vanity must be concealed – not too effectively at that – in order to pretend that one is the personal object of a divine plan?"

How much vanity must be concealed – not too effectively at that – in order to pretend that one is the personal object of a divine plan?

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Religion is not going to come up with any new arguments."

Religion is not going to come up with any new arguments.

Christopher Hitchens Quotes: "Ronald Reagan said that he sought a Star Wars defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S.R."

Ronald Reagan said that he sought a Star Wars defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S.R.