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Groucho Marx Quotes

Find the best Groucho Marx quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Groucho Marx quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Would you mind getting off that fly paper and giving the flies a chance?" "Ahhh, you can't trick me! Flies don't read papers!"

Would you mind getting off that fly paper and giving the flies a chance?" "Ahhh, you can't trick me! Flies don't read papers!

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Making love to your wife is like shooting at sitting ducks."

Making love to your wife is like shooting at sitting ducks.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I'm not going to pay good money to join a club that lets in people like me."

I'm not going to pay good money to join a club that lets in people like me.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Obviously there was no point in being a bachelor if his houseman was going to filch his booze. If he was going to get robbed, he might just as well get married."

Obviously there was no point in being a bachelor if his houseman was going to filch his booze. If he was going to get robbed, he might just as well get married.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Love had forged ahead so swiftly that in no time it had displaced agriculture as the leading industry of the period. To anyone who has tried both, this wont come as much of a surprise."

Love had forged ahead so swiftly that in no time it had displaced agriculture as the leading industry of the period. To anyone who has tried both, this wont come as much of a surprise.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Now that you're Secretary of War, what kind of an army do you think we ought to have?"

Now that you're Secretary of War, what kind of an army do you think we ought to have?

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I don't want to join the kind of a club that accepts people like me as members."

I don't want to join the kind of a club that accepts people like me as members.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I write by ear. I tried writing with the typewriter, but I found it too unwieldy"

I write by ear. I tried writing with the typewriter, but I found it too unwieldy

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Dig trenches? With our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made."

Dig trenches? With our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Comedians are a much rarer and far more valuable commodity than all the gold and precious stones in the world."

Comedians are a much rarer and far more valuable commodity than all the gold and precious stones in the world.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I don't know. When I was born there was a nurse taking care of me." "What's the matter? Couldn't the nurse take care of herself?" "Sure she could. I just found that out too late."

I don't know. When I was born there was a nurse taking care of me." "What's the matter? Couldn't the nurse take care of herself?" "Sure she could. I just found that out too late.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I hope they bury me near a strait man"

I hope they bury me near a strait man

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Every time someone turns on a TV, I go in the other room and read."

Every time someone turns on a TV, I go in the other room and read.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I'll teach you to kick me...' You don't need to teach me--I already know how!"

I'll teach you to kick me...' You don't need to teach me--I already know how!

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Send two dozen roses to Room 424 and put "Emily, I love you" on the back of the bill."

Send two dozen roses to Room 424 and put "Emily, I love you" on the back of the bill.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I was so long writing my review that I never got around to reading the book."

I was so long writing my review that I never got around to reading the book.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Mrs. Teasdale calls for rescue and Firefly delivers the famous line to his cohorts as they rescue her: "Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did.""

Mrs. Teasdale calls for rescue and Firefly delivers the famous line to his cohorts as they rescue her: "Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did."

Groucho Marx Quotes: "You bet I'm shy. I'm a shyster lawyer."

You bet I'm shy. I'm a shyster lawyer.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Clowns work as well as aspirin, but twice as fast."

Clowns work as well as aspirin, but twice as fast.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "All geniuses die young."

All geniuses die young.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I started smoking as soon as I went on the stage. I'd make cigars out of the Morning World when I was a kid."

I started smoking as soon as I went on the stage. I'd make cigars out of the Morning World when I was a kid.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Here lies Groucho Marx and Lies and Lies and Lies P.S. He never kissed an ugly girl."

Here lies Groucho Marx and Lies and Lies and Lies P.S. He never kissed an ugly girl.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Since my daughter is only half-Jewish, could she go in the water up to her knees?"

Since my daughter is only half-Jewish, could she go in the water up to her knees?

Groucho Marx Quotes: "That's bad luck: three on a midget. From "At The Circus"

That's bad luck: three on a midget. From "At The Circus

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Don't be silly. I'll write you twice a week."

Don't be silly. I'll write you twice a week.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Hey, when I said work fast, I didn't mean your friend, I meant the maid."

Hey, when I said work fast, I didn't mean your friend, I meant the maid.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I think that the Peeps or Peppies or Pipes diaries would be much more popular had there been a universal pronuncation of his name."

I think that the Peeps or Peppies or Pipes diaries would be much more popular had there been a universal pronuncation of his name.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "He thinks I look alike!"

He thinks I look alike!

Groucho Marx Quotes: "You're only as young as the woman you feel."

You're only as young as the woman you feel.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Jail is no place for a young fellow. There's no advancement."

Jail is no place for a young fellow. There's no advancement.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Groucho: You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world? Woman: Really? Groucho: No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere."

Groucho: You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world? Woman: Really? Groucho: No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Chico: "Here's the book, it's a dollar" Groucho: "Here's a ten, and shoot the change." Chico: "I don't have change I'd have to give you nine more books."

Chico: "Here's the book, it's a dollar" Groucho: "Here's a ten, and shoot the change." Chico: "I don't have change I'd have to give you nine more books.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "I met my wife on a ferry boat, and when we landed she gave me the slip"

I met my wife on a ferry boat, and when we landed she gave me the slip

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Afraid? Me? A man who's licked his weight in wild caterpillars?"

Afraid? Me? A man who's licked his weight in wild caterpillars?

Groucho Marx Quotes: "As soon as I get through with you, you'll have a clear case for divorce and so will my wife."

As soon as I get through with you, you'll have a clear case for divorce and so will my wife.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Today's Father Day and we're giving you a tie, it's not much you know, it's just our way of showing you, you're a regular guy."

Today's Father Day and we're giving you a tie, it's not much you know, it's just our way of showing you, you're a regular guy.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.



Groucho Marx Quotes: "When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'."

When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "From the moment I picked up your book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it."

From the moment I picked up your book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll never know."

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll never know.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going somewhere."

If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going somewhere.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Room service? Send up a larger room."]"

Room service? Send up a larger room."]

Groucho Marx Quotes: "A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."

A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Paying alimony is like feeding hay to a dead horse."

Paying alimony is like feeding hay to a dead horse.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "A year ago I came here without a nickle in my pocket, now, I've got a nickle in my pocket."

A year ago I came here without a nickle in my pocket, now, I've got a nickle in my pocket.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book -and does"

Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book -and does

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself."

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.

Groucho Marx Quotes: "Hollywood brides keep the bouquets and throw away the grooms."

Hollywood brides keep the bouquets and throw away the grooms.