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Melanie Quotes

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Melanie Quotes: "I suppose at some point, we all have to decide which memories - real or otherwise - to hold on to, and which ones to let go."

I suppose at some point, we all have to decide which memories - real or otherwise - to hold on to, and which ones to let go.

Melanie Quotes: "Why were there so many barriers between us, always? Barriers of clothing, of etiquette, of time and age and reason."

Why were there so many barriers between us, always? Barriers of clothing, of etiquette, of time and age and reason.

Melanie Quotes: "Unlike men, women got less sentimental as we aged, I was discovering."

Unlike men, women got less sentimental as we aged, I was discovering.

Melanie Quotes: "Never would I allow my size to define me. Instead I would define it."

Never would I allow my size to define me. Instead I would define it.

Melanie Quotes: "I like to imagine the "what ifs" of history."

I like to imagine the "what ifs" of history.

Melanie Quotes: "Wonderland was all we had in common, after all; Wonderland was what was denied the two of us. I had denied him his; he had denied me mine."

Wonderland was all we had in common, after all; Wonderland was what was denied the two of us. I had denied him his; he had denied me mine.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm a businesswoman at the end of the day."

I'm a businesswoman at the end of the day.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm always down for a Spice Girls reunion. I love the Scary hair and platforms. Any time of day or night I'll be there."

I'm always down for a Spice Girls reunion. I love the Scary hair and platforms. Any time of day or night I'll be there.

Melanie Quotes: "Sometimes I can be tactful and sometimes not. It all depends on the mood I'm in."

Sometimes I can be tactful and sometimes not. It all depends on the mood I'm in.

Melanie Quotes: "Breastfeeding is amazing; you can actually feel your stomach shrink with every feed."

Breastfeeding is amazing; you can actually feel your stomach shrink with every feed.

Melanie Quotes: "I would love to have twins. I think there's something nice about having two babies, and they're there for each other their whole entire life."

I would love to have twins. I think there's something nice about having two babies, and they're there for each other their whole entire life.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm not putting pressure on myself, all I know is I want to do music."

I'm not putting pressure on myself, all I know is I want to do music.

Melanie Quotes: "I don't have any pressure on myself. I don't have a big record label backing me. I'm doing it all myself."

I don't have any pressure on myself. I don't have a big record label backing me. I'm doing it all myself.

Melanie Quotes: "I don't want to stop bringing out music."

I don't want to stop bringing out music.

Melanie Quotes: "You never can expect what people's reactions are going to be. You can only hope that everyone feels the way that you do."

You never can expect what people's reactions are going to be. You can only hope that everyone feels the way that you do.

Melanie Quotes: "Anything that I actually do drink myself or I do actually use myself, I'm going to be into promoting it."

Anything that I actually do drink myself or I do actually use myself, I'm going to be into promoting it.

Melanie Quotes: "The way that I live my life is on spontaneity."

The way that I live my life is on spontaneity.

Melanie Quotes: "England is my home. I could never leave. I'd miss my family and friends too much."

England is my home. I could never leave. I'd miss my family and friends too much.

Melanie Quotes: "I know about investment. It's really obvious - you buy property, let it sit for a couple of years and then sell it and reinvest."

I know about investment. It's really obvious - you buy property, let it sit for a couple of years and then sell it and reinvest.

Melanie Quotes: "As a singer, you need to find you water that works for you."

As a singer, you need to find you water that works for you.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm always busy. And I don't even see it really as work, because everything I do I still really enjoy."

I'm always busy. And I don't even see it really as work, because everything I do I still really enjoy.

Melanie Quotes: "I don't want to hurt anybody or be offensive. But I don't want to not be me."

I don't want to hurt anybody or be offensive. But I don't want to not be me.

Melanie Quotes: "Putting out my album on my own label has been a great experience for me. It's been very inspiring. It's like a new start for me and having all this creative freedom is so liberating and exciting."

Putting out my album on my own label has been a great experience for me. It's been very inspiring. It's like a new start for me and having all this creative freedom is so liberating and exciting.

Melanie Quotes: "If you turn the pages and look inside, there is nothing of me I feel that I have to hide."

If you turn the pages and look inside, there is nothing of me I feel that I have to hide.

