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J.B. Morton Quotes

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J.B. Morton Quotes: "Happiness in life is not a given, it must be seized."

Happiness in life is not a given, it must be seized.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "But everyone's an expert with the virtue of hindsight . . . ."

But everyone's an expert with the virtue of hindsight . . . .

J.B. Morton Quotes: "They say everyone needs something to love."

They say everyone needs something to love.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Oh, Grey, no one really likes keeping secrets. The only thing that makes a secret fun is knowing that you weren't supposed to tell it."

Oh, Grey, no one really likes keeping secrets. The only thing that makes a secret fun is knowing that you weren't supposed to tell it.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Oh, there was harm indeed for a young lady flattered by the brief attentions of a handsome man."

Oh, there was harm indeed for a young lady flattered by the brief attentions of a handsome man.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "After all, it's the librarian's sworn purpose to bring books together with their one true reader."

After all, it's the librarian's sworn purpose to bring books together with their one true reader.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "While I wasn't certain how I felt about spiritualists, I was certain enough about the type of people who were drawn to them. Only people unhappy in the present seek to know the future."

While I wasn't certain how I felt about spiritualists, I was certain enough about the type of people who were drawn to them. Only people unhappy in the present seek to know the future.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "But happiness ... happiness grows at our own firesides," she said. "It is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." ~ The House at Riverton"

But happiness ... happiness grows at our own firesides," she said. "It is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." ~ The House at Riverton

J.B. Morton Quotes: "We're all unique, just never in the ways we imagine."

We're all unique, just never in the ways we imagine.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Sometimes, Edie, a person's feelings aren't rational. At least, they don't seem that way on the surface. You have to dig a little deeper to understand what lies at the base"

Sometimes, Edie, a person's feelings aren't rational. At least, they don't seem that way on the surface. You have to dig a little deeper to understand what lies at the base

J.B. Morton Quotes: "when you love someone you’ll do just about anything to keep them."

when you love someone you’ll do just about anything to keep them.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "When reason sleeps, the monsters of repression will emerge."

When reason sleeps, the monsters of repression will emerge.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Rejection is a cancer, Edie. It eats away at a person."

Rejection is a cancer, Edie. It eats away at a person.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Time had a way of moulding people into shapes they themselves no longer recognised."

Time had a way of moulding people into shapes they themselves no longer recognised.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "...which fairy-tale princess ever chose her maid over her prince?"

...which fairy-tale princess ever chose her maid over her prince?

J.B. Morton Quotes: "To succeed inside a political party, one must cultivate an ability to sit still and remain polite while foolish people speak nonsense"

To succeed inside a political party, one must cultivate an ability to sit still and remain polite while foolish people speak nonsense

J.B. Morton Quotes: "The mind can absorb no more than the seat can endure."

The mind can absorb no more than the seat can endure.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "One big reason is better than many little reasons."

One big reason is better than many little reasons.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Keep a secure home base."

Keep a secure home base.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Never miss a political meeting if you think there's the slightest chance you'll wish you'd been there."

Never miss a political meeting if you think there's the slightest chance you'll wish you'd been there.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Don't treat good guys like you treat bad guys."

Don't treat good guys like you treat bad guys.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "A stable movement requries a healthy, reciprocal I.O.U. flow among its participants. Don't keep a careful tally."

A stable movement requries a healthy, reciprocal I.O.U. flow among its participants. Don't keep a careful tally.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "A prompt, generous letter of thanks can seal a commitment which otherwise might disappear when the going gets rough."

A prompt, generous letter of thanks can seal a commitment which otherwise might disappear when the going gets rough.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "The test of moral ideas is moral results."

The test of moral ideas is moral results.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Promptly report your action to the one who requested it."

Promptly report your action to the one who requested it.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I’ve always felt that music should be a normal part of the experience that surrounds people."

I’ve always felt that music should be a normal part of the experience that surrounds people.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Every attempt to explain human behavior, especially the irrational, must as a matter of course end in simplification."

Every attempt to explain human behavior, especially the irrational, must as a matter of course end in simplification.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "In these anxious times many of us are less astonished that reason is ever suspended than that it should ever prevail, even during the briefest of intervals."

In these anxious times many of us are less astonished that reason is ever suspended than that it should ever prevail, even during the briefest of intervals.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "The true secret of success in the investment and speculative world is not so much which good securities to buy, but rather which investments to avoid."

The true secret of success in the investment and speculative world is not so much which good securities to buy, but rather which investments to avoid.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I just get really defensive as soon as anyone comes near my personal life. I made a decision early on that it's strictly off-limits. No exceptions."

I just get really defensive as soon as anyone comes near my personal life. I made a decision early on that it's strictly off-limits. No exceptions.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Catholicism played such a huge part in my life, I would not have survived without my faith."

Catholicism played such a huge part in my life, I would not have survived without my faith.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "It's important to have masculine energy around your child."

It's important to have masculine energy around your child.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I think once you're a mother to one, you're a mother to them all."

I think once you're a mother to one, you're a mother to them all.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I think anybody who has been abused as a kid - and I was abused as a kid, by various people - will say it's irrational because violence is irrational."

I think anybody who has been abused as a kid - and I was abused as a kid, by various people - will say it's irrational because violence is irrational.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I respond very well to well-written material and women who have had an effect on society, something tragic or monumental has happened to them."

I respond very well to well-written material and women who have had an effect on society, something tragic or monumental has happened to them.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I like to stretch my acting muscles."

I like to stretch my acting muscles.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I am proud of what I've done."

I am proud of what I've done.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "The more visionary the idea, the more people it leaves behind."

The more visionary the idea, the more people it leaves behind.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I could be equally happy on a film set or in the middle of a field."

I could be equally happy on a film set or in the middle of a field.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I hate the analyzing thing. People say, 'Why do you think your character did that? I don't know. I'm not an analyst, and they're not in psychotherapy. Unless it's a film where they're in therapy."

I hate the analyzing thing. People say, 'Why do you think your character did that? I don't know. I'm not an analyst, and they're not in psychotherapy. Unless it's a film where they're in therapy.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I was physically abused and I retaliated."

I was physically abused and I retaliated.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Coming back into television, I was very, very wary about committing to anything that could potentially take a long time. I don't mind movies, but I was nervous of television."

Coming back into television, I was very, very wary about committing to anything that could potentially take a long time. I don't mind movies, but I was nervous of television.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I'm an actor. That's what I'm gifted at. It's what makes me breathe."

I'm an actor. That's what I'm gifted at. It's what makes me breathe.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "My mind boggles at the amount of violence inflicted upon children in today's society."

My mind boggles at the amount of violence inflicted upon children in today's society.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "The moral and intellectual character of the Africans is widely different in different nations."

The moral and intellectual character of the Africans is widely different in different nations.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "I have always maintained that if a program is to be successful, it must... be voluntary... based on need and must not be financed through a payroll tax."

I have always maintained that if a program is to be successful, it must... be voluntary... based on need and must not be financed through a payroll tax.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Because desperate people cling to hope like sailors to their wreaks."

Because desperate people cling to hope like sailors to their wreaks.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "Those who live in memories are never really dead."

Those who live in memories are never really dead.

J.B. Morton Quotes: "It'll be a change, " says Marcus. "Something different.""Not a mystery."Marcus laughs. "No. Not a mystery. Just a nice safe history."Ah, my darling. But there is no such thing."

It'll be a change, " says Marcus. "Something different.""Not a mystery."Marcus laughs. "No. Not a mystery. Just a nice safe history."Ah, my darling. But there is no such thing.