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J.G. Holland Quotes

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J.G. Holland Quotes: "I just never was the marrying kind."

I just never was the marrying kind.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "All women are feminists, whether they know it or not."

All women are feminists, whether they know it or not.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Gossip is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility."

Gossip is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Perfect love holds the secret of the world's perfect liberty."

Perfect love holds the secret of the world's perfect liberty.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step toward God-- Lifting the soul from the common clod To a purer air and a broader view."

I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step toward God-- Lifting the soul from the common clod To a purer air and a broader view.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Don't delay. It's getting late."

Don't delay. It's getting late.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The Atonement of Jesus Christ is rightfully seen as the central fact, the crucial foundation, and the chief doctrine of the plan of salvation, which we are called to teach."

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is rightfully seen as the central fact, the crucial foundation, and the chief doctrine of the plan of salvation, which we are called to teach.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those."

The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The ability of the gospel to unite us on common strengths and common truths is one of the great miracles . . . of the gospel."

The ability of the gospel to unite us on common strengths and common truths is one of the great miracles . . . of the gospel.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The history of Napoleon now becomes, for 12 momentous years, the history of mankind."

The history of Napoleon now becomes, for 12 momentous years, the history of mankind.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Of all the advantages which come to any young man ... poverty is the greatest."

Of all the advantages which come to any young man ... poverty is the greatest.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Now, perhaps more than ever, we need more and more examples of healing. We need to learn what it takes to heal."

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need more and more examples of healing. We need to learn what it takes to heal.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Politically, nowadays, as we know and feel, we are similarly underrepresented and not heard."

Politically, nowadays, as we know and feel, we are similarly underrepresented and not heard.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I just hope to work with great people, and do things that are challenging for me and that I can be proud of and not have to hide my face about. Those are my guidelines."

I just hope to work with great people, and do things that are challenging for me and that I can be proud of and not have to hide my face about. Those are my guidelines.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The surgeries were the hardest scenes for me because it's literally balancing so many balls in the air, at the same time, and each surgery is different."

The surgeries were the hardest scenes for me because it's literally balancing so many balls in the air, at the same time, and each surgery is different.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "It is that rare film [Moonlight] that comes along once in a while that catches the zeitgeist. This movie is that. I certainly have my fingers crossed that it is. Everyone needs to see this movie."

It is that rare film [Moonlight] that comes along once in a while that catches the zeitgeist. This movie is that. I certainly have my fingers crossed that it is. Everyone needs to see this movie.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I want to shift my career back to shows like The Knick. I prefer the classic drama structure."

I want to shift my career back to shows like The Knick. I prefer the classic drama structure.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I am also producing and writing a bunch."

I am also producing and writing a bunch.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "[Theater] has always been a big focus. I have been away from it for the past few years. I want to get back to it!"

[Theater] has always been a big focus. I have been away from it for the past few years. I want to get back to it!

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The policies enacted during segregation are still being felt in Birmingham."

The policies enacted during segregation are still being felt in Birmingham.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I personally feel like black people in America have contributed so much for so long, and haven't always gotten credit for it."

I personally feel like black people in America have contributed so much for so long, and haven't always gotten credit for it.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I just want to play interesting characters, and I want to work with the best directors I can work with."

I just want to play interesting characters, and I want to work with the best directors I can work with.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I went down and spoke to some of the people who lived in the neighborhood in Miami. At the end of the day I think my connection with Tarell [Alvin McCraney] is what helped me the most."

I went down and spoke to some of the people who lived in the neighborhood in Miami. At the end of the day I think my connection with Tarell [Alvin McCraney] is what helped me the most.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Barry Jenkins just cast the right people and framed things the right way."

Barry Jenkins just cast the right people and framed things the right way.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "When you're playing Shakespeare, it forces you to think and feel and speak all at the same time, which really is what acting is. It expands your imagination and expands your size of thinking."

When you're playing Shakespeare, it forces you to think and feel and speak all at the same time, which really is what acting is. It expands your imagination and expands your size of thinking.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I love to sing. I'm definitely not a very good singer, but when I'm in my shower I get down for sure."

I love to sing. I'm definitely not a very good singer, but when I'm in my shower I get down for sure.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "All the craft skills that I have, I feel like I developed and honed in drama school. It's the most important thing for me."

All the craft skills that I have, I feel like I developed and honed in drama school. It's the most important thing for me.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "My goal has always been to try to live up to every ounce of my potential."

