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K.Michelle Quotes

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K.Michelle Quotes: "My favorite player is Tiger Woods. I think I can beat Tiger when I'm 20. It's a life goal."

My favorite player is Tiger Woods. I think I can beat Tiger when I'm 20. It's a life goal.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I’ll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear."

I’ll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear.

K.Michelle Quotes: "My great crime wasn't refusing to represent an innocent man; my great crime was imagining that there was some path to racial justice that did not include those we view as 'guilty'."

My great crime wasn't refusing to represent an innocent man; my great crime was imagining that there was some path to racial justice that did not include those we view as 'guilty'.

K.Michelle Quotes: "One of my last few vices is coffee, but with a spot of almond or soymilk, it's never tasted better!"

One of my last few vices is coffee, but with a spot of almond or soymilk, it's never tasted better!

K.Michelle Quotes: "Just standing around looking beautiful is so boring."

Just standing around looking beautiful is so boring.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I wish that something interesting would come across the desk. I'm bored by what people think is interesting."

I wish that something interesting would come across the desk. I'm bored by what people think is interesting.

K.Michelle Quotes: "People are always going to have opinions, and people have a right to their opinions."

People are always going to have opinions, and people have a right to their opinions.

K.Michelle Quotes: "A story, after all, does not only belong to the one who is telling it. It belongs, in equal measure, to the one who is listening."

A story, after all, does not only belong to the one who is telling it. It belongs, in equal measure, to the one who is listening.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Being outspoken has always gotten me into trouble. I'm just this little thing and then all of a sudden it comes out."

Being outspoken has always gotten me into trouble. I'm just this little thing and then all of a sudden it comes out.

K.Michelle Quotes: "When I mentor, I tell people that don't have to look like a supermodel but you have got to feel your best, look your best, and be confident."

When I mentor, I tell people that don't have to look like a supermodel but you have got to feel your best, look your best, and be confident.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women."

Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Being president isn't anything like reality TV."

Being president isn't anything like reality TV.

K.Michelle Quotes: "There's a lot of emotions that always come out after a skate of a lifetime. I always start crying because there is so much buildup to that competition."

There's a lot of emotions that always come out after a skate of a lifetime. I always start crying because there is so much buildup to that competition.

K.Michelle Quotes: "When I am scared of something, I run towards it, instead of away from it."

When I am scared of something, I run towards it, instead of away from it.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Fear Does Not Crown Champions."

Fear Does Not Crown Champions.

K.Michelle Quotes: "At school, I was this tomboy kid who just loved to hang out with her friends and learn curse words, trying to fit in with the cool kids and defending all the kids who got picked on."

At school, I was this tomboy kid who just loved to hang out with her friends and learn curse words, trying to fit in with the cool kids and defending all the kids who got picked on.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Pond scum stinks. And so do the Obama administration's enormous, taxpayer-funded 'investments' in politically connected biofuel companies."

Pond scum stinks. And so do the Obama administration's enormous, taxpayer-funded 'investments' in politically connected biofuel companies.

K.Michelle Quotes: "How many of us have had our hearts broken for whatever reason yet find the courage to continue to reach out for love. Emotional vulnerability is true strength to me."

How many of us have had our hearts broken for whatever reason yet find the courage to continue to reach out for love. Emotional vulnerability is true strength to me.

K.Michelle Quotes: "It's the struggle that makes you triumphant."

It's the struggle that makes you triumphant.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I feel connected to whatever is out there."

I feel connected to whatever is out there.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The arts can enrich all of us in this nation as individuals. The arts can enrich all of our communities and the country. And the arts can connect us to each other like nothing else can."

The arts can enrich all of us in this nation as individuals. The arts can enrich all of our communities and the country. And the arts can connect us to each other like nothing else can.

K.Michelle Quotes: "In today's interdependent world, a threat to one becomes a menace to all. And no state can defeat these challenges and threats alone."

In today's interdependent world, a threat to one becomes a menace to all. And no state can defeat these challenges and threats alone.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I live in L.A., so layers are essential to my wardrobe. I like slim silhouettes, typically, and I love good tailoring."

I live in L.A., so layers are essential to my wardrobe. I like slim silhouettes, typically, and I love good tailoring.

