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J.M.W. Turner Quotes

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J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Singing allowed me to express myself in ways that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise."

Singing allowed me to express myself in ways that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Either accept people for what they are, or don't. So, in other words, man, if people don't know me, I think they do themself an injustice. Because, as a whole, I think I'm a good person."

Either accept people for what they are, or don't. So, in other words, man, if people don't know me, I think they do themself an injustice. Because, as a whole, I think I'm a good person.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm not gonna try to defend, or undo what's been done. All I could say about whatever's been done, it's been done, and it's water under the bridge. I have no regrets of my life."

I'm not gonna try to defend, or undo what's been done. All I could say about whatever's been done, it's been done, and it's water under the bridge. I have no regrets of my life.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In those days, man, in the '50s, black people in the South... We didn't recognize contracts that much. And we didn't recognize marriages that much, either."

In those days, man, in the '50s, black people in the South... We didn't recognize contracts that much. And we didn't recognize marriages that much, either.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm very fast on teaching guys. Like, when I came over here, I only had two rehearsals with the band. I wondered when I first got here... but it sure came up great."

I'm very fast on teaching guys. Like, when I came over here, I only had two rehearsals with the band. I wondered when I first got here... but it sure came up great.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "They would come down in Mississippi, they hired me as a talent scout. And I would go all over Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and find out different artists for them."

They would come down in Mississippi, they hired me as a talent scout. And I would go all over Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and find out different artists for them.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In China, when you get to the airport everyone be talking in American slang."

In China, when you get to the airport everyone be talking in American slang.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Thus, during the winter of 2003 I ventured into a new arena as a professional photographer."

Thus, during the winter of 2003 I ventured into a new arena as a professional photographer.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "He lies to himself. If Eugenides talked in his sleep, he'd lie then, too."

He lies to himself. If Eugenides talked in his sleep, he'd lie then, too.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I've never had the patience of a teacher."

I've never had the patience of a teacher.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We need to move beyond the demonisation of overpaid traders ... In finance and economics, ill-designed policy is a more powerful force for harm than individual greed or error."

We need to move beyond the demonisation of overpaid traders ... In finance and economics, ill-designed policy is a more powerful force for harm than individual greed or error.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The mind of the people is like mud, from which arises strange and beautiful things."

The mind of the people is like mud, from which arises strange and beautiful things.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Everything has a cause and the cause of anything is everything."

Everything has a cause and the cause of anything is everything.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Modernism', as a label, has currency in the arts, architecture, planning, landscape, politics, theology, cultural history and elsewhere."

Modernism', as a label, has currency in the arts, architecture, planning, landscape, politics, theology, cultural history and elsewhere.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Many of the world's best-designed cities have been inspired by garden concepts."

Many of the world's best-designed cities have been inspired by garden concepts.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In ancient times the ritual, mythological and doctrinal aspects of spiritual space were predominant."

In ancient times the ritual, mythological and doctrinal aspects of spiritual space were predominant.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I am a practicing Buddhist. I have been for 25 years."

I am a practicing Buddhist. I have been for 25 years.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "There comes a point where it is just undignified to be a rock 'n' roll star."

There comes a point where it is just undignified to be a rock 'n' roll star.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "As a child my grandmother used to tell us stories about the dead and the mystical."

As a child my grandmother used to tell us stories about the dead and the mystical.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Hell, we spent $200 Billion to get a scared guy who needed a shave out of a fox-hole! And he may even die of prostate cancer before we even get a chance to try him, dammit!"

Hell, we spent $200 Billion to get a scared guy who needed a shave out of a fox-hole! And he may even die of prostate cancer before we even get a chance to try him, dammit!

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "What the Bible says is really true-it's better to give than to receive."

What the Bible says is really true-it's better to give than to receive.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The worst sin, the ultimate sin for me, in anything, is to be bored."

The worst sin, the ultimate sin for me, in anything, is to be bored.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The happiest people are those who are contributing to society."

