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Mario Quotes

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Mario Quotes: "They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets."

They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.

Mario Quotes: "Democracy is not meant to be efficient, it is meant to be fair."

Democracy is not meant to be efficient, it is meant to be fair.

Mario Quotes: "Those two principles: We're supposed to love one another and we're supposed to work together to make the experience better. That's all the religion you need, really, to make a success of this planet."

Those two principles: We're supposed to love one another and we're supposed to work together to make the experience better. That's all the religion you need, really, to make a success of this planet.

Mario Quotes: "The real influence on my work was reality, that of my country and Latin America in general."

The real influence on my work was reality, that of my country and Latin America in general.

Mario Quotes: "Everyone makes pesto in a food processor. But the texture is better with a mortar and pestle, and it's just as fast."

Everyone makes pesto in a food processor. But the texture is better with a mortar and pestle, and it's just as fast.

Mario Quotes: "Look at cookbooks with your kids and ask them what sounds good."

Look at cookbooks with your kids and ask them what sounds good.

Mario Quotes: "If you are killed because you are a writer, that's the maximum expression of respect, you know."

If you are killed because you are a writer, that's the maximum expression of respect, you know.

Mario Quotes: "I have no plans, and no plans to plan."

I have no plans, and no plans to plan.

Mario Quotes: "My first two books did nada. I ended up paying the publishers."

My first two books did nada. I ended up paying the publishers.

Mario Quotes: "Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories."

Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories.

Mario Quotes: "Science is still only a candle glimmering in a great pitch-dark cavern."

Science is still only a candle glimmering in a great pitch-dark cavern.

Mario Quotes: "You can't disobey the rules every time you disapprove. However, when you're considering something that constitutes an extreme abridgement of your rights, conscience is the court of last resort."

You can't disobey the rules every time you disapprove. However, when you're considering something that constitutes an extreme abridgement of your rights, conscience is the court of last resort.

Mario Quotes: "All gamblers are paranoid, though they call it superstition."

All gamblers are paranoid, though they call it superstition.

Mario Quotes: "Do you believe a man can truly love a woman and constantly betray her?Never mind physically but betray her in his mind,in the very "poetry of his soul".Well,it's not easy but men do it all the time."

Do you believe a man can truly love a woman and constantly betray her?Never mind physically but betray her in his mind,in the very "poetry of his soul".Well,it's not easy but men do it all the time.

Mario Quotes: "Falling in love is great but being in love is a disaster"

Falling in love is great but being in love is a disaster

Mario Quotes: "There is no government in Europe where ministers go through that kind of confirmation process, which in fact is modeled on the way the U.S. cabinet members are confirmed."

There is no government in Europe where ministers go through that kind of confirmation process, which in fact is modeled on the way the U.S. cabinet members are confirmed.

Mario Quotes: "In some cases, the casting directors have casted blindly and have not looked into my ethnic background"

In some cases, the casting directors have casted blindly and have not looked into my ethnic background

Mario Quotes: "Right now, I'd like to just continue on a series where I am doing good work with a balance of comedy and drama. That and do occasional features and movies."

Right now, I'd like to just continue on a series where I am doing good work with a balance of comedy and drama. That and do occasional features and movies.

Mario Quotes: "When I'm able to see the ice ahead of time when I get the puck, I'm able to make some pretty good plays."

When I'm able to see the ice ahead of time when I get the puck, I'm able to make some pretty good plays.

Mario Quotes: "I've gone through back surgery a couple times, and of course, my radiation treatments for six weeks got me to the point where I was not able to play at the level that I was accustomed to."

I've gone through back surgery a couple times, and of course, my radiation treatments for six weeks got me to the point where I was not able to play at the level that I was accustomed to.

Mario Quotes: "Photography is not difficult - as long as you have something to say."

Photography is not difficult - as long as you have something to say.

Mario Quotes: "It is not a government's obligation to provide services, but to see that they are provided."

It is not a government's obligation to provide services, but to see that they are provided.

Mario Quotes: "Of course you cannot free yourself from the laws of nature; but the laws of nervous systems are not the same as the physical laws."

Of course you cannot free yourself from the laws of nature; but the laws of nervous systems are not the same as the physical laws.

Mario Quotes: "From a historical viewpoint, religion is just a kind of superstition, and from a political viewpoint it is a tool of social control."

From a historical viewpoint, religion is just a kind of superstition, and from a political viewpoint it is a tool of social control.

Mario Quotes: "Michigan is my antidote to Manhattan. This is where I come to relax."

