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J.M.W. Turner Quotes

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J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm most excited to meet Jon Hamm at the Emmys."

I'm most excited to meet Jon Hamm at the Emmys.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I think what really clicked for me was when I started booking commercials as a dancer... just being on set and seeing every element of production, it was magic to me."

I think what really clicked for me was when I started booking commercials as a dancer... just being on set and seeing every element of production, it was magic to me.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "When the whistle blew and the call stretched thin across the night, one had to believe that any journey could be sweet to the soul."

When the whistle blew and the call stretched thin across the night, one had to believe that any journey could be sweet to the soul.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Well, with all the experiences I have had, I would say the most disappointing ones are the ones when I have not taken enough."

Well, with all the experiences I have had, I would say the most disappointing ones are the ones when I have not taken enough.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "When once the mind has raised itself to grasp and to delight in excellence, those who love most will be found to love most wisely."

When once the mind has raised itself to grasp and to delight in excellence, those who love most will be found to love most wisely.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "There were around 1,000 stores when I was made president."

There were around 1,000 stores when I was made president.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "You can't work on 15 problems at the same time."

You can't work on 15 problems at the same time.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "You need to decide what problems, what opportunities, what projects you're going to work on."

You need to decide what problems, what opportunities, what projects you're going to work on.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I would love to play cricket today, with all - I am not just talking of money - the opportunity you get, the practice facilities, the amount of time you are able to put into preparation."

I would love to play cricket today, with all - I am not just talking of money - the opportunity you get, the practice facilities, the amount of time you are able to put into preparation.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I think all versions of limited-overs cricket have attracted more people to the game."

I think all versions of limited-overs cricket have attracted more people to the game.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm using Fender Twin Reverbs and Fender Blues Devilles on stage."

I'm using Fender Twin Reverbs and Fender Blues Devilles on stage.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "They have all different names for music. I think the music I'm going to change the style with is going to be really, really big-years and years after I'm gone."

They have all different names for music. I think the music I'm going to change the style with is going to be really, really big-years and years after I'm gone.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I still play Strat, I don't know nothing else. Strats and Telecasters."

I still play Strat, I don't know nothing else. Strats and Telecasters.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We inherit plots. There are only two or three in the world, five or six at most. We ride them like treadmills."

We inherit plots. There are only two or three in the world, five or six at most. We ride them like treadmills.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "It often seems to me that the biggest single issue for a writer is how to stay buoyant enough to go on writing. How not to drown."

It often seems to me that the biggest single issue for a writer is how to stay buoyant enough to go on writing. How not to drown.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "There is always a gap between conception and execution. We keep writing in the burning hope of closing that gap before we die."

There is always a gap between conception and execution. We keep writing in the burning hope of closing that gap before we die.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "There are all kinds of under-represented groups in the literary establishment."

There are all kinds of under-represented groups in the literary establishment.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Her days come and go like birds, her dreams like days."

Her days come and go like birds, her dreams like days.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I, also, found the opportunity to work with the actors extremely gratifying and rewarding."

I, also, found the opportunity to work with the actors extremely gratifying and rewarding.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "My desire is to walk with God every day."

My desire is to walk with God every day.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "You can take the girl out of Texas but not the Texas out of the girl and ultimately not the girl out of Texas."

You can take the girl out of Texas but not the Texas out of the girl and ultimately not the girl out of Texas.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I wrote my children's book because I believe there are children that are hurting and may need to know that there is love out there for them- God's love."

I wrote my children's book because I believe there are children that are hurting and may need to know that there is love out there for them- God's love.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "In 2003, I had the pleasure of acting in three films."

In 2003, I had the pleasure of acting in three films.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I have always been intrigued with singing and I actually started my career in musical comedies."

I have always been intrigued with singing and I actually started my career in musical comedies.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I grew up around people that enjoyed life day to day and found pleasure in simple things."

I grew up around people that enjoyed life day to day and found pleasure in simple things.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I came from a rural background, and I didn't come in contact with a lot of wealthy people."

I came from a rural background, and I didn't come in contact with a lot of wealthy people.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The life that I live and the experiences that I have always affect what comes out of me creatively. I think that's what makes music real."

