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Liz Quotes

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Liz Quotes: "I always give the encore over to chaos, so people can yell out requests and I can hack my way through a song that I don't really know anymore."

I always give the encore over to chaos, so people can yell out requests and I can hack my way through a song that I don't really know anymore.

Liz Quotes: "I prefer to be reclusive and private about my creation and then, once I'm finished, present it to people."

I prefer to be reclusive and private about my creation and then, once I'm finished, present it to people.

Liz Quotes: "I just want to make music and make a living. I just have to find the means of doing that."

I just want to make music and make a living. I just have to find the means of doing that.

Liz Quotes: "All parents gush about what it's like to be a parent. I love it."

All parents gush about what it's like to be a parent. I love it.

Liz Quotes: "Nothing feeds a hunger like a thirst"

Nothing feeds a hunger like a thirst

Liz Quotes: "Music is sound. It's a wave. It's going out and coming back, and it's bouncing off."

Music is sound. It's a wave. It's going out and coming back, and it's bouncing off.

Liz Quotes: "I want to be the person whose art is accessible, who someone could look at and say "That's doesn't look so hard, I could do that.""

I want to be the person whose art is accessible, who someone could look at and say "That's doesn't look so hard, I could do that."

Liz Quotes: "I want to be someone who is known for portraying themselves honestly. I try to avoid aggrandizing things I've done."

I want to be someone who is known for portraying themselves honestly. I try to avoid aggrandizing things I've done.

Liz Quotes: "I used to think that a guy telling me I'm "not like other girls" was a compliment and I've now flipped to seeing that for the back-handed compliment that it is."

I used to think that a guy telling me I'm "not like other girls" was a compliment and I've now flipped to seeing that for the back-handed compliment that it is.

Liz Quotes: "I've always been a draw-er, all throughout elementary school I was the "kid who draws"."

I've always been a draw-er, all throughout elementary school I was the "kid who draws".

Liz Quotes: "It's not that women don't feel things, we do. We fall in love, we get our hearts broken, we're disappointed and sad, but we've also been taught that you must always have your pride. Above all."

It's not that women don't feel things, we do. We fall in love, we get our hearts broken, we're disappointed and sad, but we've also been taught that you must always have your pride. Above all.

Liz Quotes: "I think for any director, male or female, it would be just to be prepared, work hard, and not give up! As my agent once told me, it's all about stamina before you ever end up on set!"

I think for any director, male or female, it would be just to be prepared, work hard, and not give up! As my agent once told me, it's all about stamina before you ever end up on set!

Liz Quotes: "I don't mind a gut. In fact, I would prefer a guy to have a gut than be too built."

I don't mind a gut. In fact, I would prefer a guy to have a gut than be too built.

Liz Quotes: "My biggest turn-on has to be brains, intelligence."

My biggest turn-on has to be brains, intelligence.

Liz Quotes: "Go for the girl who can eat a proper meal. If she's passionate about food, you'll most likely be fortunate in other venues."

Go for the girl who can eat a proper meal. If she's passionate about food, you'll most likely be fortunate in other venues.

Liz Quotes: "I have a thing for men's boxer briefs and a tank top. If I'm wearing them, I'm a happy gal."

I have a thing for men's boxer briefs and a tank top. If I'm wearing them, I'm a happy gal.

Liz Quotes: "I have this old worn-out, skintight T-shirt that I love. That's sexy."

I have this old worn-out, skintight T-shirt that I love. That's sexy.

Liz Quotes: "The camera is your way to see what you want to see - it's an extension of the director's fantasy. I'm executing my personal fantasy, whether it's a fantasy of pleasure or of pain and fear."

The camera is your way to see what you want to see - it's an extension of the director's fantasy. I'm executing my personal fantasy, whether it's a fantasy of pleasure or of pain and fear.

Liz Quotes: "I think it's hard for everyone to find their way as an adult and to match up their expectations from their youth to what their adult life looks like."

I think it's hard for everyone to find their way as an adult and to match up their expectations from their youth to what their adult life looks like.

Liz Quotes: "A male director doesn't come to situations the same way that a female director would."

A male director doesn't come to situations the same way that a female director would.

Liz Quotes: "In documentary, which is the only thing I'm really very familiar with, women are very easily relegated into a producer role."

In documentary, which is the only thing I'm really very familiar with, women are very easily relegated into a producer role.

Liz Quotes: "I think that there is just a deep and abiding sexism that's part of your life from the moment that you're conscious as a female."

I think that there is just a deep and abiding sexism that's part of your life from the moment that you're conscious as a female.

Liz Quotes: "In what you say of another, apply the test of kindness, necessity and truth, and let nothing pass your lips without a 2/3 majority."

In what you say of another, apply the test of kindness, necessity and truth, and let nothing pass your lips without a 2/3 majority.

