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J.F. Baldwin Quotes

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J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "We do not trust educated people and rarely, alas, produce them, for we do not trust the independence of mind which alone makes a genuine education possible."

We do not trust educated people and rarely, alas, produce them, for we do not trust the independence of mind which alone makes a genuine education possible.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "People are too various to be treated so lightly. I am too various to be trusted."

People are too various to be treated so lightly. I am too various to be trusted.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Confusion is a luxury which only the very, very young can possibly afford and you are not that young anymore"

Confusion is a luxury which only the very, very young can possibly afford and you are not that young anymore

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "We make our lives bigger or smaller, more expansive or more limited, according to the interpretation of life that is our story."

We make our lives bigger or smaller, more expansive or more limited, according to the interpretation of life that is our story.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Forgiveness is the act of admitting we are like other people."

Forgiveness is the act of admitting we are like other people.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'm just the messenger here. I'm just another representative of my faith, so to speak."

I'm just the messenger here. I'm just another representative of my faith, so to speak.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I had a marriage that I came to in the same way everybody else comes to a marriage. We all take chances when we get married."

I had a marriage that I came to in the same way everybody else comes to a marriage. We all take chances when we get married.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "My wife asks me, when I get home from auditions, if they asked how tall I am. And if I say "Yes," then she says, "Okay, you didn't get that job.""

My wife asks me, when I get home from auditions, if they asked how tall I am. And if I say "Yes," then she says, "Okay, you didn't get that job."

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Acting had always been the social scene I'd fallen into. It was sort of a merry band of band geeks and theater nerds."

Acting had always been the social scene I'd fallen into. It was sort of a merry band of band geeks and theater nerds.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "You never really know the guy until you sit down with him."

You never really know the guy until you sit down with him.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is "poontang"."

If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is "poontang".

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "What hard evidence is there that Obama doesn't want ebola in America?"

What hard evidence is there that Obama doesn't want ebola in America?

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'm not much of a jokester."

I'm not much of a jokester.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "What I try to do is to appreciate every job I have while I'm working on it."

What I try to do is to appreciate every job I have while I'm working on it.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "A lot of the questions that anyone would naturally have about their family, you'll get much of the answers for, or at least hints to where it will go, in the future."

A lot of the questions that anyone would naturally have about their family, you'll get much of the answers for, or at least hints to where it will go, in the future.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'm no Leonardo DiCaprio."

I'm no Leonardo DiCaprio.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "You can't control the audience. When you're on the air and they're not coming to the party, it's time to shut down the party."

You can't control the audience. When you're on the air and they're not coming to the party, it's time to shut down the party.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "It's great to be able to pretend you're tough but funny at the same time."

It's great to be able to pretend you're tough but funny at the same time.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I do admire [Willie] Wonka. He's a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulations, slave labor and an indoor boat. Wonderful."

I do admire [Willie] Wonka. He's a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulations, slave labor and an indoor boat. Wonderful.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines."

Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "If you do get married, get a prenup. It's not about money at all. It's about having a document that states how you'll dissolve your marriage while you still have a shred of respect for each other."

If you do get married, get a prenup. It's not about money at all. It's about having a document that states how you'll dissolve your marriage while you still have a shred of respect for each other.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Ultraconservatism is, to me, so illogical. Everywhere you go, conservatives want to cut, cut, cut, cut - cut money for powerless people. So, that's the biggest problem I have with them."

Ultraconservatism is, to me, so illogical. Everywhere you go, conservatives want to cut, cut, cut, cut - cut money for powerless people. So, that's the biggest problem I have with them.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "You can be someone running...who is just a soaring leader of people. But if you don't have the finances down, you're going to have a problem."

You can be someone running...who is just a soaring leader of people. But if you don't have the finances down, you're going to have a problem.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'm not an awards-driven person in anything. Anytime you do get caught up in that, you usually end up getting whacked."

I'm not an awards-driven person in anything. Anytime you do get caught up in that, you usually end up getting whacked.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Rolling torture wagons for nature's most dignified creature."

