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Eugene Delacroix Quotes

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Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Everyone knows that yellow, orange, and red suggest ideas of joy and plenty. I can paint you the skin of Venus with mud, provided you let me surround it as I will."

Everyone knows that yellow, orange, and red suggest ideas of joy and plenty. I can paint you the skin of Venus with mud, provided you let me surround it as I will.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "A picture is nothing but a bridge between the soul of the artist and that of the spectator."

A picture is nothing but a bridge between the soul of the artist and that of the spectator.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing."

The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "We work not only to produce, but to give value to time."

We work not only to produce, but to give value to time.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Talent does whatever it wants to do. Genius does only what it can."

Talent does whatever it wants to do. Genius does only what it can.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "One never paints violently enough."

One never paints violently enough.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Seeing artistically does not happen automatically. We must constantly develop our powers of observation."

Seeing artistically does not happen automatically. We must constantly develop our powers of observation.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "A fine suggestion, a sketch with great feeling, can be as expressive as the most finished product."

A fine suggestion, a sketch with great feeling, can be as expressive as the most finished product.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough."

What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Nourish yourself with grand and austere ideas of beauty that feed the soul Seek solitude."

Nourish yourself with grand and austere ideas of beauty that feed the soul Seek solitude.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "To be understood a writer has to explain almost everything."

To be understood a writer has to explain almost everything.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Experience has two things to teach. The first is that we must correct a great deal and the second, that we must not correct too much."

Experience has two things to teach. The first is that we must correct a great deal and the second, that we must not correct too much.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "One must learn to be grateful for one's own findings."

One must learn to be grateful for one's own findings.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Do not be troubled for a language, cultivate your soul and she will show herself."

Do not be troubled for a language, cultivate your soul and she will show herself.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and eternal."

I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and eternal.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Always, at the back of your soul, there is something that says to you, 'Mortal, drawn from eternal life for a short time, think how precious these moments are."

Always, at the back of your soul, there is something that says to you, 'Mortal, drawn from eternal life for a short time, think how precious these moments are.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The more an object is polished or brilliant, the less you see its own color and the more it becomes a mirror reflecting the color of its surroundings."

The more an object is polished or brilliant, the less you see its own color and the more it becomes a mirror reflecting the color of its surroundings.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "If you are not skillful enough to sketch a man jumping out of a window in the time it takes him to fall from the fourth storey to the ground, you will never be able to produce great works."

If you are not skillful enough to sketch a man jumping out of a window in the time it takes him to fall from the fourth storey to the ground, you will never be able to produce great works.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "God is that inner presence which makes us admire the beautiful and consoles us for not sharing the happiness of the wicked."

God is that inner presence which makes us admire the beautiful and consoles us for not sharing the happiness of the wicked.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Of which beauty will you speak? There are many: there are a thousand: there is one for every look, for every spirit, adapted to each taste, to each particular constitution."

Of which beauty will you speak? There are many: there are a thousand: there is one for every look, for every spirit, adapted to each taste, to each particular constitution.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Nature is a dictionary; one draws words from it."

Nature is a dictionary; one draws words from it.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "I believe it safe to say that all progress must lead, not to further progress, but finally to the negation of progress, a return to the point of departure."

I believe it safe to say that all progress must lead, not to further progress, but finally to the negation of progress, a return to the point of departure.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "A taste for simplicity cannot last for long."

A taste for simplicity cannot last for long.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The so-called conscientiousness of the majority of painters is only perfection applied to the art of boring."

The so-called conscientiousness of the majority of painters is only perfection applied to the art of boring.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "It is only possible to speak in the language and in the spirit of one's time."

It is only possible to speak in the language and in the spirit of one's time.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The first virtue of a painting is to be a feast for the eyes."

The first virtue of a painting is to be a feast for the eyes.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The source of genius is imagination alone."

The source of genius is imagination alone.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The source of genius is imagination alone, the refinement of the senses that sees what others do not see, or sees them differently."

The source of genius is imagination alone, the refinement of the senses that sees what others do not see, or sees them differently.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "I have told myself a hundred times that painting - that is, the material thing called a painting - is no more than a pretext, the bridge between the mind of the painter and the mind of the spectator."

I have told myself a hundred times that painting - that is, the material thing called a painting - is no more than a pretext, the bridge between the mind of the painter and the mind of the spectator.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Remember the enemy of all painting is gray: a painting will almost always appear grayer than it is, on account of its oblique position under the light."

Remember the enemy of all painting is gray: a painting will almost always appear grayer than it is, on account of its oblique position under the light.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "What is real for me are the illusions I create with my paintings. Everything else is quicksand."

What is real for me are the illusions I create with my paintings. Everything else is quicksand.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "[Photography is] in some ways false just because it is so exact."

[Photography is] in some ways false just because it is so exact.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Give me some mud, and I will paint you a woman's flesh."

Give me some mud, and I will paint you a woman's flesh.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who can't attain it in anything."

Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who can't attain it in anything.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Every time I await a model, even when I am most pressed to time, I am overjoyed when the time comes and I tremble when I hear the key turn in the door."

Every time I await a model, even when I am most pressed to time, I am overjoyed when the time comes and I tremble when I hear the key turn in the door.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Perhaps the sketch of a work is so pleasing because everyone can finish it as he chooses."

Perhaps the sketch of a work is so pleasing because everyone can finish it as he chooses.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Not only can color, which is under fixed laws, be taught like music, but it is easier to learn than drawing, whose elaborate principles cannot be taught."

Not only can color, which is under fixed laws, be taught like music, but it is easier to learn than drawing, whose elaborate principles cannot be taught.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Painters who are not colorists produce illumination, not painting."

Painters who are not colorists produce illumination, not painting.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The only ones who can really benefit by consulting the model are those who can produce their effect without a model."

The only ones who can really benefit by consulting the model are those who can produce their effect without a model.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Finishing a painting demands a heart of steel: everything requires a decision, and I find difficulties where I least expect them... It is at such moments that one fully realizes one's own weaknesses."

Finishing a painting demands a heart of steel: everything requires a decision, and I find difficulties where I least expect them... It is at such moments that one fully realizes one's own weaknesses.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "One should not be too difficult. An artist should not treat himself like an enemy."

One should not be too difficult. An artist should not treat himself like an enemy.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Experience alone can give, even to the greatest talent, that confidence in having done all that could be done."

Experience alone can give, even to the greatest talent, that confidence in having done all that could be done.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Criticism is like many other things, it drags along after what has already been said and doesn't get out of its rut."

Criticism is like many other things, it drags along after what has already been said and doesn't get out of its rut.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "The things one experiences alone with oneself are very much stronger and purer."

The things one experiences alone with oneself are very much stronger and purer.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "What makes sovereign ugliness are our conventions."

What makes sovereign ugliness are our conventions.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "When a thing bores you, do not do it."

When a thing bores you, do not do it.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "Draughtsmen may be made, but colourists are born."

Draughtsmen may be made, but colourists are born.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "At a distance this fine oak seems to be of ordinary size. But if I place myself under its branches, the impression changes completely: I see it as big, and even terrifying in its bigness."

At a distance this fine oak seems to be of ordinary size. But if I place myself under its branches, the impression changes completely: I see it as big, and even terrifying in its bigness.

Eugene Delacroix Quotes: "What I have done cannot be taken from me."

What I have done cannot be taken from me.