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L.M. Montgomery Quotes

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L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "But the worst of imagining things is that the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts."

But the worst of imagining things is that the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I'm always sorry when pleasant things end. Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure."

I'm always sorry when pleasant things end. Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "When a couple of young people strongly devoted to each other commence to eat onions, it is safe to pronounce them engaged."

When a couple of young people strongly devoted to each other commence to eat onions, it is safe to pronounce them engaged.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Dark-green and gemm'd with flowers of snow, With close uncrowded branches spread Not proudly high, nor meanly low, A graceful myrtle rear'd its head."

Dark-green and gemm'd with flowers of snow, With close uncrowded branches spread Not proudly high, nor meanly low, A graceful myrtle rear'd its head.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "And if you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone."

And if you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "What had seemed easy in imagination was rather hard in reality."

What had seemed easy in imagination was rather hard in reality.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can't get at you."

I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can't get at you.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart."

Youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Fairyland is the loveliest word because it means everything the human heart desires."

Fairyland is the loveliest word because it means everything the human heart desires.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "If you're to the point where you're trying to overcome that means you're at the point where you've admitted that you have a problem, and that might be your strongest point in the addiction."

If you're to the point where you're trying to overcome that means you're at the point where you've admitted that you have a problem, and that might be your strongest point in the addiction.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "…I think,' concluded Anne, hitting on a very vital truth, 'that we always love best the people who need us."

…I think,' concluded Anne, hitting on a very vital truth, 'that we always love best the people who need us.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "... we always love best the people who need us."

... we always love best the people who need us.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "She seemed to walk in an atmosphere of things about to happen."

She seemed to walk in an atmosphere of things about to happen.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I am simply a book drunkard."

I am simply a book drunkard.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Isn't it better to have your heart broken than to have it wither up? Before it could be broken it must have felt something splendid. That would be worth the pain."

Isn't it better to have your heart broken than to have it wither up? Before it could be broken it must have felt something splendid. That would be worth the pain.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Everyone should ride the bus so that I can drive."

Everyone should ride the bus so that I can drive.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The beauty of winter is that it makes you appreciate spring."

The beauty of winter is that it makes you appreciate spring.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I love bright red drinks, don’t you? They taste twice as good as any other color."

I love bright red drinks, don’t you? They taste twice as good as any other color.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve."

I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "if I can't get what I want - well, I'll want what I can get."

if I can't get what I want - well, I'll want what I can get.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Long as I live Long as I breathe With every heartbeat I'll need you near me"

Long as I live Long as I breathe With every heartbeat I'll need you near me

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "When to the cross I turn my eyes,And rest on Calvary,O Lamb of God, my sacrifice,I must remember Thee."

When to the cross I turn my eyes,And rest on Calvary,O Lamb of God, my sacrifice,I must remember Thee.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The tulip's petals shine in dew, All beautiful, but none alike."

The tulip's petals shine in dew, All beautiful, but none alike.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "You have the itch for writing born in you. It's quite incurable. What are you going to do with it?"

You have the itch for writing born in you. It's quite incurable. What are you going to do with it?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Oh, sometimes I think it is of no use to make friends. They only go out of your life after awhile and leave a hurt that is worse than the emptiness before they came."

Oh, sometimes I think it is of no use to make friends. They only go out of your life after awhile and leave a hurt that is worse than the emptiness before they came.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Fear is a vile thing, and is at the bottom of almost every wrong and hatred of the world."

Fear is a vile thing, and is at the bottom of almost every wrong and hatred of the world.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Good night, belovedest. Your sleep will be sweet if there is any influences in the wishes of your own."

Good night, belovedest. Your sleep will be sweet if there is any influences in the wishes of your own.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I've come home in love with loneliness"

I've come home in love with loneliness

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "…there was something about her that made you feel it was safe to tell her secrets."

…there was something about her that made you feel it was safe to tell her secrets.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Satirize wickedness if you must--but pity weakness."

Satirize wickedness if you must--but pity weakness.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "If it's IN you to climb you must -- there are those who MUST lift their eyes to the hills -- they can't breathe properly in the valleys."

If it's IN you to climb you must -- there are those who MUST lift their eyes to the hills -- they can't breathe properly in the valleys.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I've done my best, and I begin to understand what is meant by 'the joy of strife'. Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing."

I've done my best, and I begin to understand what is meant by 'the joy of strife'. Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "People told her she hadn't changed much, in a tone which hinted they were surprised and a little disappointed she hadn't."

People told her she hadn't changed much, in a tone which hinted they were surprised and a little disappointed she hadn't.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?"

Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "She suddenly found herself laughing without bitterness."

She suddenly found herself laughing without bitterness.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "No one can be free who has a thousand ancestors."

No one can be free who has a thousand ancestors.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "That's one of the things we learn as we grow older -- how to forgive. It comes easier at forty than it did at twenty."

That's one of the things we learn as we grow older -- how to forgive. It comes easier at forty than it did at twenty.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality."

Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "We don't know where we're going, but isn't is fun to go?"

We don't know where we're going, but isn't is fun to go?

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves."

I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Nobody with any real sense of humor *can* write a love story. . . . Shakespeare is the exception that proves the rule. (90-91)"

Nobody with any real sense of humor *can* write a love story. . . . Shakespeare is the exception that proves the rule. (90-91)

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "My pen shall heal, not hurt."

My pen shall heal, not hurt.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Eternity: a moment standing still for ever."

Eternity: a moment standing still for ever.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Gilbert put his arm about them. 'Oh, you mothers!' he said. 'You mothers! God knew what He was about when He made you."

Gilbert put his arm about them. 'Oh, you mothers!' he said. 'You mothers! God knew what He was about when He made you.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "…determined to enjoy her luxury of grief uncomforted."

…determined to enjoy her luxury of grief uncomforted.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "I just want that sensation you have in dreams when you fly to be real."

I just want that sensation you have in dreams when you fly to be real.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "The point of good writing is knowing when to stop."

The point of good writing is knowing when to stop.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Fancies are like shadows...you can't cage them, they're such wayward, dancing things."

Fancies are like shadows...you can't cage them, they're such wayward, dancing things.

L.M. Montgomery Quotes: "Time is eternity begun."

Time is eternity begun.