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Mario Quotes

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Mario Quotes: "It is rare and almost impossible for a novel to have only one narrator."

It is rare and almost impossible for a novel to have only one narrator.

Mario Quotes: "Everything is falling into place."

Everything is falling into place.

Mario Quotes: "An American Idol is someone that has all the qualities that America thinks is positive, attractive and alluring."

An American Idol is someone that has all the qualities that America thinks is positive, attractive and alluring.

Mario Quotes: "It is a reality show... this show is never without drama."

It is a reality show... this show is never without drama.

Mario Quotes: "You're safer in the race car than you are in cars going to and from the track."

You're safer in the race car than you are in cars going to and from the track.

Mario Quotes: "The future is the keeper of the memories of the past"

The future is the keeper of the memories of the past

Mario Quotes: "when love looks straight into your eyes return those looks and your heart will surrender to feelings never felt before"

when love looks straight into your eyes return those looks and your heart will surrender to feelings never felt before

Mario Quotes: "To let sorrow go his own way one gives happiness a chance"

To let sorrow go his own way one gives happiness a chance

Mario Quotes: "Brave men die a single death; cowards marry fish-head mermaids!"

Brave men die a single death; cowards marry fish-head mermaids!

Mario Quotes: "Always keep your portfolio and your risk at your own individual comfortable sleeping point."

Always keep your portfolio and your risk at your own individual comfortable sleeping point.

Mario Quotes: "If things don't seem out of control, you're not going fast enough."

If things don't seem out of control, you're not going fast enough.

Mario Quotes: "I will always enter a race car from the left side. Always. Why? I have no idea."

I will always enter a race car from the left side. Always. Why? I have no idea.

Mario Quotes: "Unfortunately, we don't educate drivers enough to be respectful on the road."

Unfortunately, we don't educate drivers enough to be respectful on the road.

Mario Quotes: "Every NASCAR driver watches Formula One in the morning; they are well informed."

Every NASCAR driver watches Formula One in the morning; they are well informed.

Mario Quotes: "Food is much better off the hand than the fork."

Food is much better off the hand than the fork.

Mario Quotes: "In case you're wondering why Guy Fieri is here, he won a contest."

In case you're wondering why Guy Fieri is here, he won a contest.

Mario Quotes: "Jimmy Fallon and I play regularly at the Bayonne Golf Club in Jersey. He's eighteen holes of fun. Any time we play he has moments of brilliance, but also moments of utter catastrophe."

Jimmy Fallon and I play regularly at the Bayonne Golf Club in Jersey. He's eighteen holes of fun. Any time we play he has moments of brilliance, but also moments of utter catastrophe.

Mario Quotes: "If I hear something's not quite going right, then I'm there quicker than if I hear something's going wrong."

If I hear something's not quite going right, then I'm there quicker than if I hear something's going wrong.

Mario Quotes: "When you add just a little bit [of Tabasco] at the end, what you taste is the spectrum between the cooked chile flavor and the kind of nearly raw, just kind of fermented chile flavor at the end."

When you add just a little bit [of Tabasco] at the end, what you taste is the spectrum between the cooked chile flavor and the kind of nearly raw, just kind of fermented chile flavor at the end.

Mario Quotes: "You have to be generous if you want to spend your time making someone else dinner. Even if you're charging, you're still giving."

You have to be generous if you want to spend your time making someone else dinner. Even if you're charging, you're still giving.

Mario Quotes: "In the scientific community you find competent teachers and original researchers, just as in the musical community you find many good performers but very few good composers."

In the scientific community you find competent teachers and original researchers, just as in the musical community you find many good performers but very few good composers.

Mario Quotes: "Stand-up was like being on a Barbie townhouse stage."

Stand-up was like being on a Barbie townhouse stage.

Mario Quotes: "You can't control a superstar that has an ultimate green light. That's impossible."

You can't control a superstar that has an ultimate green light. That's impossible.

Mario Quotes: "For me, growing up I watched Michael Jordan win all those championships, and I dreamed of being in that same spot one day. So to actually be here, and have one under my belt is an amazing feeling."

