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Grover Cleveland Quotes

Find the best Grover Cleveland quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Grover Cleveland quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Though the people support the government; the government should not support the people."

Though the people support the government; the government should not support the people.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "In calm water every ship has a good captain."

In calm water every ship has a good captain.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters."

Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves."

A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil."

A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something?"

What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something?

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Unswerving loyalty to duty, constant devotion to truth, and a clear conscience will overcome every discouragement and surely lead the way to usefulness and high achievement."

Unswerving loyalty to duty, constant devotion to truth, and a clear conscience will overcome every discouragement and surely lead the way to usefulness and high achievement.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Above all, tell the truth."

Above all, tell the truth.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote."

Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship."

All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end."

A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "WHATEVER YOU DO, TELL THE TRUTH."


Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government."

Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Honor lies in honest toil."

Honor lies in honest toil.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "It is the responsibility of the citizens to support their government. It is not the responsibility of the government to support its citizens."

It is the responsibility of the citizens to support their government. It is not the responsibility of the government to support its citizens.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "In the scheme of our national government, the presidency is preeminently the people's office."

In the scheme of our national government, the presidency is preeminently the people's office.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Our citizens have the right to protection from the incompetency of public employees who hold their places solely as the reward of partisan service."

Our citizens have the right to protection from the incompetency of public employees who hold their places solely as the reward of partisan service.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Patriotism is no substitute for a sound currency."

Patriotism is no substitute for a sound currency.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice"

There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, exercises a public trust."

Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, exercises a public trust.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow citizens in misfortune."

The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow citizens in misfortune.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered."

If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "It is better to be defeated standing for a high principle than to run by committing subterfuge."

It is better to be defeated standing for a high principle than to run by committing subterfuge.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Public officers are the servants and agents of the people, to execute the laws which the people have made."

Public officers are the servants and agents of the people, to execute the laws which the people have made.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Minds do not act together in public; they simply stick together; and when their private activities are resumed, they fly apart again."

Minds do not act together in public; they simply stick together; and when their private activities are resumed, they fly apart again.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "What do you imagine the American people would think of me if I wasted my time going to the ball game?"

What do you imagine the American people would think of me if I wasted my time going to the ball game?

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "What, and give him (the batter) a chance to think on my time."

What, and give him (the batter) a chance to think on my time.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "He mocks the people who proposes that the government shall protect the rich and that they in turn will care for the laboring poor."

He mocks the people who proposes that the government shall protect the rich and that they in turn will care for the laboring poor.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Sometimes I wake at night in the White House and rub my eyes and wonder if it is not all a dream."

Sometimes I wake at night in the White House and rub my eyes and wonder if it is not all a dream.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "It is no credit to me to do right. I am never under any temptation to do wrong!"

It is no credit to me to do right. I am never under any temptation to do wrong!

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "No man has ever yet been hanged for breaking the spirit of a law."

No man has ever yet been hanged for breaking the spirit of a law.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I have considered the pension list of the republic a roll of honor."

I have considered the pension list of the republic a roll of honor.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "In these sad and ominous days of mad fortune chasing, every patriotic, thoughtful citizen, whether he fishes or not, should lament that we have not among our countrymen more fishermen."

In these sad and ominous days of mad fortune chasing, every patriotic, thoughtful citizen, whether he fishes or not, should lament that we have not among our countrymen more fishermen.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Well, my dear fellow what did you expect, champagne?"

Well, my dear fellow what did you expect, champagne?

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "The appointing power of the Pope is treated as a public trust, and not as a personal perquisite."

The appointing power of the Pope is treated as a public trust, and not as a personal perquisite.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I can find no warrant for such appropriation in the Constitution."

I can find no warrant for such appropriation in the Constitution.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Every citizen owes to the country a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of its public servants and a fair and reasonable estimate of their fidelity."

Every citizen owes to the country a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of its public servants and a fair and reasonable estimate of their fidelity.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Under our scheme of government the waste of public money is a crime against the citizen."

Under our scheme of government the waste of public money is a crime against the citizen.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I have tried so hard to do the right."

I have tried so hard to do the right.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Some day I will be better remembered."

Some day I will be better remembered.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Good ball players make good citizens."

Good ball players make good citizens.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Men and times change-but principles-never."

Men and times change-but principles-never.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I'm only waiting for my wife to grow up."

I'm only waiting for my wife to grow up.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I mistake the American people if they favor the odious doctrine that there is no such thing as international morality; that there is one law for a strong nation and another for a weak one."

I mistake the American people if they favor the odious doctrine that there is no such thing as international morality; that there is one law for a strong nation and another for a weak one.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "The United States is not a nation to which peace is a necessity."

The United States is not a nation to which peace is a necessity.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "After an existence of nearly twenty years of almost innocuous desuetude these laws are brought forth."

After an existence of nearly twenty years of almost innocuous desuetude these laws are brought forth.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "Once the coffers of the federal government are opened to the public, there will be no shutting them again."

Once the coffers of the federal government are opened to the public, there will be no shutting them again.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "I have a Congress on my hands."

I have a Congress on my hands.

Grover Cleveland Quotes: "My greatest trials come through those professing to be near and attached friends, who expect things."

My greatest trials come through those professing to be near and attached friends, who expect things.