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J.F. Baldwin Quotes

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J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Do I regret getting married? It's hard for me to say anything because ultimately we're talking about the mother of my child."

Do I regret getting married? It's hard for me to say anything because ultimately we're talking about the mother of my child.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I never walked out the door and said, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest Baldwin brother of them all?""

I never walked out the door and said, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest Baldwin brother of them all?"

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I am so much of a mind now to be in the audience, to watch and to experience, and to feel, rather than having to get up and perform, I want my life to be less about performing."

I am so much of a mind now to be in the audience, to watch and to experience, and to feel, rather than having to get up and perform, I want my life to be less about performing.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "There comes a time when what is needed is not just rhetoric, but boots on the ground."

There comes a time when what is needed is not just rhetoric, but boots on the ground.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "We, too, must change as circumstances evolve."

We, too, must change as circumstances evolve.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "5 opens with the promise of a number of substantial direct private investments that can swiftly transform the economy and set all sectors on a pronounced upward curve."

5 opens with the promise of a number of substantial direct private investments that can swiftly transform the economy and set all sectors on a pronounced upward curve.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Story is the mother of us all, for we become who we say we are."

Story is the mother of us all, for we become who we say we are.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "The spiritual journey is what the soul is up to while we attend to daily living."

The spiritual journey is what the soul is up to while we attend to daily living.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Story is the mother of us all. First we wrap our lives in language and then we act on who we say we are. We proceed from the word into the world and make a world based on our stories."

Story is the mother of us all. First we wrap our lives in language and then we act on who we say we are. We proceed from the word into the world and make a world based on our stories.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Writing makes a map, and there is something about a journey that begs to have its passage marked."

Writing makes a map, and there is something about a journey that begs to have its passage marked.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Despair is our chance to wrestle with fire and come through."

Despair is our chance to wrestle with fire and come through.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "History is what scholars and conquerors say happened; story is what it was like to live on the ground."

History is what scholars and conquerors say happened; story is what it was like to live on the ground.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out."

Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Meaning drives us from despair to wonder, from confusion to clarity, from hesitance to confidence. And the only place to find meaning is in the importance of small things."

Meaning drives us from despair to wonder, from confusion to clarity, from hesitance to confidence. And the only place to find meaning is in the importance of small things.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "in writing we live life twice: once in the experience, and again in recording and reflecting upon our experience."

in writing we live life twice: once in the experience, and again in recording and reflecting upon our experience.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "My real journey had very little to do with traveling Europe, and a whole lot to do with traveling my own mind."

My real journey had very little to do with traveling Europe, and a whole lot to do with traveling my own mind.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Our desires teach us who we are and who we want to become. Our desires shape our stories."

Our desires teach us who we are and who we want to become. Our desires shape our stories.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Intuition always has our best interest at heart."

Intuition always has our best interest at heart.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "We cannot think without language, we cannot process experience without story."

We cannot think without language, we cannot process experience without story.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Spiritual energy brings compassion into the world."

Spiritual energy brings compassion into the world.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Spiritual life is contractual."

Spiritual life is contractual.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "The reason I spend thousands of lifetime hours creating something 99 percent of which no one else is likely to ever read is that writing itself is the gift."

The reason I spend thousands of lifetime hours creating something 99 percent of which no one else is likely to ever read is that writing itself is the gift.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "My journal is my life's companion."

My journal is my life's companion.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Friendship has no civil, and few emotional, rights in our society."

Friendship has no civil, and few emotional, rights in our society.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Turn in your guns at your local church"

Turn in your guns at your local church

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "What is especially irritating about the whole abortion debate is the way the subject has been used as a political football by those on both the right and the left of the political aisle."

What is especially irritating about the whole abortion debate is the way the subject has been used as a political football by those on both the right and the left of the political aisle.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "How many physicians, scientists, teachers, pastors, missionaries, statesmen, musicians, businessmen, and notable contributors to society have been murdered in the womb?"

How many physicians, scientists, teachers, pastors, missionaries, statesmen, musicians, businessmen, and notable contributors to society have been murdered in the womb?