K.Michelle Quotes: "If we truly believe that every girl in every corner of the globe is worthy of an education as our own daughters and granddaughters are, then we need to deepen our commitment to these efforts."

If we truly believe that every girl in every corner of the globe is worthy of an education as our own daughters and granddaughters are, then we need to deepen our commitment to these efforts.

K.Michelle Quotes: "My happiness is tied to how I feel about myself."

My happiness is tied to how I feel about myself.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to the gas station, you know."

The realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to the gas station, you know.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I thought a vegan diet would be too difficult, being on the road so much, but it's been far easier than I thought."

I thought a vegan diet would be too difficult, being on the road so much, but it's been far easier than I thought.

K.Michelle Quotes: "You have to love yourself, not in an egotistical way, but if you love yourself, everyone else will love you."

You have to love yourself, not in an egotistical way, but if you love yourself, everyone else will love you.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Maybe home is something we have to make, and remake, over and over."

Maybe home is something we have to make, and remake, over and over.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Fruits and vegetables for some kids are scary and not fun."

Fruits and vegetables for some kids are scary and not fun.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The best ambassador is a warship."

The best ambassador is a warship.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women."

Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women.

K.Michelle Quotes: "We are always going to put the best interests of kids above the rights, privileges and priorities of adults."

We are always going to put the best interests of kids above the rights, privileges and priorities of adults.

K.Michelle Quotes: "As I've gotten older and grown more independent, I think for myself, and that's how it should be."

As I've gotten older and grown more independent, I think for myself, and that's how it should be.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I love Australia. My dream would be to have a place to live there and be able to commute back and forth"

I love Australia. My dream would be to have a place to live there and be able to commute back and forth

K.Michelle Quotes: "I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks."

I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks.

K.Michelle Quotes: "I act for free, but I demand a huge salary as compensation for all the annoyance of being a public personality. In that sense, I earn every dime I make."

I act for free, but I demand a huge salary as compensation for all the annoyance of being a public personality. In that sense, I earn every dime I make.

K.Michelle Quotes: "There have been people in my life who have told me I have to put myself out there more. But it's so hard for me to do that."

There have been people in my life who have told me I have to put myself out there more. But it's so hard for me to do that.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Being a parent is the hardest thing in the world... the psychological toll it takes on you because these lives are in your hands. I take it very seriously."

Being a parent is the hardest thing in the world... the psychological toll it takes on you because these lives are in your hands. I take it very seriously.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I don't think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know, if you ever crave knowledge, there's always a library."

Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I don't think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know, if you ever crave knowledge, there's always a library.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The most important thing is that you have really good friends and family, and when you go back to them, it's like 'what?'. You carry on as who you are."

The most important thing is that you have really good friends and family, and when you go back to them, it's like 'what?'. You carry on as who you are.

K.Michelle Quotes: "The benefits of studying abroad are almost endless."

The benefits of studying abroad are almost endless.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Elections aren't just about who votes, but who doesn't vote."

Elections aren't just about who votes, but who doesn't vote.

K.Michelle Quotes: "We're part of each other's lives. We're in each other's stories."

We're part of each other's lives. We're in each other's stories.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Who would have guessed that the shots heard 'round the world 225 years ago would fall on deaf ears in a nation now more sympathetic to the gun-grabbing Redcoat than the gun-bearing rebel?"

Who would have guessed that the shots heard 'round the world 225 years ago would fall on deaf ears in a nation now more sympathetic to the gun-grabbing Redcoat than the gun-bearing rebel?

K.Michelle Quotes: "What does this system seem designed to do? As I see it, it seems designed to send people right back to prison, which is what happens about 70% of the time."

What does this system seem designed to do? As I see it, it seems designed to send people right back to prison, which is what happens about 70% of the time.

K.Michelle Quotes: "What humans do when they're desperate is just an expression of fear. What they do when they feel safe is a better indication of whether or not you can trust them."

What humans do when they're desperate is just an expression of fear. What they do when they feel safe is a better indication of whether or not you can trust them.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Gender equality must become a lived reality."

Gender equality must become a lived reality.

K.Michelle Quotes: "Together, we can help make sure that every family that walks into a restaurant can make an easy, healthy choice."

Together, we can help make sure that every family that walks into a restaurant can make an easy, healthy choice.