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Elie Wiesel Quotes

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Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Next to him lay his violin, trampled, an eerily poignant little corpse."

Next to him lay his violin, trampled, an eerily poignant little corpse.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Go over to Greece with the Iliad and Odyssey. These have elements of history, and they have non-historical elements. It's very difficult to pull them apart. And I think there's not much reason to."

Go over to Greece with the Iliad and Odyssey. These have elements of history, and they have non-historical elements. It's very difficult to pull them apart. And I think there's not much reason to.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "For me [Patriarchs] exist. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob exist today. They are people that you see with white beards. I have no doubt of their existence."

For me [Patriarchs] exist. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob exist today. They are people that you see with white beards. I have no doubt of their existence.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "As you know, I describe Shirat ha-Yam as part of an epic story that has qualities of history and which also has qualities of the mythological, of an epic."

As you know, I describe Shirat ha-Yam as part of an epic story that has qualities of history and which also has qualities of the mythological, of an epic.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I think [Sacrifice of Isaac] is the most important event in the Bible except for Sinai."

I think [Sacrifice of Isaac] is the most important event in the Bible except for Sinai.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Christians call it the "Sacrifice of Isaac," and Jews call it the "Binding of Isaac.""

Christians call it the "Sacrifice of Isaac," and Jews call it the "Binding of Isaac."

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "If you make a determination that [story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac] is not historical, do you throw it away? I don't think we can say whether it's precisely, scientifically historical."

If you make a determination that [story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac] is not historical, do you throw it away? I don't think we can say whether it's precisely, scientifically historical.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac are nowhere in any other tradition."

The story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac are nowhere in any other tradition.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Did I write it so as not to go mad or, on the contrary, to go mad in order to understand the nature of madness?"

Did I write it so as not to go mad or, on the contrary, to go mad in order to understand the nature of madness?

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "When I say it doesn't make much difference, I mean in terms of the importance of the piece of literature."

When I say it doesn't make much difference, I mean in terms of the importance of the piece of literature.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "That [Exodus] occurred, I have no doubt."

That [Exodus] occurred, I have no doubt.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Since God is, He is to be found in the questions as well as the answers."

Since God is, He is to be found in the questions as well as the answers.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Even if people tell me they have historical proof [that it is not historical], that doesn't really bother me."

Even if people tell me they have historical proof [that it is not historical], that doesn't really bother me.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow."

Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Life is really fascinated only by death. It vibrates only when it comes in contact with death."

Life is really fascinated only by death. It vibrates only when it comes in contact with death.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The Holocaust is the most documented tragedy in recorded history. And therefore, later on, if there will be a later on, anyone wishing to know will know where to go for knowledge."

The Holocaust is the most documented tragedy in recorded history. And therefore, later on, if there will be a later on, anyone wishing to know will know where to go for knowledge.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "When our center is strong, everything else is secondary."

When our center is strong, everything else is secondary.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The impact of the holocaust on believers as well as unbelievers, on Jews as well as Christians, has not yet been evaluated. Not deeply, not enough."

The impact of the holocaust on believers as well as unbelievers, on Jews as well as Christians, has not yet been evaluated. Not deeply, not enough.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The whole community must be saved [in Tibet]."

The whole community must be saved [in Tibet].

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The only place where I felt at home, on familiar ground, was the Jewish cemetery. And yet I had never set foot in it before. Children had been forbidden to enter."

The only place where I felt at home, on familiar ground, was the Jewish cemetery. And yet I had never set foot in it before. Children had been forbidden to enter.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "If God exists, how can we lay claim to freedom, since He is its beginning and its end?"

If God exists, how can we lay claim to freedom, since He is its beginning and its end?

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I would hesitate to give advice to the Dalai Lama and his people because they are suffering. The Dalai Lama suffered from exile and the people in Tibet suffer from oppression."

I would hesitate to give advice to the Dalai Lama and his people because they are suffering. The Dalai Lama suffered from exile and the people in Tibet suffer from oppression.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "When I see a child who is hungry, I see a person who is humiliated."

When I see a child who is hungry, I see a person who is humiliated.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Except if it has some historical meaning for them to have Tibet under their control. I don't understand why [ Chinese] want it so much."

Except if it has some historical meaning for them to have Tibet under their control. I don't understand why [ Chinese] want it so much.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Life belongs to man, but the meaning of life is beyond him."

