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H. C. Bailey Quotes

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H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I spent my childhood scrambling round badgers and foxes and playing fantastic country kid games like knocking on people's doors and running away. God that was a good game."

I spent my childhood scrambling round badgers and foxes and playing fantastic country kid games like knocking on people's doors and running away. God that was a good game.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "But our country's equivalent of gritty reality is more like "Look out Sarge, he's got a shooter!""

But our country's equivalent of gritty reality is more like "Look out Sarge, he's got a shooter!"

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "There we go, that's it. I just hold my hand in this position for the next couple of hours."

There we go, that's it. I just hold my hand in this position for the next couple of hours.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Contentment is knowing you're right"

Contentment is knowing you're right

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Talking of white supremacist violent types, I was in America, recently."

Talking of white supremacist violent types, I was in America, recently.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I'm not an academic; I'm just a bookish Joe who gets passionate about certain writers and suddenly wants to read everything they've ever written and find out why they wrote it."

I'm not an academic; I'm just a bookish Joe who gets passionate about certain writers and suddenly wants to read everything they've ever written and find out why they wrote it.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I myself am consummately middle class. We grew up in upper-middle-class suburbs in Oklahoma City, and thats very much the same ethos as what Richard Yates and John Cheever wrote about."

I myself am consummately middle class. We grew up in upper-middle-class suburbs in Oklahoma City, and thats very much the same ethos as what Richard Yates and John Cheever wrote about.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I'm always fighting to make the team anyway. I'm always preparing like I'm one of the bottom guys, trying to make the team."

I'm always fighting to make the team anyway. I'm always preparing like I'm one of the bottom guys, trying to make the team.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "When I look back, I'm glad I grew up in a small town. There, it's just you, your family and whatever you make of it."

When I look back, I'm glad I grew up in a small town. There, it's just you, your family and whatever you make of it.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "When you're a little kid, you want the ball. You don't want to play defense. When you get the ball, basically you can do whatever you want."

When you're a little kid, you want the ball. You don't want to play defense. When you get the ball, basically you can do whatever you want.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "This is a business, and I'll deal with it when it comes. If it comes, it comes."

This is a business, and I'll deal with it when it comes. If it comes, it comes.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I think the [music] industry really suffered from music being available online because it made young people feel, "why should you pay for music, if it's so readily available for free?""

I think the [music] industry really suffered from music being available online because it made young people feel, "why should you pay for music, if it's so readily available for free?"

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I never set out to be a photographer."

I never set out to be a photographer.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "You adapt to who you're photographing."

You adapt to who you're photographing.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I don't see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they're there and anyone can photograph them if they're prepared to hang around and wait for the light."

I don't see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they're there and anyone can photograph them if they're prepared to hang around and wait for the light.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "It's only a few nutcases who do art for themselves, like Van Gogh."

It's only a few nutcases who do art for themselves, like Van Gogh.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Actors are hard to photograph because they never want to reveal who they are. You don't know if you're getting a character from a Chekhov play or a Polanski film. It depends what mood they're in."

Actors are hard to photograph because they never want to reveal who they are. You don't know if you're getting a character from a Chekhov play or a Polanski film. It depends what mood they're in.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school."

All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My first influence obviously was Picasso."

My first influence obviously was Picasso.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "My paintings are rubbish."

My paintings are rubbish.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Journalists never make it clear when you are joking."

Journalists never make it clear when you are joking.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I was surrounded by strong women so it had never even occurred to me that women were anything other than equal to men."

I was surrounded by strong women so it had never even occurred to me that women were anything other than equal to men.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "In '73 I photographed the cannibals in New Guinea. They treated me OK but they didn't make you feel relaxed... I managed to escape unscathed though, I'm pretty good at that."

In '73 I photographed the cannibals in New Guinea. They treated me OK but they didn't make you feel relaxed... I managed to escape unscathed though, I'm pretty good at that.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Rather than knowing more, I think I've got more open-minded."