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "If you ask me if I think I will be sober in 24 hours time I can say yes, but in two years I can't tell you. I could be dead."

If you ask me if I think I will be sober in 24 hours time I can say yes, but in two years I can't tell you. I could be dead.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I prefer to say that I am a beautiful person. But the addict is a horrible person."

I prefer to say that I am a beautiful person. But the addict is a horrible person.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Where I am right now I'm pretty good at. You know, I understand that there's a problem. I'm addressing it. I'm doing the work that I have to do."

Where I am right now I'm pretty good at. You know, I understand that there's a problem. I'm addressing it. I'm doing the work that I have to do.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "It's difficult to talk about, you know, my inadequacies, my inability to stay sober when I'm a relatively bright man and I've had a lot of great blessings and a lot of great opportunities."

It's difficult to talk about, you know, my inadequacies, my inability to stay sober when I'm a relatively bright man and I've had a lot of great blessings and a lot of great opportunities.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "The addict will screw you over and lie to you and do all kinds of things."

The addict will screw you over and lie to you and do all kinds of things.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I'd just turned 50, weighed 285, and my doctor had read me the riot act about my health."

I'd just turned 50, weighed 285, and my doctor had read me the riot act about my health.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I thought, 'My God, I'm gonna make $15,000 a week for 13 weeks.' What would I do with that kind of money? You know, I had never seen anything like that before in my life."

I thought, 'My God, I'm gonna make $15,000 a week for 13 weeks.' What would I do with that kind of money? You know, I had never seen anything like that before in my life.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I don't really drink very much, although I have abused alcohol in the past."

I don't really drink very much, although I have abused alcohol in the past.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "At the end of the spectrum when you get to that 12th step, when you have that spiritual awakening we make ourselves available to help other people."

At the end of the spectrum when you get to that 12th step, when you have that spiritual awakening we make ourselves available to help other people.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Every generation proclaims that each must lead his own life, but seldom grants the subsequent generation the right to lead theirs."

Every generation proclaims that each must lead his own life, but seldom grants the subsequent generation the right to lead theirs.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "the one universal form of art is music."

the one universal form of art is music.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Faith is the spiritual house in which we live."

Faith is the spiritual house in which we live.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "There's nothing like fishing to pass the time and to incline toward a sort of magnificent stupidity in which nothing matters but tackle, bait, sunlight and the strike."

There's nothing like fishing to pass the time and to incline toward a sort of magnificent stupidity in which nothing matters but tackle, bait, sunlight and the strike.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Kissing tends to bring on woolgathering, even amnesia."

Kissing tends to bring on woolgathering, even amnesia.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Either I'm listening to rap music, getting hyped up to go out and do something, or I'm listening to church music."

Either I'm listening to rap music, getting hyped up to go out and do something, or I'm listening to church music.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "I want to be an inspirational model. I want people to look at me and say 'Wow she looks healthy.'"

I want to be an inspirational model. I want people to look at me and say 'Wow she looks healthy.'

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Life's too short not to have fun with what you wear."

Life's too short not to have fun with what you wear.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "The past is what makes the present coherent, and the past will remain horrible for exactly as long as we refuse to assess it honestly."

The past is what makes the present coherent, and the past will remain horrible for exactly as long as we refuse to assess it honestly.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Recognizing a problem doesn't always bring a solution, but until we recognize that problem, there can be no solution."

Recognizing a problem doesn't always bring a solution, but until we recognize that problem, there can be no solution.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "There are too many things we do not wish to know about ourselves."

There are too many things we do not wish to know about ourselves.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "You want to write a sentence as clean as a bone. That is the goal."

You want to write a sentence as clean as a bone. That is the goal.

J.F. Baldwin Quotes: "Love is like the lightning, and your maturity is signaled by the extent to which you can accept the dangers and the power and the beauty of love."

Love is like the lightning, and your maturity is signaled by the extent to which you can accept the dangers and the power and the beauty of love.