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J.M.W. Turner Quotes

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J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I like to fish when it's not too hot."

I like to fish when it's not too hot.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The older I get, the less I suffer fools gladly."

The older I get, the less I suffer fools gladly.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Jamaica is just one of those places that has so many stimulating factors in everyday existence. It definitely feeds me, my creativity and my soul in so many ways."

Jamaica is just one of those places that has so many stimulating factors in everyday existence. It definitely feeds me, my creativity and my soul in so many ways.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Sometimes two people could look at the same picture and see different images. Position determines perspective."

Sometimes two people could look at the same picture and see different images. Position determines perspective.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We are going to have to do some real soul searching as a country and try to bring America together, because it is divided."

We are going to have to do some real soul searching as a country and try to bring America together, because it is divided.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Self-Checkout Line – The place where customers of an establishment become unpaid employees of the establishment."

Self-Checkout Line – The place where customers of an establishment become unpaid employees of the establishment.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If you panic that's a good way to lose. You have to stay in control."

If you panic that's a good way to lose. You have to stay in control.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If you never quit, you're never beaten."

If you never quit, you're never beaten.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I've got a virtually limitless supply of bullshit."

I've got a virtually limitless supply of bullshit.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The more good I do, the more money has come in. You have to learn to give. You're not born to give. You're born selfish."

The more good I do, the more money has come in. You have to learn to give. You're not born to give. You're born selfish.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "It's been a long time since anybody caught me saying something stupid."

It's been a long time since anybody caught me saying something stupid.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us."

Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Man should be judged by the deeds done to help his fellow man."

Man should be judged by the deeds done to help his fellow man.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "People hold on to what they like. They discard what they don't..."

People hold on to what they like. They discard what they don't...

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I am attracted to myths."

I am attracted to myths.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Greatest hits is easy because one has nothing to do - except that we both, Roger and I, felt that new songs should be there because I've been away for awhile."

Greatest hits is easy because one has nothing to do - except that we both, Roger and I, felt that new songs should be there because I've been away for awhile.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I didn't worry about it because I kind of felt I left a good message and memory with the people in terms of my work, and I always felt with a good record, I could always come back."

I didn't worry about it because I kind of felt I left a good message and memory with the people in terms of my work, and I always felt with a good record, I could always come back.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I wonder if people always choose what will make them unhappy."

I wonder if people always choose what will make them unhappy.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "These people make my family look easy to get along with."

These people make my family look easy to get along with.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If we truly trust no one, we cannot survive."

If we truly trust no one, we cannot survive.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "No friend had I made there, but I wasn't with this group to make friends, and besides, he sneered too much. I've found that people who sneer are almost always sneering at me."

No friend had I made there, but I wasn't with this group to make friends, and besides, he sneered too much. I've found that people who sneer are almost always sneering at me.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The Lord of Rags and Tatters."

The Lord of Rags and Tatters.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "He whines, he complains, he ducks out of the most obvious responsibility. He is vain, petty and maddening, but he doesn't ever quit."

He whines, he complains, he ducks out of the most obvious responsibility. He is vain, petty and maddening, but he doesn't ever quit.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect."

If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "No man can choose to serve only himself when he has something to offer his state. No one can put his own wishes above the needs of so many."

No man can choose to serve only himself when he has something to offer his state. No one can put his own wishes above the needs of so many.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "How is it possible for me to feel so young and so old at the same time?"

How is it possible for me to feel so young and so old at the same time?

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I know that if you don't look for an alternative, Sophos, you certainly won't find one."

I know that if you don't look for an alternative, Sophos, you certainly won't find one.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "It's cool to have a well run, comfortable and inviting home."

It's cool to have a well run, comfortable and inviting home.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I've had the good fortune to have a much more diverse life than most people would, professional sports and television and news and movies."

I've had the good fortune to have a much more diverse life than most people would, professional sports and television and news and movies.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I travel a lot. I'm on the move."

