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Michael Moore Quotes

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Michael Moore Quotes: "You share things with people and I think information, and art, and ideas should be shared."

You share things with people and I think information, and art, and ideas should be shared.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I may be preaching to the choir, but the choir needs a good song."

I may be preaching to the choir, but the choir needs a good song.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I still believe the lessons I learned when I was raised in a Roman Catholic household. Like, it's harder for a rich man to get into Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle."

I still believe the lessons I learned when I was raised in a Roman Catholic household. Like, it's harder for a rich man to get into Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement."

I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I think that capitalism in general is responsible, not for the worldwide recession, but for a lot of suffering, both in the United States and around the world."

I think that capitalism in general is responsible, not for the worldwide recession, but for a lot of suffering, both in the United States and around the world.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I was one of the first 18-year-olds in the United States elected to public office right after 18-year-olds got the right to vote back in the early '70s. I ran for the Board of Education."

I was one of the first 18-year-olds in the United States elected to public office right after 18-year-olds got the right to vote back in the early '70s. I ran for the Board of Education.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I'm a highly flawed individual, as we all are, and because I was raised by Jesuits, I'm constantly, 'What is it about me and what I can do to be better?'"

I'm a highly flawed individual, as we all are, and because I was raised by Jesuits, I'm constantly, 'What is it about me and what I can do to be better?'

Michael Moore Quotes: "All of our political parties are bought and paid for by corporate America, Wall Street, and the wealthy interests. The Republican Party more so, but the Democrats take their share of the loot, too."

All of our political parties are bought and paid for by corporate America, Wall Street, and the wealthy interests. The Republican Party more so, but the Democrats take their share of the loot, too.

Michael Moore Quotes: "But I'm not a member of the Democratic Party. If you know anything about me, anybody who's followed me, I'm the anti-Democrat. I have railed against the Democrats for a long time."

But I'm not a member of the Democratic Party. If you know anything about me, anybody who's followed me, I'm the anti-Democrat. I have railed against the Democrats for a long time.

Michael Moore Quotes: "Every night I watch the nightly news. It's funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Virtually every ad is a drug ad. They get their say every night on the nightly news through advertising."

Every night I watch the nightly news. It's funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Virtually every ad is a drug ad. They get their say every night on the nightly news through advertising.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I did a filmstrip on pollution in the Davison area as my Eagle Scout project and showed it around town. Businesses who were the polluters were mad at me."

I did a filmstrip on pollution in the Davison area as my Eagle Scout project and showed it around town. Businesses who were the polluters were mad at me.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I had a newspaper in Flint, Michigan called the 'Flint Voice,' and so it was a, you know, underground, alternative newspaper that I edited and put out for about ten years."

I had a newspaper in Flint, Michigan called the 'Flint Voice,' and so it was a, you know, underground, alternative newspaper that I edited and put out for about ten years.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I've always felt so grateful that I dropped out of school, that I never had to do a thesis. I wouldn't know how to organise and structure myself to film so that B follows A and C follows B."

I've always felt so grateful that I dropped out of school, that I never had to do a thesis. I wouldn't know how to organise and structure myself to film so that B follows A and C follows B.

Michael Moore Quotes: "Sometimes it's important to vote - you know, to make a statement, to make a point; certainly, many of us who were involved in the Nader campaign in 2000 felt that way."

Sometimes it's important to vote - you know, to make a statement, to make a point; certainly, many of us who were involved in the Nader campaign in 2000 felt that way.

Michael Moore Quotes: "Wall Street, the banks, and corporate America, has been able to call the shots here. They control our members of Congress and they get what they want."

Wall Street, the banks, and corporate America, has been able to call the shots here. They control our members of Congress and they get what they want.

Michael Moore Quotes: "Three of the top six documentaries of all time, grossing, are made by me."

Three of the top six documentaries of all time, grossing, are made by me.

Michael Moore Quotes: "If your bank took bailout money, take your money out of that bank and put it in a credit union. Credit unions are owned by the people who have their money in the credit union."

If your bank took bailout money, take your money out of that bank and put it in a credit union. Credit unions are owned by the people who have their money in the credit union.

Michael Moore Quotes: "In America, we don't, in daily discourse, use the words 'capitalism' or 'socialism.' They've been kind of nonexistent words, I would say, amongst the general public."

In America, we don't, in daily discourse, use the words 'capitalism' or 'socialism.' They've been kind of nonexistent words, I would say, amongst the general public.

Michael Moore Quotes: "My films don't have instant impact because they're dense with ideas that people have not thought about. It takes a while for the American public to wrap its head around some of the things I'm saying."

My films don't have instant impact because they're dense with ideas that people have not thought about. It takes a while for the American public to wrap its head around some of the things I'm saying.

Michael Moore Quotes: "[Bill] Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican."

[Bill] Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican.

Michael Moore Quotes: "A government run by billionaires for billionaires is an affront to freedom, morality, and humanity."

A government run by billionaires for billionaires is an affront to freedom, morality, and humanity.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I do believe that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute you. I believe that there is power and strength in that."

I do believe that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute you. I believe that there is power and strength in that.

Michael Moore Quotes: "When I'm shooting a movie, I'm always in an invisible theater seat. I respect the fact that people have worked hard all week and want to go to the movies on the weekend and be entertained."

When I'm shooting a movie, I'm always in an invisible theater seat. I respect the fact that people have worked hard all week and want to go to the movies on the weekend and be entertained.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I think movies are too long."

I think movies are too long.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I drive an American car. It's a Chrysler. That's not an endorsement. It's more like a cry for pity."

I drive an American car. It's a Chrysler. That's not an endorsement. It's more like a cry for pity.

Michael Moore Quotes: "You need to have a relationship with what you put inside you. I don't want to get all spiritual about this, but I believe our bodies are a gift, and to deface it is disrespectful."

You need to have a relationship with what you put inside you. I don't want to get all spiritual about this, but I believe our bodies are a gift, and to deface it is disrespectful.

Michael Moore Quotes: "I think the NRA, they got it half-right when they say, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' I change it to, 'Guns don't kill people, Americans kill people.'"

I think the NRA, they got it half-right when they say, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' I change it to, 'Guns don't kill people, Americans kill people.'