My goal has always been to try to live up to every ounce of my potential.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I definitely want to work with people who are artists and who are interested in being their best version of themselves."

I definitely want to work with people who are artists and who are interested in being their best version of themselves.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "People sometimes say, "What is your dream role?" I don't really have a dream role. I'll know it when I see it."

People sometimes say, "What is your dream role?" I don't really have a dream role. I'll know it when I see it.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The horror genre is fun but I'm not sure it is quite right for me."

The horror genre is fun but I'm not sure it is quite right for me.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I have worked with Tarell Alvin McCraney, who is the play Moonlight is based on. He's a company member at Steppenwolf. I have done a could of his plays here."

I have worked with Tarell Alvin McCraney, who is the play Moonlight is based on. He's a company member at Steppenwolf. I have done a could of his plays here.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "moral indignation is a pleasure, often the only pleasure, in many lives. It's also one of the few pleasures people feel obliged to force on other people."

moral indignation is a pleasure, often the only pleasure, in many lives. It's also one of the few pleasures people feel obliged to force on other people.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "In the taverns all was amiable and easy, but the coffeehouses were cauldrons of edgy malcontents."

In the taverns all was amiable and easy, but the coffeehouses were cauldrons of edgy malcontents.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "To extract the fullest flavor of our drinking house, we needed to spend serious evening time there, slowly coming to know the bartender and the regulars, their joys and sorrows."

To extract the fullest flavor of our drinking house, we needed to spend serious evening time there, slowly coming to know the bartender and the regulars, their joys and sorrows.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The United States government, in figuring our gross national product, defines 'durable goods' as anything that will last three years."

The United States government, in figuring our gross national product, defines 'durable goods' as anything that will last three years.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "My friends and I were all deathly afraid of our fathers, which was right and proper and even biblically ordained. Fathers were angry; it was their job."

My friends and I were all deathly afraid of our fathers, which was right and proper and even biblically ordained. Fathers were angry; it was their job.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The nostalgic notion of the family orchards is lovely - all that wholesome fruit for our forebears to sit on the back steps biting into - but basically we were growing it to drink."

The nostalgic notion of the family orchards is lovely - all that wholesome fruit for our forebears to sit on the back steps biting into - but basically we were growing it to drink.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Smiting enemies has always been so admired that, unlike medicine or archaeology, it entitled its successful practitioners to become kings, emperors, and presidents."

Smiting enemies has always been so admired that, unlike medicine or archaeology, it entitled its successful practitioners to become kings, emperors, and presidents.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Success in war was the only success that counted; failure was a disgrace to be wiped out only by starting another war and winning it."

Success in war was the only success that counted; failure was a disgrace to be wiped out only by starting another war and winning it.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Single life should be experimental in nature and open to accidents. Some accidents are happy ones."

Single life should be experimental in nature and open to accidents. Some accidents are happy ones.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Our Revolution was born and raised in taverns."

Our Revolution was born and raised in taverns.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "In the metropolitan haunts of the highly sophisticated, the cocktail is no longer an instrument of friendship but a competitive fashion statement, or one-upmanship."

In the metropolitan haunts of the highly sophisticated, the cocktail is no longer an instrument of friendship but a competitive fashion statement, or one-upmanship.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Exercise, to qualify at all, must be lonely, painfu, humorless, and boring."

Exercise, to qualify at all, must be lonely, painfu, humorless, and boring.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "A catless writer is almost inconceivable."

A catless writer is almost inconceivable.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "In a proper pub everyone there is potentially, if not a lifelong friend, at least someone to lure into an argument about foreign policy or the Red Sox."

In a proper pub everyone there is potentially, if not a lifelong friend, at least someone to lure into an argument about foreign policy or the Red Sox.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Perhaps it's a good time to reconsider pleasure at its roots. Changing out of wet shoes and socks, for instance."

Perhaps it's a good time to reconsider pleasure at its roots. Changing out of wet shoes and socks, for instance.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Sophistication called for a variety of talents and attitudes, but the minimum requirement was being in New York. Not all New Yorkers achieved it, but nobody elsewhere had a prayer."

Sophistication called for a variety of talents and attitudes, but the minimum requirement was being in New York. Not all New Yorkers achieved it, but nobody elsewhere had a prayer.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "No doubt about it, solitude is improved by being voluntary."

No doubt about it, solitude is improved by being voluntary.