I travel a lot. I'm on the move.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "My first full year of touring, I did 300 days on the road. That was not including the travel time or publicity or anything else - that was just dates. I was home probably less than 50 days that year."

My first full year of touring, I did 300 days on the road. That was not including the travel time or publicity or anything else - that was just dates. I was home probably less than 50 days that year.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In economics, when you put together a highly elastic thing and a highly inelastic thing, you create extraordinary potential for turbulence, volatility, and for unstable prices."

In economics, when you put together a highly elastic thing and a highly inelastic thing, you create extraordinary potential for turbulence, volatility, and for unstable prices.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Rising inequality can create a more highly leveraged economy, and it can then make the economy vulnerable to a crash like 2008."

Rising inequality can create a more highly leveraged economy, and it can then make the economy vulnerable to a crash like 2008.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In absolute terms, we may have to look at restricting the number of flights people take."

In absolute terms, we may have to look at restricting the number of flights people take.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Of course, we all have to be taxed, but once you start to earn more than £150,000, and start paying 45 per cent tax, you are penalised. It is like a witch hunt."

Of course, we all have to be taxed, but once you start to earn more than £150,000, and start paying 45 per cent tax, you are penalised. It is like a witch hunt.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Divorce is the biggest drain, outside of school fees, and nobody wins. People think it is always in the woman's favour, but it is not necessarily."

Divorce is the biggest drain, outside of school fees, and nobody wins. People think it is always in the woman's favour, but it is not necessarily.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "A lot of people live in a property that will one day be part of their pension, and that is true for me too. I have an investment I can sell with ease."

A lot of people live in a property that will one day be part of their pension, and that is true for me too. I have an investment I can sell with ease.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I have made six big home moves in my life and I have never lost money on one I have lived in."

I have made six big home moves in my life and I have never lost money on one I have lived in.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The late 1990s were good to me. I was doing the Lottery, GMTV and I had a good contract with ITV. But I was working so hard, I never had time to celebrate. I never thought I was lucky."

The late 1990s were good to me. I was doing the Lottery, GMTV and I had a good contract with ITV. But I was working so hard, I never had time to celebrate. I never thought I was lucky.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I have always liked clothes - throughout my life, my saving grace has been my own vanity."

I have always liked clothes - throughout my life, my saving grace has been my own vanity.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "There's no getting away from it: you have to clean."

There's no getting away from it: you have to clean.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "If your fridge is full this Christmas, use nature's refrigerator - your car!"

If your fridge is full this Christmas, use nature's refrigerator - your car!

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Those who earn money know best how to spend it."

Those who earn money know best how to spend it.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I am now at the age where I can withdraw a 25 per cent tax-free lump sum. I do not put in a set amount because my earnings are a moveable feast."

I am now at the age where I can withdraw a 25 per cent tax-free lump sum. I do not put in a set amount because my earnings are a moveable feast.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Maybe, instead of paying so much in tax, the very rich could be incentivised to help their local community and young people who do not have a home."

Maybe, instead of paying so much in tax, the very rich could be incentivised to help their local community and young people who do not have a home.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We should be encouraging people to earn a lot of money. I do not know one wealthy person who does not spend money - and most of them employ other people."

We should be encouraging people to earn a lot of money. I do not know one wealthy person who does not spend money - and most of them employ other people.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I do not think we should tax people to a point where they are looking for tax loopholes and getting their money out of the country."

I do not think we should tax people to a point where they are looking for tax loopholes and getting their money out of the country.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Why do we consider that just because people have more money, they do not deserve it? It is totally wrong. They deserve everything they have earned."

Why do we consider that just because people have more money, they do not deserve it? It is totally wrong. They deserve everything they have earned.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Unless you completely understand the investment world, do not mess around with it. It is not something I would go anywhere near."

Unless you completely understand the investment world, do not mess around with it. It is not something I would go anywhere near.