The life that I live and the experiences that I have always affect what comes out of me creatively. I think that's what makes music real.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "We all have those days when you feel like you're against the world, every little thing goes wrong and your blood pressure is up. And you feel like punching somebody!"

We all have those days when you feel like you're against the world, every little thing goes wrong and your blood pressure is up. And you feel like punching somebody!

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "It's so cool for me to do what I love to do for a living and meet people from all over the world."

It's so cool for me to do what I love to do for a living and meet people from all over the world.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Don't let your children take priority over your marriage and your work and everything else."

Don't let your children take priority over your marriage and your work and everything else.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I love Tennessee, but they don't have the pine trees and the sandy soil and the black water that I grew up around."

I love Tennessee, but they don't have the pine trees and the sandy soil and the black water that I grew up around.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "When you get married and have children, and you start having hits and success and your business starts growing, there's less and less time for songwriting."

When you get married and have children, and you start having hits and success and your business starts growing, there's less and less time for songwriting.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Not only am I trying to be a daddy, but also a friend, not be the old fogey thats slowing everybody else down... not for a while, at least."

Not only am I trying to be a daddy, but also a friend, not be the old fogey thats slowing everybody else down... not for a while, at least.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I don't ever land on an album title until I know exactly what's going on the record, because you never know until it's all said and done."

I don't ever land on an album title until I know exactly what's going on the record, because you never know until it's all said and done.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "What I did to celebrate was I went home to my 535-square-foot apartment by myself and ate supper by myself. That was how I celebrated getting a record deal."

What I did to celebrate was I went home to my 535-square-foot apartment by myself and ate supper by myself. That was how I celebrated getting a record deal.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "A No. 1 record is hard to come by."

A No. 1 record is hard to come by.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm always showing pictures off. I have to be careful who I show them to because of who I am, obviously, but I'm a proud father."

I'm always showing pictures off. I have to be careful who I show them to because of who I am, obviously, but I'm a proud father.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "When a copier sales person cold calls a purchasing manager whom he has never met is it any surprise that the purchasing manager will most likely never return that call?"

When a copier sales person cold calls a purchasing manager whom he has never met is it any surprise that the purchasing manager will most likely never return that call?

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I've listened to a lot of outside stuff and just haven't really heard anything that moves me. I don't know if I'm getting old and crotchety or what."

I've listened to a lot of outside stuff and just haven't really heard anything that moves me. I don't know if I'm getting old and crotchety or what.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I remember those days right after I graduated from college. All I had to do was wake up in the morning and think about writing songs. It's not like that anymore, needless to say."

I remember those days right after I graduated from college. All I had to do was wake up in the morning and think about writing songs. It's not like that anymore, needless to say.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I haven't always been the guy that walks into a room and automatically the attention is on me. I'm normally the guy that stands off in the corner."

I haven't always been the guy that walks into a room and automatically the attention is on me. I'm normally the guy that stands off in the corner.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm definitely not going to go and sing a song that condones certain things."

I'm definitely not going to go and sing a song that condones certain things.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I didn't rebel in the way a lot of people do."

I didn't rebel in the way a lot of people do.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I'm not much of a water skier, my legs are too skinny for that, so I just try to tube and have fun, just ride."

I'm not much of a water skier, my legs are too skinny for that, so I just try to tube and have fun, just ride.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Who's not a fan of Don Williams? He's the gentle giant."

Who's not a fan of Don Williams? He's the gentle giant.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "I play basketball all the time. Me and my band play every week on the road. That's something that I've never really given up since high school."

I play basketball all the time. Me and my band play every week on the road. That's something that I've never really given up since high school.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "'All Over Me' is a song that I really got fired up the first time I heard it: it just really moved and it really had a lot of energy."

'All Over Me' is a song that I really got fired up the first time I heard it: it just really moved and it really had a lot of energy.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "Fearlessness at twenty springs from not knowing challenges lie ahead. Fearlessness at fifty comes from having wrestled with life's challenges and learned from them."

Fearlessness at twenty springs from not knowing challenges lie ahead. Fearlessness at fifty comes from having wrestled with life's challenges and learned from them.

J.M.W. Turner Quotes: "The best role is always ahead."

The best role is always ahead.