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H. C. Bailey Quotes

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H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The sun, centre and sire of light, The keystone of the world-built arch of heaven."

The sun, centre and sire of light, The keystone of the world-built arch of heaven.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Come watch with me the shaft of fire that glows in yonder West; the fair, frail palaces, The fading Alps and archipelagoes and great cloud continents of sunset-seas."

Come watch with me the shaft of fire that glows in yonder West; the fair, frail palaces, The fading Alps and archipelagoes and great cloud continents of sunset-seas.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "What probing deep Has ever solved the mystery of sleep?"

What probing deep Has ever solved the mystery of sleep?

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Fashion often starts off beautiful and becomes ugly, whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes beautiful."

Fashion often starts off beautiful and becomes ugly, whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes beautiful.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "You can't really copy what I do because I don't do anything."

You can't really copy what I do because I don't do anything.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses."

I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Justice Scalia is predictable. He can be counted on to come down with a conservative opinion, and generally, to bring Justice Clarence Thomas with him."

Justice Scalia is predictable. He can be counted on to come down with a conservative opinion, and generally, to bring Justice Clarence Thomas with him.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Time heals all things."

Time heals all things.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I feel sorry for James Blunt, he has to wake up every morning and think 'Oh my God, I'm James Blunt, what have I done?'"

I feel sorry for James Blunt, he has to wake up every morning and think 'Oh my God, I'm James Blunt, what have I done?'

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Thank God for Darwin, eh?"

Thank God for Darwin, eh?

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation, philosophy, religion."

Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation, philosophy, religion.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Where imperfection ceaseth, heaven begins."

Where imperfection ceaseth, heaven begins.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Too many historical writers are the votaries of cults, which, by definition are dedicated to whitewashing warts and hanging halos."

Too many historical writers are the votaries of cults, which, by definition are dedicated to whitewashing warts and hanging halos.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth."

Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My favoured temple is an humble heart."

My favoured temple is an humble heart.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Work hard, save and live within your means."

Work hard, save and live within your means.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The truth of truths is love."

The truth of truths is love.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Being trendy is dangerous. I've never been trendy, which is why I've never really fallen out of favour."

Being trendy is dangerous. I've never been trendy, which is why I've never really fallen out of favour.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The only thing they can't teach you at art school is art."

The only thing they can't teach you at art school is art.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "To talk to someone who does not listen is enough to tense the devil."

To talk to someone who does not listen is enough to tense the devil.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My wife bought me a vintage Gibson guitar that isn't just beautiful but has tremendous sentimental value. I have plenty of guitars for live gigs but this is one to treasure."

My wife bought me a vintage Gibson guitar that isn't just beautiful but has tremendous sentimental value. I have plenty of guitars for live gigs but this is one to treasure.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I feel like it's me singing back to myself as a younger person and saying have confidence in being a bit different."

I feel like it's me singing back to myself as a younger person and saying have confidence in being a bit different.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I want to do something big, something important."

I want to do something big, something important.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Doubt is the shadow of truth."

Doubt is the shadow of truth.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Live comedy's a very reckless, foolhardy profession. You're only as good as your last gig so earnings fluctuate."

Live comedy's a very reckless, foolhardy profession. You're only as good as your last gig so earnings fluctuate.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Imagination is the air of mind."

Imagination is the air of mind.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "A person cannot love a plant after he has pruned it, then he has either done a poor job or is devoid of emotion."

A person cannot love a plant after he has pruned it, then he has either done a poor job or is devoid of emotion.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Remember that thy heart will shed its pleasures as thine eye its tears, and both leave loathsome furrows."

Remember that thy heart will shed its pleasures as thine eye its tears, and both leave loathsome furrows.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My friends are all megalomaniacs - from Damien Hirst to Jack Nicholson - all of them."

My friends are all megalomaniacs - from Damien Hirst to Jack Nicholson - all of them.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "It is much less what we do than what we think, which fits us for the future."

It is much less what we do than what we think, which fits us for the future.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Lips like rosebuds peeping out of snow."

Lips like rosebuds peeping out of snow.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The memory of the American public is about six weeks."

The memory of the American public is about six weeks.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I love learning new techniques."

I love learning new techniques.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I hate men who are in touch with their feminine side."

I hate men who are in touch with their feminine side.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The legal profession is a business with a tremendous collection of egos. Few people who are not strong egotistically gravitate to it."

The legal profession is a business with a tremendous collection of egos. Few people who are not strong egotistically gravitate to it.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My experience is, people who retire die sooner than they should have."

My experience is, people who retire die sooner than they should have.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Poets are all who love, who feel great truths, And tell them; and the truth of truths is love."

Poets are all who love, who feel great truths, And tell them; and the truth of truths is love.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Error is worse than ignorance."

Error is worse than ignorance.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I can get a firestorm going anywhere in the United States by saying 'O.J.'"

I can get a firestorm going anywhere in the United States by saying 'O.J.'

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, and the next day and the next year, and the year after that."

I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, and the next day and the next year, and the year after that.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I'm not perfect, but I know when I start to do something, I don't like to not finish."

I'm not perfect, but I know when I start to do something, I don't like to not finish.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Sorrow is a stone that crushes a single bearer to the ground, while two are able to carry it with ease."

Sorrow is a stone that crushes a single bearer to the ground, while two are able to carry it with ease.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "When pride thaws, look for floods."

When pride thaws, look for floods.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Stupid National Anthem... Look at this flag; Two bears fighting over a pineapple. What kind of message does that send to the world? "Come to Belarus, where wild animals will steal your fruit.""

Stupid National Anthem... Look at this flag; Two bears fighting over a pineapple. What kind of message does that send to the world? "Come to Belarus, where wild animals will steal your fruit."

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best."

We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "It's the augmented fourth, or diminished fifth, depending on your outlook on life."

It's the augmented fourth, or diminished fifth, depending on your outlook on life.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Hell is the wrath of God--His hate of sin."

Hell is the wrath of God--His hate of sin.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "There is great satisfaction in a well-made clean tool that does its work well."

There is great satisfaction in a well-made clean tool that does its work well.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The scotch egg is such a Scottish food. It's as though a great Scottish chef said: I need a tasty snack. Let's take an egg... and wrap it in meat!! Makes it a bit harder."

The scotch egg is such a Scottish food. It's as though a great Scottish chef said: I need a tasty snack. Let's take an egg... and wrap it in meat!! Makes it a bit harder.