Life belongs to man, but the meaning of life is beyond him.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "The darkness enveloped us. All I could hear was the violin and it was as if Juliek's soul had become the bow. He was playing his life...He played that which he would never play again."

The darkness enveloped us. All I could hear was the violin and it was as if Juliek's soul had become the bow. He was playing his life...He played that which he would never play again.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Each man was his own executioner and his own victim."

Each man was his own executioner and his own victim.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "When I began teaching you hardly could find a university in America or a college where they would teach either Jewish studies or Holocaust studies."

When I began teaching you hardly could find a university in America or a college where they would teach either Jewish studies or Holocaust studies.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I have to be self-conscious of what I'm trying to do with my life."

I have to be self-conscious of what I'm trying to do with my life.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Politicians, they give the visible aspect of the change, but the change, the root, the anchor are in young people."

Politicians, they give the visible aspect of the change, but the change, the root, the anchor are in young people.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes were open and I was alone - terribly alone in a world without God and without (hu)man(ity)."

I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes were open and I was alone - terribly alone in a world without God and without (hu)man(ity).

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "If the victims are my problem, the killers are yours."

If the victims are my problem, the killers are yours.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "It's not only America. Terrorism now is a threat to the whole world."

It's not only America. Terrorism now is a threat to the whole world.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Weapons means killing. Weapons is ah, I'm simply sensitive to the word."

Weapons means killing. Weapons is ah, I'm simply sensitive to the word.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I feel very close to French culture and to the French humanism, which occasionally one finds, even in the highest places. And therefore, all of my books have been written in French."

I feel very close to French culture and to the French humanism, which occasionally one finds, even in the highest places. And therefore, all of my books have been written in French.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Naturally, the human being wants to forget pain."

Naturally, the human being wants to forget pain.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Not to remember is not an option."

Not to remember is not an option.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "No commandment surpasses the one concerning the liberation of hostages, for they are among the starving, the thirsting, the stripped, always in danger of death."

No commandment surpasses the one concerning the liberation of hostages, for they are among the starving, the thirsting, the stripped, always in danger of death.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I was 15, not 14, when I was inside there [Auschwitz], 15, and for me both were actually a surprise."

I was 15, not 14, when I was inside there [Auschwitz], 15, and for me both were actually a surprise.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "One can do without solutions. Only the questions matter. We may share them or turn away from them."

One can do without solutions. Only the questions matter. We may share them or turn away from them.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "[Adolf] Hitler needed, he didn't want to kill Jews, he wanted to expel German Jews, and therefore it's not entirely corroborating your theory."

[Adolf] Hitler needed, he didn't want to kill Jews, he wanted to expel German Jews, and therefore it's not entirely corroborating your theory.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I wrote my first book, I published it in 1955, it was in Yiddish and it was called And The World Was Silent."

I wrote my first book, I published it in 1955, it was in Yiddish and it was called And The World Was Silent.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "First we must understand that there can be no life without risk - and when our center is strong, everything else is secondary, even the risks."

First we must understand that there can be no life without risk - and when our center is strong, everything else is secondary, even the risks.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Do you know what laughter is? I'll tell you. It's God's mistake. When God made man in order to bend him to his wishes he carelessly gave him the gift of laughter."

Do you know what laughter is? I'll tell you. It's God's mistake. When God made man in order to bend him to his wishes he carelessly gave him the gift of laughter.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "A voice behind me asked, "Where is God? Where is He? Where can He be now?" and a voice within me answered: "Where? Here He is - He has been hanged here, on these gallows.""

A voice behind me asked, "Where is God? Where is He? Where can He be now?" and a voice within me answered: "Where? Here He is - He has been hanged here, on these gallows."

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "I don't believe in collective guilt. The children of killers are not killers, but children."

I don't believe in collective guilt. The children of killers are not killers, but children.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "If there is a single theme that dominates all my writings, all my obsessions, it is that of memory-because I fear forgetfulness as much as hatred and death."

If there is a single theme that dominates all my writings, all my obsessions, it is that of memory-because I fear forgetfulness as much as hatred and death.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "Granted that every war is madness-civil war, fratricide, is the worst of all; it reaches deeper into ugliness, cruelty and absurdity."

Granted that every war is madness-civil war, fratricide, is the worst of all; it reaches deeper into ugliness, cruelty and absurdity.

Elie Wiesel Quotes: "It always hurts when you lose a secret."

It always hurts when you lose a secret.