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J. C. Read Quotes

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J. C. Read Quotes: "Embrace the fact that we are human. We are flawed, we aren’t invincible, but we are resilient, and we are alive. So we need to live as such"

Embrace the fact that we are human. We are flawed, we aren’t invincible, but we are resilient, and we are alive. So we need to live as such

J. C. Read Quotes: "We had a great time hanging out with the nerdy girls of that suite and pretending to be so depressed and in pain. The problem was, you were never pretending"

We had a great time hanging out with the nerdy girls of that suite and pretending to be so depressed and in pain. The problem was, you were never pretending

J. C. Read Quotes: "Science, the agent that once promised to eradicate the supernatural, had, through the nuclear threat, resurrected it. Magic was not exactly alive, but it was surely undead."

Science, the agent that once promised to eradicate the supernatural, had, through the nuclear threat, resurrected it. Magic was not exactly alive, but it was surely undead.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Criticism demands infinitely more culture than artistic creation."

Criticism demands infinitely more culture than artistic creation.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Our relation to books is a shadowy space haunted by the ghosts of memory, and the real value of books lies in their ability to conjure these specters."

Our relation to books is a shadowy space haunted by the ghosts of memory, and the real value of books lies in their ability to conjure these specters.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Time meant nothing. She loved him in an instant.She would love him forever."

Time meant nothing. She loved him in an instant.She would love him forever.

J. C. Read Quotes: "If that's what you want to do, then you should go do it-and do it well."

If that's what you want to do, then you should go do it-and do it well.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Let others pride themselves about how many pages they have written"

Let others pride themselves about how many pages they have written

J. C. Read Quotes: "Audition requires different neurological processes than vision, or smell. And I would suggest that we hear more than we see while we are reading."

Audition requires different neurological processes than vision, or smell. And I would suggest that we hear more than we see while we are reading.

J. C. Read Quotes: "The animated cartoon has a lot to teach the writer, above all how to define characters and objects with a few strokes."

The animated cartoon has a lot to teach the writer, above all how to define characters and objects with a few strokes.

J. C. Read Quotes: "The student can read as fast as his mind will let him, not as slow as his eyes make him."

The student can read as fast as his mind will let him, not as slow as his eyes make him.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Don't try to resist the effect that a work of imaginative literature has on you."

Don't try to resist the effect that a work of imaginative literature has on you.

J. C. Read Quotes: "The reader who fails to ponder, or at least mark, the words he does not understand is headed for disaster."

The reader who fails to ponder, or at least mark, the words he does not understand is headed for disaster.

J. C. Read Quotes: "From your point of view as a reader, therefore, the most important words are those that give you trouble."

From your point of view as a reader, therefore, the most important words are those that give you trouble.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Most of us are addicted to non-active reading. The outstanding fault of the non-active or undemanding reader is his inattention to words, and his consequent failure to come to terms with the author."

Most of us are addicted to non-active reading. The outstanding fault of the non-active or undemanding reader is his inattention to words, and his consequent failure to come to terms with the author.

J. C. Read Quotes: "You just go around getting hung up on all the least convenient things--and if the only obstacle in your way is a little extra work, then that's the wonderful gift right there."

You just go around getting hung up on all the least convenient things--and if the only obstacle in your way is a little extra work, then that's the wonderful gift right there.

J. C. Read Quotes: "The mind can atrophy, like the muscles, if it is not used."

The mind can atrophy, like the muscles, if it is not used.

J. C. Read Quotes: "What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business."

What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Europe is made of history, America of philosophy, Asia of prosperity, and Africa of opportunity."

Europe is made of history, America of philosophy, Asia of prosperity, and Africa of opportunity.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Real people are made out of a whole lot of things—flesh, bone, blood, nerves, stuff like that. Literary people are made out of words."

Real people are made out of a whole lot of things—flesh, bone, blood, nerves, stuff like that. Literary people are made out of words.

