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Lu Xun Quotes

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Lu Xun Quotes: "Lies written in ink cannot disguise facts written in blood."

Lies written in ink cannot disguise facts written in blood.

Lu Xun Quotes: "The ability to forget the past enables people to free themselves gradually from the pain they once suffered; but it also often makes them repeat the mistakes of their predecessors."

The ability to forget the past enables people to free themselves gradually from the pain they once suffered; but it also often makes them repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.

Lu Xun Quotes: "I have a dream that I will fulfill. And nothing else will distract me from my path."

I have a dream that I will fulfill. And nothing else will distract me from my path.

Lu Xun Quotes: "A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned."

A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Discontent is the wheel that moves people forward."

Discontent is the wheel that moves people forward.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Since someone ate crabs, others must have eaten spiders as well. However, they were not tasty. So afterwards, people stopped eating them. These people also deserve our heartfelt gratitude."

Since someone ate crabs, others must have eaten spiders as well. However, they were not tasty. So afterwards, people stopped eating them. These people also deserve our heartfelt gratitude.

Lu Xun Quotes: "The most horrible thing is not a government that stages public executions, but a government that secretly disposes of its victims."

The most horrible thing is not a government that stages public executions, but a government that secretly disposes of its victims.

Lu Xun Quotes: "To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is the defect."

To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is the defect.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity."

Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity.

Lu Xun Quotes: "You have to reform yourself before reforming society and the world."

You have to reform yourself before reforming society and the world.

Lu Xun Quotes: "The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere."

The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.

Lu Xun Quotes: "But a people unable to reform will not be able to preserve its old culture either."

But a people unable to reform will not be able to preserve its old culture either.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Whoever thinks he is objective must already be half drunk."

Whoever thinks he is objective must already be half drunk.

Lu Xun Quotes: "I entreat fresh visions from the painters. Be lavish with your vermilion to portray the mountains in the spring."

I entreat fresh visions from the painters. Be lavish with your vermilion to portray the mountains in the spring.

Lu Xun Quotes: "The most painful thing in life is to wake up from a dream and find no way out. Dreamers are fortunate people. If no way out can be seen, the important thing is not to awaken the sleepers."

The most painful thing in life is to wake up from a dream and find no way out. Dreamers are fortunate people. If no way out can be seen, the important thing is not to awaken the sleepers.

Lu Xun Quotes: "True, we must dare look things in the face before we dare think, speak, act, or assume responsibility. If we dare not even look, what else are we good for?"

True, we must dare look things in the face before we dare think, speak, act, or assume responsibility. If we dare not even look, what else are we good for?

Lu Xun Quotes: "I could not blot out hope, for hope belongs to the future."

I could not blot out hope, for hope belongs to the future.

Lu Xun Quotes: "All who have read a few old books have picked up the old tactics of considering every new idea a 'heresy' which must be rooted out."

All who have read a few old books have picked up the old tactics of considering every new idea a 'heresy' which must be rooted out.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Trust only him who doubts."

Trust only him who doubts.

Lu Xun Quotes: "But if a few awake, you can't say there is no hope of destroying the iron house."

But if a few awake, you can't say there is no hope of destroying the iron house.

Lu Xun Quotes: "But anyone who thinks themselves genuinely unbiased is bound to be taken in."

But anyone who thinks themselves genuinely unbiased is bound to be taken in.

Lu Xun Quotes: "As long as there shall be stones, the seeds of fire will not die."

As long as there shall be stones, the seeds of fire will not die.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Hope is a path on the mountainside. At first there is no path. But then there are people passing that way. And there is a path."

Hope is a path on the mountainside. At first there is no path. But then there are people passing that way. And there is a path.

Lu Xun Quotes: "If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony."

If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony.

Lu Xun Quotes: "To protect myself from the rear, I have to stand slantwise."

To protect myself from the rear, I have to stand slantwise.

Lu Xun Quotes: "It is in the nature of things that some people should be unlucky enough to get their heads chopped off."

It is in the nature of things that some people should be unlucky enough to get their heads chopped off.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Men who have not known the horror of death are not likely to be awed by it."

Men who have not known the horror of death are not likely to be awed by it.

Lu Xun Quotes: "If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity."

If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity.

Lu Xun Quotes: "I have an idea I want to test, for combining old peoples homes and orphanages. Old people are lonely without children, children are lonely without parents. Why not bring them together?"

I have an idea I want to test, for combining old peoples homes and orphanages. Old people are lonely without children, children are lonely without parents. Why not bring them together?

Lu Xun Quotes: "The most important thing... was to change their spirit; and since at that time I felt that literature was the best means to this end, I decided to promote literary movement."

The most important thing... was to change their spirit; and since at that time I felt that literature was the best means to this end, I decided to promote literary movement.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Despair is as hollow and deceptive as hope!"

Despair is as hollow and deceptive as hope!

Lu Xun Quotes: "Women have a mother-nature and a daughter-nature; there are no women with a wife-nature. The quality of wife is an acquired character; it is a combination of mother and daughter."

Women have a mother-nature and a daughter-nature; there are no women with a wife-nature. The quality of wife is an acquired character; it is a combination of mother and daughter.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Though science has given us many marvels, it has also spoiled many of our pleasant dreams."

Though science has given us many marvels, it has also spoiled many of our pleasant dreams.

Lu Xun Quotes: "If men refuse to be kindled, sparks can only burn themselves out, just as paper images and carriages burn out on the street during funerals."

If men refuse to be kindled, sparks can only burn themselves out, just as paper images and carriages burn out on the street during funerals.

Lu Xun Quotes: "A woman has so many parts to her body, life is very hard indeed."

A woman has so many parts to her body, life is very hard indeed.

Lu Xun Quotes: "When a great man has become petrified, and everyone begins to proclaim his greatness, he has already turned into a puppet."

When a great man has become petrified, and everyone begins to proclaim his greatness, he has already turned into a puppet.

Lu Xun Quotes: "I think there are many faces to everyone. I also have my bad sides. Also I think everyone is trying to improve their shortcomings to become more wholesome."

I think there are many faces to everyone. I also have my bad sides. Also I think everyone is trying to improve their shortcomings to become more wholesome.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Being an actress in China, Im actually a very lucky actress... Especially now that Chinese movies are becoming more diverse with more viewers overseas."

Being an actress in China, Im actually a very lucky actress... Especially now that Chinese movies are becoming more diverse with more viewers overseas.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Hope is like a path in the countryside."

Hope is like a path in the countryside.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Its not easy for Chinese actors to do foreign films, and its not easy for foreign actors to do Chinese films."

Its not easy for Chinese actors to do foreign films, and its not easy for foreign actors to do Chinese films.

Lu Xun Quotes: "When the Chinese suspect someone of being a potential troublemaker, they always resort to one of two methods: they crush him, or they hoist him on a pedestal."

When the Chinese suspect someone of being a potential troublemaker, they always resort to one of two methods: they crush him, or they hoist him on a pedestal.

Lu Xun Quotes: "Though love is instinctive, it cannot develop without a certain stimulus and use."

Though love is instinctive, it cannot develop without a certain stimulus and use.

Lu Xun Quotes: "If we want to work out a policy for the present, we must examine the past and prepare for the future, discard the material and elevate the spirit, rely on the individual and exclude the mass."

If we want to work out a policy for the present, we must examine the past and prepare for the future, discard the material and elevate the spirit, rely on the individual and exclude the mass.

Lu Xun Quotes: "In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth."

In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.