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Ed Gardner Quotes

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Ed Gardner Quotes: "Kids go to school and college and get through, but they don't seem to really care about using their minds. School doesn't have the kind of long term positive impact that it should."

Kids go to school and college and get through, but they don't seem to really care about using their minds. School doesn't have the kind of long term positive impact that it should.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The sudden hunch, the creative leap of mind that "sees" in a flash how to solve a problem in a simple way, is something quite different from general intelligence."

The sudden hunch, the creative leap of mind that "sees" in a flash how to solve a problem in a simple way, is something quite different from general intelligence.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Claim ownership of your dreams"

Claim ownership of your dreams

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I love everything about the South; I even love hate."

I love everything about the South; I even love hate.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Hollywood - that's a place where love is viewed both pragmatically and philosophically in the saying, 'Tis better to have loved and divorced than never to have had any publicity at all."

Hollywood - that's a place where love is viewed both pragmatically and philosophically in the saying, 'Tis better to have loved and divorced than never to have had any publicity at all.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The world is your oyster. Yes, but in that oyster is the pearl; and to get to the pearl one has to first discard the shell and the flesh."

The world is your oyster. Yes, but in that oyster is the pearl; and to get to the pearl one has to first discard the shell and the flesh.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "A surprising proportion of mathematicians are accomplished musicians. Is it because music and mathematics share patterns that are beautiful?"

A surprising proportion of mathematicians are accomplished musicians. Is it because music and mathematics share patterns that are beautiful?

Ed Gardner Quotes: "What art ought to do is tell stories which are moment-by-moment wonderful, which are true to human experience, and which in no way explain human experience."

What art ought to do is tell stories which are moment-by-moment wonderful, which are true to human experience, and which in no way explain human experience.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I think the main reason my marriages failed is that I always loved too well but never wisely."

I think the main reason my marriages failed is that I always loved too well but never wisely.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "There is no single truth, but each of the scholarly disciplines has methods which lead one ever closer to the truth."

There is no single truth, but each of the scholarly disciplines has methods which lead one ever closer to the truth.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The citizen can bring our political and governmental institutions back to life, make them responsive and accountable, and keep them honest. No one else can."

The citizen can bring our political and governmental institutions back to life, make them responsive and accountable, and keep them honest. No one else can.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "America's greatness has been the greatness of a free people who shared certain moral commitments. Freedom without moral commitment is aimless and promptly self-destructive."

America's greatness has been the greatness of a free people who shared certain moral commitments. Freedom without moral commitment is aimless and promptly self-destructive.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I grew up on a farm and I always learned when you work you go forward, you don't stop and say, well, I'll take a break. You always go forward and get the job done."

I grew up on a farm and I always learned when you work you go forward, you don't stop and say, well, I'll take a break. You always go forward and get the job done.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Every day I turned a 'you can't' into a 'you can.'"

Every day I turned a 'you can't' into a 'you can.'

Ed Gardner Quotes: "In no other branch of mathematics is it so easy for experts to blunder as in probability theory."

In no other branch of mathematics is it so easy for experts to blunder as in probability theory.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "As Bertrand Russell once wrote, two plus two is four even in the interior of the sun."

As Bertrand Russell once wrote, two plus two is four even in the interior of the sun.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Although I believe in reincarnation, as many people do that live in the East, I do not remember my past lives clearly; I only wish I did."

Although I believe in reincarnation, as many people do that live in the East, I do not remember my past lives clearly; I only wish I did.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Fiction does not spring into the world fully grown, like Athena. It is the process of writing and rewriting that makes a fiction original, if not profound."

Fiction does not spring into the world fully grown, like Athena. It is the process of writing and rewriting that makes a fiction original, if not profound.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "There are no successes and failures in life, only achievements - stepping stones."

There are no successes and failures in life, only achievements - stepping stones.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "How do you beat an individual who hasn't been beaten in 13 years? With the help of others."

How do you beat an individual who hasn't been beaten in 13 years? With the help of others.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "A god whose creation is so imperfect that he must be continually adjusting it to make it work properly seems to me a god of relatively low order, hardly worthy of any worship."

A god whose creation is so imperfect that he must be continually adjusting it to make it work properly seems to me a god of relatively low order, hardly worthy of any worship.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The universe is almost like a huge magic trick and scientists are trying to figure out how it does what it does."

The universe is almost like a huge magic trick and scientists are trying to figure out how it does what it does.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Now, I simply won’t let my friends, the people who trusted me, be bothered and badgered about"

Now, I simply won’t let my friends, the people who trusted me, be bothered and badgered about

Ed Gardner Quotes: "After you've written a story, the thing to do is sell it. Sounds simple, and it is, if one will follow certain basic principles of salesmanship."

After you've written a story, the thing to do is sell it. Sounds simple, and it is, if one will follow certain basic principles of salesmanship.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Ready or not, Tell yourself to jump"

Ready or not, Tell yourself to jump

Ed Gardner Quotes: "This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness."

This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The only time you're calm, you're centered, you're at peace, is when someone's trying to kill you. And that's just plain twisted."

The only time you're calm, you're centered, you're at peace, is when someone's trying to kill you. And that's just plain twisted.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Art, of course, is a way of thinking, a way of mining reality."

Art, of course, is a way of thinking, a way of mining reality.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Our problem is not to find better values but to be faithful to those we profess."

Our problem is not to find better values but to be faithful to those we profess.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure."

We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "All of us celebrate our values in our behavior."

All of us celebrate our values in our behavior.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "My Body, My Soul and I. My body is mine, but my body is not me, My body is an expression of my soul. My soul is mine, but my soul is not me, My soul is an expression of me - for I am."

My Body, My Soul and I. My body is mine, but my body is not me, My body is an expression of my soul. My soul is mine, but my soul is not me, My soul is an expression of me - for I am.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Some see the glass half full, some see it half empty, and some see it crawling with toxic alien parasites who want to devour your pancreas."

Some see the glass half full, some see it half empty, and some see it crawling with toxic alien parasites who want to devour your pancreas.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "The ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings."

The ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "There is no business like show business. There is also no business like certified public accounting, but that doesn't rhyme as well."

There is no business like show business. There is also no business like certified public accounting, but that doesn't rhyme as well.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I take a lot of pride in playing for the Yankees, and trying to do things the right way."

I take a lot of pride in playing for the Yankees, and trying to do things the right way.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "He will always be my Sir Galahad."

He will always be my Sir Galahad.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I must have seen more sunrises than any other actress in the history of Hollywood."

I must have seen more sunrises than any other actress in the history of Hollywood.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "For the loot, honey, for the loot."

For the loot, honey, for the loot.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life."

Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "Whoever I am, or whatever I am doing, some kind of excellence is within my reach."

Whoever I am, or whatever I am doing, some kind of excellence is within my reach.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale."

When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "It is not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish it after the age of six."

It is not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish it after the age of six.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "So this was where lust was satisfied. If I'd been an old-time miner I'd have asked for my gold nugget back."

So this was where lust was satisfied. If I'd been an old-time miner I'd have asked for my gold nugget back.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "I think one of the appeals of suspense is to safely explore our innermost fears."

I think one of the appeals of suspense is to safely explore our innermost fears.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless."

When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless.

Ed Gardner Quotes: "It's ok to FAIL it's not ok to Quit"

It's ok to FAIL it's not ok to Quit

Ed Gardner Quotes: "All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose."

All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose.