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Kevin J. Anderson Quotes

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Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Each book will have a lot of cliffhangers, because I like that."

Each book will have a lot of cliffhangers, because I like that.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies"

A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Every spare second I would write, somehow. On my lunch hour, too."

Every spare second I would write, somehow. On my lunch hour, too.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Over the years, I've trained myself to speak using the same language I would use if I were typing: meaning using full sentences in the way that paragraphs and scenes are arranged."

Over the years, I've trained myself to speak using the same language I would use if I were typing: meaning using full sentences in the way that paragraphs and scenes are arranged.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "If you had an alien race that looked like insects, then they would build robots to look like themselves, not to look like people."

If you had an alien race that looked like insects, then they would build robots to look like themselves, not to look like people.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "My dad is a bank president and my mom was an accountant and they didn't think that seeking the life of a freelance writer was very practical, you see. Of course, I was just as determined to do it."

My dad is a bank president and my mom was an accountant and they didn't think that seeking the life of a freelance writer was very practical, you see. Of course, I was just as determined to do it.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "There is grand romance in The Lord of the Rings. It's an important part of epic literature."

There is grand romance in The Lord of the Rings. It's an important part of epic literature.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Of course you don't make any noise in space, because there's no air."

Of course you don't make any noise in space, because there's no air.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I've had the same, full-time assistant and typist for eight or nine years now. She's read everything I've written, she types everything and does a good job, translates it and makes comments."

I've had the same, full-time assistant and typist for eight or nine years now. She's read everything I've written, she types everything and does a good job, translates it and makes comments.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Wouldn't you like to have an augmented memory chip that you could plug into your head so you don't have to look everything up and remember everything?"

Wouldn't you like to have an augmented memory chip that you could plug into your head so you don't have to look everything up and remember everything?

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "One of the things that was kind of shocking for humans... was to come to terms with was the fact that, hey, we may not be the center of the universe."

One of the things that was kind of shocking for humans... was to come to terms with was the fact that, hey, we may not be the center of the universe.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "The great secret behind classified projects is that most of them are so utterly boring and uninteresting that James Bond wouldn't even take a second look at them."

The great secret behind classified projects is that most of them are so utterly boring and uninteresting that James Bond wouldn't even take a second look at them.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "The real key is time management and being able to focus on what you need to, on using every available minute to accomplish something that needs to be done."

The real key is time management and being able to focus on what you need to, on using every available minute to accomplish something that needs to be done.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Sure, President Bush can say that the U.S. government won't fund stem cell research, but believe me, Japan is applauding. Because they will just do it first and get all the patents."

Sure, President Bush can say that the U.S. government won't fund stem cell research, but believe me, Japan is applauding. Because they will just do it first and get all the patents.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I think now I'm up to something like 85 different titles that I've published."

I think now I'm up to something like 85 different titles that I've published.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "If you look at the British royal family and take away the scandals and the goofy stuff that's going on, people love to have this king to look up to - the royals are like celebrities."

If you look at the British royal family and take away the scandals and the goofy stuff that's going on, people love to have this king to look up to - the royals are like celebrities.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I think that somebody with the resources and innovation and the idea is going to come out of nowhere and come up with a successful space travel program."

I think that somebody with the resources and innovation and the idea is going to come out of nowhere and come up with a successful space travel program.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Every life has a destiny... the trick is to discover it before then end of your life. Otherwise, you will have too many regrets."

Every life has a destiny... the trick is to discover it before then end of your life. Otherwise, you will have too many regrets.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "We must think beyond ourselves"

We must think beyond ourselves

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "There will come a time of fire and night, when enemies rise and empires fall, when the stars themselves begin to die."

There will come a time of fire and night, when enemies rise and empires fall, when the stars themselves begin to die.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "We each have our lives... What matters is not how long those lives last, but what we do with them."

We each have our lives... What matters is not how long those lives last, but what we do with them.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas."

It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "That's what people need to remember about reviewers; opinions can be all over the spectrum, and you just need to find a reviewer whose tastes match your own."

That's what people need to remember about reviewers; opinions can be all over the spectrum, and you just need to find a reviewer whose tastes match your own.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "My wife and I are involved in writing/publishing/promotion twenty-four/seven. It isn't a day job; it's life."

My wife and I are involved in writing/publishing/promotion twenty-four/seven. It isn't a day job; it's life.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I sold my very first novel when I was 24 or 25 years old."

I sold my very first novel when I was 24 or 25 years old.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Well, I know that George Lucas doesn't like it at all. When I was working on The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, he told me that he would be happy if every copy could be tracked down and smashed."

Well, I know that George Lucas doesn't like it at all. When I was working on The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, he told me that he would be happy if every copy could be tracked down and smashed.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "No, no, no - you don't argue with concepts. You have to claim Dogma, and therefore leave no room for rational thought."

No, no, no - you don't argue with concepts. You have to claim Dogma, and therefore leave no room for rational thought.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "ELANTRIS is a new BEN HUR for the fantasy genre, with a sweeping, epic storyline and closely personal characters."

ELANTRIS is a new BEN HUR for the fantasy genre, with a sweeping, epic storyline and closely personal characters.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "We wanted to write the first prequels as a story that anyone could pick up."

We wanted to write the first prequels as a story that anyone could pick up.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I mean, I wasn't stupid. I knew we'd make money and sell a lot of Dune books."

I mean, I wasn't stupid. I knew we'd make money and sell a lot of Dune books.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I want to make it so that so many things happen... that you didn't expect would happen in this series, that you realize that you have to read every one of them."

I want to make it so that so many things happen... that you didn't expect would happen in this series, that you realize that you have to read every one of them.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Patrick Rothfuss gives us a fabulous debut, standing firmly on the main stage of the fantasy genre and needing no warm-up act. Jordan and Goodkind must be looking nervously over their shoulders!"

Patrick Rothfuss gives us a fabulous debut, standing firmly on the main stage of the fantasy genre and needing no warm-up act. Jordan and Goodkind must be looking nervously over their shoulders!

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on."

I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I don't think the author should make the reader do that much work to remember who somebody is."

I don't think the author should make the reader do that much work to remember who somebody is.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I always turn in my books on time, so you can always count on a book coming out when it's supposed to."

I always turn in my books on time, so you can always count on a book coming out when it's supposed to.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life . . . and someone who realizes that it can’t possibly be enough."

The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life . . . and someone who realizes that it can’t possibly be enough.

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "Some presters might tell you never to question, but that is tantamount to telling you not to think. Odun created us to explore, to experience. There is no harm in asking questions…"

Some presters might tell you never to question, but that is tantamount to telling you not to think. Odun created us to explore, to experience. There is no harm in asking questions…

Kevin J. Anderson Quotes: "I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence."

I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.