J. C. Read Quotes: "To me, the smarter you are, the more you want to learn - Ernie Accorsi"

To me, the smarter you are, the more you want to learn - Ernie Accorsi

J. C. Read Quotes: "There was no sudden twists or ups and downs, just stories of that person's everyday life. The theme was "growing old". There were no beautiful wo"

There was no sudden twists or ups and downs, just stories of that person's everyday life. The theme was "growing old". There were no beautiful wo

J. C. Read Quotes: "Every language has a grammar, a set of rules that govern usage and meaning, and literary language is no different. It’s all more or less arbitrary of course, just like language itself."

Every language has a grammar, a set of rules that govern usage and meaning, and literary language is no different. It’s all more or less arbitrary of course, just like language itself.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Well-wrought poems and works of imaginative literature can do for us what stone-cold prose can never do. They can help us grasp the full dimension of ways of life other than our own."

Well-wrought poems and works of imaginative literature can do for us what stone-cold prose can never do. They can help us grasp the full dimension of ways of life other than our own.

J. C. Read Quotes: "It’s like I’d been walking a tightrope with a big safety net underneath me, but I never really thought about the net until someone took it away. And then every single step scared me to death."

It’s like I’d been walking a tightrope with a big safety net underneath me, but I never really thought about the net until someone took it away. And then every single step scared me to death.

J. C. Read Quotes: "You can forget what people said and did, but you can never forget how they made you feel. You can forgive the people who hurt you, but you will remember what the taught you."

You can forget what people said and did, but you can never forget how they made you feel. You can forgive the people who hurt you, but you will remember what the taught you.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Reading is an activity of the imagination, and the imagination in question is not the writer's alone."

Reading is an activity of the imagination, and the imagination in question is not the writer's alone.

J. C. Read Quotes: "The broadest possible exercise of imagination is the thing most conducive to human health, individual and global"

The broadest possible exercise of imagination is the thing most conducive to human health, individual and global

J. C. Read Quotes: "I don't care if it's Twilight or Fifty Shades or War and Peace"

I don't care if it's Twilight or Fifty Shades or War and Peace

J. C. Read Quotes: "The Past is what it was and did what its done...."

The Past is what it was and did what its done....

J. C. Read Quotes: "The past is what it was in a flash"

The past is what it was in a flash

J. C. Read Quotes: "I once overheard someone telling someone else "Don't confuse kindness with something else." Even though this was not directed at me, I took heed and never hedged my bets."

I once overheard someone telling someone else "Don't confuse kindness with something else." Even though this was not directed at me, I took heed and never hedged my bets.

J. C. Read Quotes: "It's all very well going round with two fingers stuck up at the world, but what happens when the world turns round and sticks them back up at you?The world's a lot bigger than I am."

It's all very well going round with two fingers stuck up at the world, but what happens when the world turns round and sticks them back up at you?The world's a lot bigger than I am.

J. C. Read Quotes: "You must be able to say "I understand, " before you can say "I agree, " or "I disagree, " or "I suspend judgment."

You must be able to say "I understand, " before you can say "I agree, " or "I disagree, " or "I suspend judgment.

J. C. Read Quotes: "But things are so bad, I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t do something."

But things are so bad, I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t do something.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Being postmodern, however, is about being complicit rather than virtuous, it is about approaching categories like Good and Evil with a certain ironic skepticism."

Being postmodern, however, is about being complicit rather than virtuous, it is about approaching categories like Good and Evil with a certain ironic skepticism.

J. C. Read Quotes: "One crucial thing to keep in mind as you read any Hebrew narrative is the presence of God in the narrative. In any biblical narrative, God is the ultimate character, the supreme hero of the story."

One crucial thing to keep in mind as you read any Hebrew narrative is the presence of God in the narrative. In any biblical narrative, God is the ultimate character, the supreme hero of the story.

J. C. Read Quotes: "Books are the mirror of the soul"

Books are the mirror of the soul

J. C. Read Quotes: "I was there laughing and joking with everyone else, but it’s like there was some part of mestanding back, watching, thinking, “Is this as good as it gets?"

I was there laughing and joking with everyone else, but it’s like there was some part of mestanding back, watching, thinking, “Is this as good as it gets?

J. C. Read Quotes: "Love doesn't discriminate and nor should the law. Not in this country, not in this world, not in this lifetime."

Love doesn't discriminate and nor should the law. Not in this country, not in this world, not in this lifetime.