Liz Quotes: "Beginnings are easy, but after that, happiness takes some work."

Beginnings are easy, but after that, happiness takes some work.

Liz Quotes: "Are you going to kiss me?" I blabbered stupidly."I'm working up the nerve, " he said softly."

Are you going to kiss me?" I blabbered stupidly."I'm working up the nerve, " he said softly.

Liz Quotes: "Oh, aye. I'm the devil all right. And last night, you were begging to step into the fire."

Oh, aye. I'm the devil all right. And last night, you were begging to step into the fire.

Liz Quotes: "Did you know, ma'am, that our mutual friend can say "kiss my arse" in six languages?"

Did you know, ma'am, that our mutual friend can say "kiss my arse" in six languages?

Liz Quotes: "When my worldwas nothing but darknessI set my soul on fire."

When my worldwas nothing but darknessI set my soul on fire.

Liz Quotes: "I lived for so long without you, only dreaming of the concept of you. And, now that I know you, I can't imagine going back there... to a me that didn't know your name."

I lived for so long without you, only dreaming of the concept of you. And, now that I know you, I can't imagine going back there... to a me that didn't know your name.

Liz Quotes: "She chose messy, she chose wild. She chose life on her own terms."

She chose messy, she chose wild. She chose life on her own terms.

Liz Quotes: "Education isn't for getting a job. It's about developing yourself as a human being."

Education isn't for getting a job. It's about developing yourself as a human being.

Liz Quotes: "We had been younger. Yup, you can grow a lot in the blink of an eye."

We had been younger. Yup, you can grow a lot in the blink of an eye.

Liz Quotes: "And then Luke had appeared, like a gust that had come to teach me that in life, there was nothing more precious than life itself."

And then Luke had appeared, like a gust that had come to teach me that in life, there was nothing more precious than life itself.

Liz Quotes: "Somewhere in between, I had fallen for that boy."

Somewhere in between, I had fallen for that boy.

Liz Quotes: "A true best friend loves you even when it seems like you've gone off the deep end."

A true best friend loves you even when it seems like you've gone off the deep end.

Liz Quotes: "Begin somewhere. You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do."

Begin somewhere. You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.

Liz Quotes: "Aurora looked into the mirror and smiled. She was pretty. She was a royal princess. There was about to be a ball. These were things she could, once in a while, allow herself to be happy about."

Aurora looked into the mirror and smiled. She was pretty. She was a royal princess. There was about to be a ball. These were things she could, once in a while, allow herself to be happy about.

Liz Quotes: "Leadership is about what’s right for the organization, not what feels right for the leader."

Leadership is about what’s right for the organization, not what feels right for the leader.

Liz Quotes: "Leaders move among the various stages each day. But effective leaders move among the right stages at the right times."

Leaders move among the various stages each day. But effective leaders move among the right stages at the right times.

Liz Quotes: "How much of your time, at your “hourly rate, ” is wasted each year because you’re cleaning up after your employees and fixing issues they’ve created or haven’t resolved themselves?"

How much of your time, at your “hourly rate, ” is wasted each year because you’re cleaning up after your employees and fixing issues they’ve created or haven’t resolved themselves?

Liz Quotes: "What is the cost of replacing and bringing up to speed one of your managers, supervisors, or front-line employees who left because they were frustrated with your organization’s leadership?"

What is the cost of replacing and bringing up to speed one of your managers, supervisors, or front-line employees who left because they were frustrated with your organization’s leadership?

Liz Quotes: "Every age has its darkness...."

Every age has its darkness....

Liz Quotes: "History provides a great example but a terrible excuse."

History provides a great example but a terrible excuse.

Liz Quotes: "If a machine can convincingly imitate humanity—can persuade a human being of its kinship—then what makes it inhuman? What, after all, is human thought but a series of electrical impulses?"

If a machine can convincingly imitate humanity—can persuade a human being of its kinship—then what makes it inhuman? What, after all, is human thought but a series of electrical impulses?

Liz Quotes: "All the pain on the outside can not undo what is felt on the inside."

All the pain on the outside can not undo what is felt on the inside.

Liz Quotes: "A very wise person once told me marriage is hard, that you have to keep fighting for it everyday."

A very wise person once told me marriage is hard, that you have to keep fighting for it everyday.

Liz Quotes: "At least, when there’s fear, there’s some human part left in you. Once that’s gone, though, there is nothing."

At least, when there’s fear, there’s some human part left in you. Once that’s gone, though, there is nothing.

Liz Quotes: "I forced my eyes open and saw the image that’s haunted me every day for the past years of my life. And every day, in my nightmares."

I forced my eyes open and saw the image that’s haunted me every day for the past years of my life. And every day, in my nightmares.

Liz Quotes: "There is no in between, we all have to touch our own bottom."

There is no in between, we all have to touch our own bottom.