Melanie Quotes: "Once I started performing I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life. But you have to work really hard to be a performer."

Once I started performing I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life. But you have to work really hard to be a performer.

Melanie Quotes: "When you're with your family you're with them and when you're working you're doing that. I definitely try to separate the time when I'm working and when I have my personal time."

When you're with your family you're with them and when you're working you're doing that. I definitely try to separate the time when I'm working and when I have my personal time.

Melanie Quotes: "I've admired Alicia Keys since before I got into the music industry, just everything she represents as a female artist."

I've admired Alicia Keys since before I got into the music industry, just everything she represents as a female artist.

Melanie Quotes: "Older audiences are hard to win over. They're very specific in their tastes and critical of new music."

Older audiences are hard to win over. They're very specific in their tastes and critical of new music.

Melanie Quotes: "Toronto is a very multicultural city, a place of immigrants, like my parents."

Toronto is a very multicultural city, a place of immigrants, like my parents.

Melanie Quotes: "West Indian cultural mentality and a North American life equals the perfect balance."

West Indian cultural mentality and a North American life equals the perfect balance.

Melanie Quotes: "Whitney Houston's voice was the very first voice I fell in love with. She was the voice that made me want to become a singer."

Whitney Houston's voice was the very first voice I fell in love with. She was the voice that made me want to become a singer.

Melanie Quotes: "I feel like shoes are one of those things that no matter how conservative or how outrageous you get, a good pair of shoes is going to last you a lifetime."

I feel like shoes are one of those things that no matter how conservative or how outrageous you get, a good pair of shoes is going to last you a lifetime.

Melanie Quotes: "Canada had the good health-care system and educational system. It was a privilege for me to grow up there."

Canada had the good health-care system and educational system. It was a privilege for me to grow up there.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm a first-generation Canadian."

I'm a first-generation Canadian.

Melanie Quotes: "Before I could even hold a pen I was singing."

Before I could even hold a pen I was singing.

Melanie Quotes: "I always feel like music should be a universal language."

I always feel like music should be a universal language.

Melanie Quotes: "I consider myself more of an international artist than I do a one-territory artist, which I think is a blessing."

I consider myself more of an international artist than I do a one-territory artist, which I think is a blessing.

Melanie Quotes: "I love Canada, always."

I love Canada, always.

Melanie Quotes: "I love the freedom to do whatever I want with style and not be put into a box."

I love the freedom to do whatever I want with style and not be put into a box.

Melanie Quotes: "Canada can be tough for urban music."

Canada can be tough for urban music.

Melanie Quotes: "I'm a drugstore beauty girl, I love going to the drugstore and buying makeup."

I'm a drugstore beauty girl, I love going to the drugstore and buying makeup.

Melanie Quotes: "I rarely buy a shoe that is completely specific to a time and outfit. I generally tend to spend money on good shoes that can go with everything."

I rarely buy a shoe that is completely specific to a time and outfit. I generally tend to spend money on good shoes that can go with everything.

Melanie Quotes: "In my profession you have to be very strong within yourself in order to block out the rejection and block out the opinions and the commentary that happens."

In my profession you have to be very strong within yourself in order to block out the rejection and block out the opinions and the commentary that happens.

Melanie Quotes: "Honestly I've enjoyed every part that I've done. Literally. Every one."

Honestly I've enjoyed every part that I've done. Literally. Every one.

Melanie Quotes: "There are many ups and downs in everyone's life and when you're an actor usually you're a very sensitive human being."

There are many ups and downs in everyone's life and when you're an actor usually you're a very sensitive human being.

Melanie Quotes: "Most people are telling me I look horrible."

Most people are telling me I look horrible.

Melanie Quotes: "Oh, my career. What career? I'm over 40."

Oh, my career. What career? I'm over 40.

Melanie Quotes: "I have terrible PMS. I just went a little crazy."

I have terrible PMS. I just went a little crazy.

Melanie Quotes: "You know who helped me a lot? Jane Fonda. She said, Look at how many times I've been up and I've been down. So don't worry about anything."

You know who helped me a lot? Jane Fonda. She said, Look at how many times I've been up and I've been down. So don't worry about anything.