Rolling torture wagons for nature's most dignified creature.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I feel I'm two people: I have my interest in acting and I have a lot of other political interests I'd like to pursue."

I feel I'm two people: I have my interest in acting and I have a lot of other political interests I'd like to pursue.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I think I'm just like a lot of people who had nothing."

I think I'm just like a lot of people who had nothing.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "In the film business, when you're young, you just want to work. But when you're older, it has more to do with who's involved with the project - who you're going to get in the boat with."

In the film business, when you're young, you just want to work. But when you're older, it has more to do with who's involved with the project - who you're going to get in the boat with.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "When you're with someone, you want everything to be great. And that's the pressure that you put on, and what you just can't do."

When you're with someone, you want everything to be great. And that's the pressure that you put on, and what you just can't do.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I think the older I've gotten the more, like most people, my appreciation shifts towards things that are very difficult, where you see people who have put in tremendous hours and hours of commitment."

I think the older I've gotten the more, like most people, my appreciation shifts towards things that are very difficult, where you see people who have put in tremendous hours and hours of commitment.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "One generation might like you, then 15 years later the next is responding to somebody else."

One generation might like you, then 15 years later the next is responding to somebody else.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Marriage changes things because there's a lot more at stake. You can't get too toxic because you have to live together. No one can reach for the nuclear button too quickly."

Marriage changes things because there's a lot more at stake. You can't get too toxic because you have to live together. No one can reach for the nuclear button too quickly.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Soaps are the best. They really are. If you can do a soap, well, you can do anything. You have to learn pages of dialogue very quickly."

Soaps are the best. They really are. If you can do a soap, well, you can do anything. You have to learn pages of dialogue very quickly.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "All those animals live a pretty dreary life, then they get chopped up and put on a griddle."

All those animals live a pretty dreary life, then they get chopped up and put on a griddle.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Getting older is hard."

Getting older is hard.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I consider myself a pretty good conversationalist, but you wind up being downgraded to idiot status when you don't speak the language!"

I consider myself a pretty good conversationalist, but you wind up being downgraded to idiot status when you don't speak the language!

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I don't think I really have a talent for movie acting. I'm not bad at it, but I don't think I really have a talent for it."

I don't think I really have a talent for movie acting. I'm not bad at it, but I don't think I really have a talent for it.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I don't want to be throwing the football on the front yard when I'm 75. I mean, I'm not opposed to men doing that. But I don't think it's gonna work for me."

I don't want to be throwing the football on the front yard when I'm 75. I mean, I'm not opposed to men doing that. But I don't think it's gonna work for me.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "We both grew into the people we wanted each other to be."

We both grew into the people we wanted each other to be.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I probably have to move out of New York. I just can’t live in New York anymore."

I probably have to move out of New York. I just can’t live in New York anymore.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I wanted to work with Cate Blanchett. She is one of the five greatest movie actresses of her generation."

I wanted to work with Cate Blanchett. She is one of the five greatest movie actresses of her generation.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'd do anything to have more kids. But that's probably not gonna happen now."

I'd do anything to have more kids. But that's probably not gonna happen now.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I wish I could play the lead role in one movie, one great movie."

I wish I could play the lead role in one movie, one great movie.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'm a pretty loyal person."

I'm a pretty loyal person.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I would like to devote myself to the cause of parental alienation."

I would like to devote myself to the cause of parental alienation.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "When I'm not working, I dress like a surfer. I look like I'm going to come into your house and clean your pool."

When I'm not working, I dress like a surfer. I look like I'm going to come into your house and clean your pool.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I am still playing 'Words With Friends,' but on Virgin Atlantic."

I am still playing 'Words With Friends,' but on Virgin Atlantic.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I think I do want to go into politics. I really, really do. And I don't know if I will."

I think I do want to go into politics. I really, really do. And I don't know if I will.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "When I get onstage in a play, I feel very safe, very protected, very fulfilled."

When I get onstage in a play, I feel very safe, very protected, very fulfilled.