Rather than knowing more, I think I've got more open-minded.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I've always been a bit flip."

I've always been a bit flip.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I was a terrible father. The most I ever did for my children was to teach them chess. At least they got that."

I was a terrible father. The most I ever did for my children was to teach them chess. At least they got that.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I am not responsible for all the journalists in the past that have told lies."

I am not responsible for all the journalists in the past that have told lies.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I don't think my work does reflect my nationality - I don't like the idea of nationalism."

I don't think my work does reflect my nationality - I don't like the idea of nationalism.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I had a terrible time with feminists in the Seventies. They hated me, those women. I think they hated everything."

I had a terrible time with feminists in the Seventies. They hated me, those women. I think they hated everything.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I'm never shocked, I'm not the shockable type!"

I'm never shocked, I'm not the shockable type!

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Sometimes I still can't believe my luck."

Sometimes I still can't believe my luck.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The Sixties was a time of breaking down class barriers, although I think class still exists today in some areas."

The Sixties was a time of breaking down class barriers, although I think class still exists today in some areas.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I don't like any sport except boxing and bull fighting."

I don't like any sport except boxing and bull fighting.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "You have to kind of be invisible when you photograph children, so you use a longer lens."

You have to kind of be invisible when you photograph children, so you use a longer lens.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "The only thing approaching art in a movie is the script."

The only thing approaching art in a movie is the script.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "If you could only play a record once, imagine the intensity you’d have to bring into the listening."

If you could only play a record once, imagine the intensity you’d have to bring into the listening.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I don't research anything."

I don't research anything.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I think playing solo is a second rate activity, really. For me, playing is about playing with other people."

I think playing solo is a second rate activity, really. For me, playing is about playing with other people.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Nowadays, I really like playing in studios."

Nowadays, I really like playing in studios.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Personally, I've found that the kind of thing that I like is going into somebody else's area and not playing their music but doing whatever I do in their area."

Personally, I've found that the kind of thing that I like is going into somebody else's area and not playing their music but doing whatever I do in their area.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "For me, Company is still the best way for me to work."

For me, Company is still the best way for me to work.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "Charlie Appleyard can be anybody; but Ive used him sometimes in chat pieces, and these are all chat pieces about the history of Charlie Appleyard."

Charlie Appleyard can be anybody; but Ive used him sometimes in chat pieces, and these are all chat pieces about the history of Charlie Appleyard.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "But that methodology where players are pitted against other unfamiliar players has been so widely adapted now that anybody plays with everybody."

But that methodology where players are pitted against other unfamiliar players has been so widely adapted now that anybody plays with everybody.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I think the blues is fine for blues players, but free blues has never made much sense to me."

I think the blues is fine for blues players, but free blues has never made much sense to me.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "A team sport is not very good for me, because I can't take losing."

A team sport is not very good for me, because I can't take losing.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "You find sprinters testing other sprinters' mental capability. But these are my good friends on the track. I don't think we need to do that."

You find sprinters testing other sprinters' mental capability. But these are my good friends on the track. I don't think we need to do that.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I love music, and a lot of it. Jazz is probably on the top with guys like Miles Davis. But I even enjoy music from the '60s and '70s."

I love music, and a lot of it. Jazz is probably on the top with guys like Miles Davis. But I even enjoy music from the '60s and '70s.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "In running, I can internalize that intensity. I can handle it because it's me and I'm coming back in the next race. I'm always ready for the next race."

In running, I can internalize that intensity. I can handle it because it's me and I'm coming back in the next race. I'm always ready for the next race.

H. C. Bailey Quotes: "I'd like to be a more consistent starter. I'd like a smoother transition from crouching to running. I have to learn to relax during a race and how to breathe."

I'd like to be a more consistent starter. I'd like a smoother transition from crouching to running. I have to learn to relax during a race and how to breathe.