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M. Ali Quotes

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M. Ali Quotes: "I confront the European elite's self-image as tolerant 'while under their noses women are living like slaves."

I confront the European elite's self-image as tolerant 'while under their noses women are living like slaves.

M. Ali Quotes: "A regime which puts in a bunker the highest law in the land does not have the moral authority to say that nobody is above the law."

A regime which puts in a bunker the highest law in the land does not have the moral authority to say that nobody is above the law.

M. Ali Quotes: "My main fight is for freedom and equality."

My main fight is for freedom and equality.

M. Ali Quotes: "Strategies are great, business models are great, but the reality is your music has to mean something to people."

Strategies are great, business models are great, but the reality is your music has to mean something to people.

M. Ali Quotes: "There are persons who rise through grief and there are persons who fall because of grief."

There are persons who rise through grief and there are persons who fall because of grief.

M. Ali Quotes: "Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large."

Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large.

M. Ali Quotes: "I was the first one in the gym, and the last one to leave."

I was the first one in the gym, and the last one to leave.

M. Ali Quotes: "Tolerance and understanding won't 'trickle down' in our society any more than wealth does."

Tolerance and understanding won't 'trickle down' in our society any more than wealth does.

M. Ali Quotes: "Islam religion has no color distinction, we are just Muslims."

Islam religion has no color distinction, we are just Muslims.

M. Ali Quotes: "He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort."

He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.

M. Ali Quotes: "The much-lauded parliamentary democracy in India has been unable to protect a genuine democratic set-up in Kashmir."

The much-lauded parliamentary democracy in India has been unable to protect a genuine democratic set-up in Kashmir.

M. Ali Quotes: "People of dua are optimistic by definition. They know that dua and thoughts like 'unlikely' or 'impossible' don't coexist."

People of dua are optimistic by definition. They know that dua and thoughts like 'unlikely' or 'impossible' don't coexist.

M. Ali Quotes: "You can go to Japan, China, all the European, African, Arab, and South American countries, and man, they know me. I can't name a nation where they don't know me."

You can go to Japan, China, all the European, African, Arab, and South American countries, and man, they know me. I can't name a nation where they don't know me.

M. Ali Quotes: "Democracies do not go to war. War is not our expression of thought."

Democracies do not go to war. War is not our expression of thought.

M. Ali Quotes: "An alert and learned man will take advice from any event."

An alert and learned man will take advice from any event.

M. Ali Quotes: ""The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it.""

"The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it."

M. Ali Quotes: "To whatever extent a person's knowledge increases, his attention will be turned more towards his soul."

To whatever extent a person's knowledge increases, his attention will be turned more towards his soul.

M. Ali Quotes: "We wish to become one thing or another, rather we wish to become everything and in this pursuit of becoming everything we only end up becoming idiots."

We wish to become one thing or another, rather we wish to become everything and in this pursuit of becoming everything we only end up becoming idiots.

M. Ali Quotes: "You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil."

You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.

M. Ali Quotes: "I have had to pay a price for leaving Islam and for speaking out. I have to pay for round-the-clock security because of the death threats against me."

I have had to pay a price for leaving Islam and for speaking out. I have to pay for round-the-clock security because of the death threats against me.

M. Ali Quotes: "There's a reason I'm known - to bring people to Allah, to God."

There's a reason I'm known - to bring people to Allah, to God.

M. Ali Quotes: "The sweetness of life lies in dispensing with formalities."

The sweetness of life lies in dispensing with formalities.

M. Ali Quotes: "Lets build a monument for the veto. Lets build a monument for impotence and incapacity."

Lets build a monument for the veto. Lets build a monument for impotence and incapacity.

M. Ali Quotes: "One who is mild rather than forceful has greater capacity for outreach."

One who is mild rather than forceful has greater capacity for outreach.

M. Ali Quotes: "Patience to faith is like the head to the body. The person who has no patience has not faith."

Patience to faith is like the head to the body. The person who has no patience has not faith.

M. Ali Quotes: "A man's behavior is the index of the man, and his discourse is the index of his understanding."

A man's behavior is the index of the man, and his discourse is the index of his understanding.

M. Ali Quotes: "We have one life / It soon will be past / What we do for God / Is all that will last."

We have one life / It soon will be past / What we do for God / Is all that will last.

M. Ali Quotes: "Do not be misled by appearances for these are apt to be deceptive."

Do not be misled by appearances for these are apt to be deceptive.

M. Ali Quotes: "I've never let anyone talk me into not believing in myself"

I've never let anyone talk me into not believing in myself

M. Ali Quotes: "Riches without faith are the greatest poverty."

Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.

M. Ali Quotes: "The entire Quran is a big joke. If it was not so violent, it would be the biggest comic book ever written."

The entire Quran is a big joke. If it was not so violent, it would be the biggest comic book ever written.

M. Ali Quotes: "Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing"

Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

M. Ali Quotes: "Poverty is the worst form of death."

Poverty is the worst form of death.

M. Ali Quotes: "Singing instrumental music is most important because, while you play an instrument, you are singing through the instrument... actually, you are singing inside."

Singing instrumental music is most important because, while you play an instrument, you are singing through the instrument... actually, you are singing inside.

M. Ali Quotes: "The will must be stronger than the skill."

The will must be stronger than the skill.

M. Ali Quotes: "There's nothing wrong with getting knocked down, as long as you get right back up."

There's nothing wrong with getting knocked down, as long as you get right back up.

M. Ali Quotes: "A man is happy who is happy with his Naseeb(allotted portion)."

A man is happy who is happy with his Naseeb(allotted portion).

M. Ali Quotes: "Sleep is a mirror of life in which can be seen the reflection of death."

Sleep is a mirror of life in which can be seen the reflection of death.

M. Ali Quotes: "The function of a bourgeois democracy is to secure the consent of the masses to their own exploitation and oppression."

The function of a bourgeois democracy is to secure the consent of the masses to their own exploitation and oppression.

M. Ali Quotes: "My toughest opponent has always been me."

My toughest opponent has always been me.

M. Ali Quotes: "Mrs. [Indira] Gandhi can rightly boast of having won a war, but if she won it, she should first of all thank Yahya Khan and his gang of illiterate psychopaths."

Mrs. [Indira] Gandhi can rightly boast of having won a war, but if she won it, she should first of all thank Yahya Khan and his gang of illiterate psychopaths.

M. Ali Quotes: "Once the Choice is Made, Do Not Look Back, Do Not Second-Guess Your Decisions"

Once the Choice is Made, Do Not Look Back, Do Not Second-Guess Your Decisions

M. Ali Quotes: "The greatest threat of harm doesn't come from any bomb"

The greatest threat of harm doesn't come from any bomb

M. Ali Quotes: "Pakistan was once called the most allied ally of the United States. We are now the most non-allied."

Pakistan was once called the most allied ally of the United States. We are now the most non-allied.

M. Ali Quotes: "To make one good action succeed another, is the perfection of goodness."

To make one good action succeed another, is the perfection of goodness.

M. Ali Quotes: "No one starts out on top. You have to work your way up."

No one starts out on top. You have to work your way up.

M. Ali Quotes: "You don't want no pie in the sky when you die, You want something here on the ground while you're still around."

You don't want no pie in the sky when you die, You want something here on the ground while you're still around.

M. Ali Quotes: "Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish."

Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish.

M. Ali Quotes: "I had short hair for a while, but I ended up loving it."

I had short hair for a while, but I ended up loving it.