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Juliet Marillier Quotes

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Juliet Marillier Quotes: "The world is simple, I think, in its essence. Life, death, love, hate. Desire, fulfillment. Magic."

The world is simple, I think, in its essence. Life, death, love, hate. Desire, fulfillment. Magic.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "For indeed you have a choice. You can flee and hide, and wait to be found. You can live out your days in terror, without meaning. Or you can take the harder choice, and you can save them."

For indeed you have a choice. You can flee and hide, and wait to be found. You can live out your days in terror, without meaning. Or you can take the harder choice, and you can save them.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Even in that time of utter darkness, somewhere deep inside me the memory of love and goodness had stayed alive."

Even in that time of utter darkness, somewhere deep inside me the memory of love and goodness had stayed alive.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "There is no truth on this island of yours. Rather, there are as many truths as there are stars in the sky; and every one of them different."

There is no truth on this island of yours. Rather, there are as many truths as there are stars in the sky; and every one of them different.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Eat of my deep earth, drink of my living streams, for I am your Mother. Your heart is my wild drum, your breath my eternal song. If you would live, dance with me!"

Eat of my deep earth, drink of my living streams, for I am your Mother. Your heart is my wild drum, your breath my eternal song. If you would live, dance with me!

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "He and I…we share a bond. Not love, exactly. It goes beyond that. He is mine as surely as sun follows moon across the sky. Mine before ever I knew he existed. Mine until death and beyond."

He and I…we share a bond. Not love, exactly. It goes beyond that. He is mine as surely as sun follows moon across the sky. Mine before ever I knew he existed. Mine until death and beyond.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "The most powerful weapon is hope."

The most powerful weapon is hope.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Water and stone Flesh and bone Night and morn Rose and thorn Tree and wind Heart and mind"

Water and stone Flesh and bone Night and morn Rose and thorn Tree and wind Heart and mind

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there's but a hair's breath between them. It's all one in the end."

Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there's but a hair's breath between them. It's all one in the end.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Stronger than iron crueler than death sweeter than springtime it lives beyond breath"

Stronger than iron crueler than death sweeter than springtime it lives beyond breath

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "There is no good or evil, save in the way you see the world. There is no dark or light save in your own."

There is no good or evil, save in the way you see the world. There is no dark or light save in your own.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "If a man has to say trust me, Gogu conveyed, it's a sure sign you cannot. Trust him, that is. Trust is a thing you know without words."

If a man has to say trust me, Gogu conveyed, it's a sure sign you cannot. Trust him, that is. Trust is a thing you know without words.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "She went on because there was no going back."

She went on because there was no going back.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "But I believe we all have an inner goodness; a little flame that stays alight through the worst of trials."

But I believe we all have an inner goodness; a little flame that stays alight through the worst of trials.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "You cannot poison what is between us with your foul words. She is my light in the darkness and Johnny is my pathway ahead."

You cannot poison what is between us with your foul words. She is my light in the darkness and Johnny is my pathway ahead.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "I would hold on, and hold on, until my hands clutch at emptiness."

I would hold on, and hold on, until my hands clutch at emptiness.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "If a man truly loves, he gives no heed to what others may think. His heart has no room for that, for it is filled to the brim with the unutterable truth of his feelings."

If a man truly loves, he gives no heed to what others may think. His heart has no room for that, for it is filled to the brim with the unutterable truth of his feelings.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "The error was not yours, Somerled, " Eyvind said quietly, moving to the doorway. "It was mine. I failed to teach you the one lesson you could not do without: how to be a man."

The error was not yours, Somerled, " Eyvind said quietly, moving to the doorway. "It was mine. I failed to teach you the one lesson you could not do without: how to be a man.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "You are a devious woman, Blackthorn, ' she said. 'I prefer the term strategic thinker."

You are a devious woman, Blackthorn, ' she said. 'I prefer the term strategic thinker.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "You've only just discovered you have a heart. Let it beat a little."

You've only just discovered you have a heart. Let it beat a little.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "His touch was like a bard's on his instrument, and it awakened a deep and mysterious music in my body."

His touch was like a bard's on his instrument, and it awakened a deep and mysterious music in my body.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Three children lay on the rocks at the water's edge.A dark-haired girl, two boys, slightly older.This image is caught forever in my memory, like some fragile creature preserved in amber."

Three children lay on the rocks at the water's edge.A dark-haired girl, two boys, slightly older.This image is caught forever in my memory, like some fragile creature preserved in amber.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "For the others, it was still just a tale, like all the tales we told, night by night, tales comical and strange, tales heroic and awe-inspiring, the tales that formed the fabric of our spirits."

For the others, it was still just a tale, like all the tales we told, night by night, tales comical and strange, tales heroic and awe-inspiring, the tales that formed the fabric of our spirits.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Who would awaken the past? It shines like a sunriseAnd cuts like a fine blade."

Who would awaken the past? It shines like a sunriseAnd cuts like a fine blade.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "I like your anger, ' the Hag said mildly. 'I like your resistance. It makes you less than courteous, but altogether more interesting."

I like your anger, ' the Hag said mildly. 'I like your resistance. It makes you less than courteous, but altogether more interesting.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "What I do . . . the path I tread . . . it brings some choices that test me hard."

What I do . . . the path I tread . . . it brings some choices that test me hard.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "...if you give respect, yet get respect back. If you offend, you get...retribution."

...if you give respect, yet get respect back. If you offend, you get...retribution.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "I wonder how it takes you, that moment when everything turns to shadows."

I wonder how it takes you, that moment when everything turns to shadows.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "You bound him to you with your courage and your tales. You hold him to you now. You captured a wild creature when you had no place you could keep him."

You bound him to you with your courage and your tales. You hold him to you now. You captured a wild creature when you had no place you could keep him.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "His eyes reflected the open grey of the autumnal sky."

His eyes reflected the open grey of the autumnal sky.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Even when I was young and content and thought life would bring good things for me and mine, I didn't believe in miracles."

Even when I was young and content and thought life would bring good things for me and mine, I didn't believe in miracles.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt hollow and empty and aching."

Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt hollow and empty and aching.

Juliet Marillier Quotes: "Look forward, not back, " the Hag said. "All is change. Do not regret. Instead, learn."

Look forward, not back, " the Hag said. "All is change. Do not regret. Instead, learn.