Michigan is my antidote to Manhattan. This is where I come to relax.

Mario Quotes: "In growing up in Seattle, I don't know a single family that didn't barbecue or cook on the weekends and make its own kind of simple, pared-down, what I call Pacific Northwest cooking."

In growing up in Seattle, I don't know a single family that didn't barbecue or cook on the weekends and make its own kind of simple, pared-down, what I call Pacific Northwest cooking.

Mario Quotes: "It surprises me how much children like me, you know? If they look at me as an example, I have a big responsibility."

It surprises me how much children like me, you know? If they look at me as an example, I have a big responsibility.

Mario Quotes: "Sometimes you have to bring back only the steering wheel so the car owner will know that you're giving it all you have."

Sometimes you have to bring back only the steering wheel so the car owner will know that you're giving it all you have.

Mario Quotes: "The American Dream is ownership … a house, a car, a vacation home and, even better, your own business"

The American Dream is ownership … a house, a car, a vacation home and, even better, your own business

Mario Quotes: "I know I have a responsibility as a role model to children and I try to fulfill that."

I know I have a responsibility as a role model to children and I try to fulfill that.

Mario Quotes: "If someone throws a banana at me in the street, I will go to prison because I will kill him."

If someone throws a banana at me in the street, I will go to prison because I will kill him.

Mario Quotes: "You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose."

You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.

Mario Quotes: "‎"But you're the toughest son of a b!&€# i've ever seen.You never let anybody get near you.You never let anybody know what you really think."

‎"But you're the toughest son of a b!&€# i've ever seen.You never let anybody get near you.You never let anybody know what you really think.

Mario Quotes: "Good architecture lets nature in."

Good architecture lets nature in.

Mario Quotes: "There's three things men always talk about - women, sports, and cars."

There's three things men always talk about - women, sports, and cars.

Mario Quotes: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em... then beat 'em."

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em... then beat 'em.

Mario Quotes: "Mancini is lucky. He has an owner [Sheikh Mansour] who speaks little and asks only: "What do you need?""

Mancini is lucky. He has an owner [Sheikh Mansour] who speaks little and asks only: "What do you need?"

Mario Quotes: "To play in atmospheres that are intense is when I play my best football."

To play in atmospheres that are intense is when I play my best football.

Mario Quotes: "Most contemporary philosophers are conservative and eager to keep their jobs."

Most contemporary philosophers are conservative and eager to keep their jobs.

Mario Quotes: "I have a chest full of all the insults, villainies, and infamies a man is capable of withstanding. . . . If you become famous, you will have to go through that."

I have a chest full of all the insults, villainies, and infamies a man is capable of withstanding. . . . If you become famous, you will have to go through that.

Mario Quotes: "Original philosophy is always "deviant" or even subversive."

Original philosophy is always "deviant" or even subversive.

Mario Quotes: "I was very young and lived with my grandparents in a villa with white walls in the Calle Ocharan, in Miraflores."

I was very young and lived with my grandparents in a villa with white walls in the Calle Ocharan, in Miraflores.

Mario Quotes: "There are many things behind a good novel, but in particular there is a lot of work - a lot of patience, a lot of stubbornness, and a critical spirit."

There are many things behind a good novel, but in particular there is a lot of work - a lot of patience, a lot of stubbornness, and a critical spirit.

Mario Quotes: "In Los Angeles, individuality is very big, because people live in secluded bubbles. People don't walk around. They're very insular, and that allows for people to be whatever they want."

In Los Angeles, individuality is very big, because people live in secluded bubbles. People don't walk around. They're very insular, and that allows for people to be whatever they want.

Mario Quotes: "The university is a vast public utility which turns out future workers in today's vineyard, the military-industrial complex."

The university is a vast public utility which turns out future workers in today's vineyard, the military-industrial complex.

Mario Quotes: "The price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that someday they might force their beliefs on us."

The price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that someday they might force their beliefs on us.

Mario Quotes: "What I didn't do was pick one thing and keep saying it over and over again, so I could have gotten credit for it."

What I didn't do was pick one thing and keep saying it over and over again, so I could have gotten credit for it.

Mario Quotes: "I think social media really is a great tool. It fascinates me when I tweet something and right away you get a response almost immediately."

I think social media really is a great tool. It fascinates me when I tweet something and right away you get a response almost immediately.

Mario Quotes: "I never personally name anyone. I am not comfortable rating other drivers."

I never personally name anyone. I am not comfortable rating other drivers.