The happiest people are those who are contributing to society.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Warranty – A notice telling the buyer when the product that was just purchased will no longer function."

Warranty – A notice telling the buyer when the product that was just purchased will no longer function.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The better a work environment is, the better it is for the employer - not just the employee."

The better a work environment is, the better it is for the employer - not just the employee.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Women should not need a permission slip from government to take care of their own reproductive health."

Women should not need a permission slip from government to take care of their own reproductive health.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Easter's nearly here, now - Sing, world, sing!"

Easter's nearly here, now - Sing, world, sing!

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Death is only an old door/Set in a garden wall."

Death is only an old door/Set in a garden wall.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I sometimes believe his lies are the truth, but I have never mistaken his truth for a lie."

I sometimes believe his lies are the truth, but I have never mistaken his truth for a lie.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: ""Before you make a decision," he said, "I want you to know that I love you.""

"Before you make a decision," he said, "I want you to know that I love you."

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I am a master of foolhardy plans, I thought. I have so much practice I consider them professional risks."

I am a master of foolhardy plans, I thought. I have so much practice I consider them professional risks.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I am not sure I trust you." "You can trust me with your life, My King." "But not with my wine, obviously. Give it back."

I am not sure I trust you." "You can trust me with your life, My King." "But not with my wine, obviously. Give it back.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Especially as an artist who has been signed to one of the majors throughout my last ten years, you don't always get to write your own music."

Especially as an artist who has been signed to one of the majors throughout my last ten years, you don't always get to write your own music.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Risk is the willingness to fail."

Risk is the willingness to fail.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "My desire is to let go of my ego and let in His direction."

My desire is to let go of my ego and let in His direction.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The probability that we face global warming caused by fossil fuels is now so overwhelming that it is legitimate to doubt the motives of those who deny it"

The probability that we face global warming caused by fossil fuels is now so overwhelming that it is legitimate to doubt the motives of those who deny it

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In following their line through, and those of Plantagenet and Tudor, there is but little to soothe the mind."

In following their line through, and those of Plantagenet and Tudor, there is but little to soothe the mind.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I need to take a break from this life as a human for 45 minutes and go experience a little bit of immortality."

I need to take a break from this life as a human for 45 minutes and go experience a little bit of immortality.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We are born with our eyes closed and our mouths open, and we spend our whole lives trying to reverse that mistake of nature."

We are born with our eyes closed and our mouths open, and we spend our whole lives trying to reverse that mistake of nature.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press."

If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I advocate the use of force to rescue Terri Schiavo from being starved to death. I further advocate the killing of anyone who interferes with such rescue."

I advocate the use of force to rescue Terri Schiavo from being starved to death. I further advocate the killing of anyone who interferes with such rescue.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The bands I like, they don't sell too many records and the girls I like, they don't kiss too many boys. Books I read will never be bestsellers yeah but come on fellas at least we made our choice."

The bands I like, they don't sell too many records and the girls I like, they don't kiss too many boys. Books I read will never be bestsellers yeah but come on fellas at least we made our choice.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "A proper family diary with everyone's events and parties in it really helps organise the household."

A proper family diary with everyone's events and parties in it really helps organise the household.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "And if we seem nutty to you and if we seem like an odd ball to you, just remember one thing. The mighty oak tree was once a nut just like me."

And if we seem nutty to you and if we seem like an odd ball to you, just remember one thing. The mighty oak tree was once a nut just like me.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The world is crammed with messages. We’ll never have time to read them all."

The world is crammed with messages. We’ll never have time to read them all.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm just beginning to develop callouses on my fingers, because I haven't played a lot."

I'm just beginning to develop callouses on my fingers, because I haven't played a lot.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I took the batteries out my mysticism / 
And put them in my thinking cap"

I took the batteries out my mysticism / 
And put them in my thinking cap

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us."

Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I like to fish when it's not too hot."

I like to fish when it's not too hot.