For me, growing up I watched Michael Jordan win all those championships, and I dreamed of being in that same spot one day. So to actually be here, and have one under my belt is an amazing feeling.

Mario Quotes: "Red wine is a great accompaniment to meat."

Red wine is a great accompaniment to meat.

Mario Quotes: "Depending on how we start the season, I can play center or wing... It doesn't matter to me."

Depending on how we start the season, I can play center or wing... It doesn't matter to me.

Mario Quotes: "Well, I think just a desire to come back and be a part of the game again."

Well, I think just a desire to come back and be a part of the game again.

Mario Quotes: "I think the lottery changed everything for us. Once we got Sidney, it helped us turn this franchise around overnight."

I think the lottery changed everything for us. Once we got Sidney, it helped us turn this franchise around overnight.

Mario Quotes: "As I've said, in 2007, we're free to go and we'll just have to do what's best for the business."

As I've said, in 2007, we're free to go and we'll just have to do what's best for the business.

Mario Quotes: "It was great to play with some of my old linemates."

It was great to play with some of my old linemates.

Mario Quotes: "I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past."

I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past.

Mario Quotes: "I find the only thing that really stands up, better than gambling, better than booze, better than women, is reading."

I find the only thing that really stands up, better than gambling, better than booze, better than women, is reading.

Mario Quotes: "I will make you an offer you cannot refuse"

I will make you an offer you cannot refuse

Mario Quotes: "Every family has bad memories."

Every family has bad memories.

Mario Quotes: "I write because I'm unhappy. I write because it's a way of fighting unhappiness."

I write because I'm unhappy. I write because it's a way of fighting unhappiness.

Mario Quotes: "Michael could never remember his father ever having uttered a word about death, as if the Don respected death too much to philosophize about it."

Michael could never remember his father ever having uttered a word about death, as if the Don respected death too much to philosophize about it.

Mario Quotes: "You can't hide the thunderbolt. When it hits you, everybody can see it. Christ, man, don't be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt. You're a very lucky fellow. - Calo"

You can't hide the thunderbolt. When it hits you, everybody can see it. Christ, man, don't be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt. You're a very lucky fellow. - Calo

Mario Quotes: "Outrage is easy, cheap, and oversold. The nation needs less anger and more thoughtful reflection, less shouting and more listening, less dissembling and more honesty."

Outrage is easy, cheap, and oversold. The nation needs less anger and more thoughtful reflection, less shouting and more listening, less dissembling and more honesty.

Mario Quotes: "It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire emergencies, if then."

It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire emergencies, if then.

Mario Quotes: "I believe that in Europe, we have a collective leadership."

I believe that in Europe, we have a collective leadership.

Mario Quotes: "What is the value of light when it no longer shines"

What is the value of light when it no longer shines

Mario Quotes: "Today's future is Tomorrow's past"

Today's future is Tomorrow's past

Mario Quotes: "Reflection in the mirror makes reality look at you"

Reflection in the mirror makes reality look at you

Mario Quotes: "I'm not going to wait on anybody to put out music or a visual. Everything I will do is on my own. I'm not waiting on anyone."

I'm not going to wait on anybody to put out music or a visual. Everything I will do is on my own. I'm not waiting on anyone.

Mario Quotes: "Bigger than any obstacle is the strength that one posses It's a power that overcomes every obstacle"

Bigger than any obstacle is the strength that one posses It's a power that overcomes every obstacle

Mario Quotes: "Real wealth is feeling sorry for the poor"

Real wealth is feeling sorry for the poor

Mario Quotes: "Greed is too flimsy to flawed"

Greed is too flimsy to flawed

Mario Quotes: "I'm doing more than just making songs for the radio. I want it to be a well rounded sounding experience."

I'm doing more than just making songs for the radio. I want it to be a well rounded sounding experience.

Mario Quotes: "Yesterday's dust determined today's range of vision"

Yesterday's dust determined today's range of vision