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H. T. Miller Quotes

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H. T. Miller Quotes: "Whatever needs to be maintained through force is doomed."

Whatever needs to be maintained through force is doomed.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "People love you when they on your mind/A thought is love's currency."

People love you when they on your mind/A thought is love's currency.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it."

There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Nobody's ever asked me to pay for a meal before I've eaten it, I've never been pulled over just because I was driving the wrong kind of car in the wrong kind of area at the wrong time of night."

Nobody's ever asked me to pay for a meal before I've eaten it, I've never been pulled over just because I was driving the wrong kind of car in the wrong kind of area at the wrong time of night.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Genius has no age, no country, no race; it belongs to mankind."

Genius has no age, no country, no race; it belongs to mankind.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I have my own personal wish list."

I have my own personal wish list.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I have made more friends for American culture than the State Department. Certainly I have made fewer enemies, but that isn't very difficult."

I have made more friends for American culture than the State Department. Certainly I have made fewer enemies, but that isn't very difficult.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "It's reached this point where people are fascinated by every intricate detail of other people's lives. And some people are willing to give up their lives like that."

It's reached this point where people are fascinated by every intricate detail of other people's lives. And some people are willing to give up their lives like that.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq."

The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine."

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: life is a story about me."

The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: life is a story about me.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried."

All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The apple cannot be stuck back on the Tree of Knowledge; once we begin to see, we are doomed and challenged to seek the strength to see more, not less."

The apple cannot be stuck back on the Tree of Knowledge; once we begin to see, we are doomed and challenged to seek the strength to see more, not less.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Acting and making art is just something I love to do, and I love to tell stories that feel important, honest and necessary. It's not about me. It's about being part of something."

Acting and making art is just something I love to do, and I love to tell stories that feel important, honest and necessary. It's not about me. It's about being part of something.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I want to say thank you to the great state of Indiana and all the fans.... Pacers Nation, Blue and Gold, thank you guys so much."

I want to say thank you to the great state of Indiana and all the fans.... Pacers Nation, Blue and Gold, thank you guys so much.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "When you come, please be so kind as to check your neuroses and psychoses at the gate... Fans and other obnoxious pests would do well to maintain silence."

When you come, please be so kind as to check your neuroses and psychoses at the gate... Fans and other obnoxious pests would do well to maintain silence.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Energy companies, such as Chevron and Shell, and oil producing countries, such as Kuwait and Venezuela, pump crude oil from their vast land holdings and sell it on the world market"

Energy companies, such as Chevron and Shell, and oil producing countries, such as Kuwait and Venezuela, pump crude oil from their vast land holdings and sell it on the world market

H. T. Miller Quotes: "One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things."

One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Don't wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something!"

Don't wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something!

H. T. Miller Quotes: "We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy."

We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "It's hard to dream when you're deep inside of one."

It's hard to dream when you're deep inside of one.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles,” Chiron said. “And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?"

There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles,” Chiron said. “And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good."

Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I figure I've done what I could do, more or less, and now I'm going back to being a chemical; all we are is a lot of talking nitrogen, you know."

I figure I've done what I could do, more or less, and now I'm going back to being a chemical; all we are is a lot of talking nitrogen, you know.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Getting socially outcast can be the best and most informative thing that can ever happen to you because you have to learn who you are separate from the pack."

Getting socially outcast can be the best and most informative thing that can ever happen to you because you have to learn who you are separate from the pack.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "An actor's job is to embrace emotions and situations that in real life we spend all of our time running away from."

An actor's job is to embrace emotions and situations that in real life we spend all of our time running away from.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood."

Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The abused children are alone with their suffering, not only within the family, but also within themselves. They cannot crate a place in their own soul where they could cry their beart out."

The abused children are alone with their suffering, not only within the family, but also within themselves. They cannot crate a place in their own soul where they could cry their beart out.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Ray Lewis knifed through those offensive linemen like a sucker-punch switchblade slicing between the ribs of some inebriated trash-talking punk outside a sports bar."

Ray Lewis knifed through those offensive linemen like a sucker-punch switchblade slicing between the ribs of some inebriated trash-talking punk outside a sports bar.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Truth grew in my mind like a fungus, and though I tried to sleep it out, there was no resisting the epiphanies."

Truth grew in my mind like a fungus, and though I tried to sleep it out, there was no resisting the epiphanies.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always."

The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Define your times. Treasure your calling. Pray without ceasing. The terrors of the age are less than the grandeur of the Christ within you."

Define your times. Treasure your calling. Pray without ceasing. The terrors of the age are less than the grandeur of the Christ within you.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I've got life, I've got love, I've got faith & that's enough. We feel sorrow we feel pain, but there's sunshine after rain."

I've got life, I've got love, I've got faith & that's enough. We feel sorrow we feel pain, but there's sunshine after rain.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The goal of life is not to possess power but to radiate it."

The goal of life is not to possess power but to radiate it.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Germany expected that at the most a day or so would see Belgian resistance broken and the dash on Paris begun. It was not safe to start such a forward rush with Belgium unconquered."

Germany expected that at the most a day or so would see Belgian resistance broken and the dash on Paris begun. It was not safe to start such a forward rush with Belgium unconquered.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "I used to be sceptic, but not anymore, because now I am positive that I'm getting screwed."

I used to be sceptic, but not anymore, because now I am positive that I'm getting screwed.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Sorrow, anger and resentment look back, worry looks around, while faith, hope, and optimism look to the future."

Sorrow, anger and resentment look back, worry looks around, while faith, hope, and optimism look to the future.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "A recent police study found that you're much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run."

A recent police study found that you're much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Honest criticism means nothing: what one wants is unrestrained passion, fire for fire."

Honest criticism means nothing: what one wants is unrestrained passion, fire for fire.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either, which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, caught between two communities."

My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either, which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, caught between two communities.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Born again?! No, I'm not. Excuse me for getting it right the first time."

Born again?! No, I'm not. Excuse me for getting it right the first time.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "The human mind is a wonderful thing, it starts working from before you're born and doesn't stop till you sit down to write a song."

The human mind is a wonderful thing, it starts working from before you're born and doesn't stop till you sit down to write a song.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good."

Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "It's an amazing thing to be able to fall into the world of your childhood fantasy."

It's an amazing thing to be able to fall into the world of your childhood fantasy.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "As an economics undergraduate, I also worked on a part-time basis in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a company that was advising customers about portfolio decisions, writing reports."

As an economics undergraduate, I also worked on a part-time basis in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a company that was advising customers about portfolio decisions, writing reports.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "A man without hope is a man without fear."

A man without hope is a man without fear.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself."

Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Believing in God is as much like falling in love as it is making a decision. Love is both something that happens to you and something you decide upon."

Believing in God is as much like falling in love as it is making a decision. Love is both something that happens to you and something you decide upon.

H. T. Miller Quotes: "Rather than waiting to restore fiscal responsibility after we pass legislation, we must work to ensure we remain committed to it as we draft legislation."

Rather than waiting to restore fiscal responsibility after we pass legislation, we must work to ensure we remain committed to it as we draft legislation.