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Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes

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Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "I engage and after that I see what to do."

I engage and after that I see what to do.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "When you have an enemy in your power, deprive him of the means of ever injuring you."

When you have an enemy in your power, deprive him of the means of ever injuring you.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "You cannot stop me; I spend thirty thousand men a month."

You cannot stop me; I spend thirty thousand men a month.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "The greatest ornament of an illustrious life is modesty and humility, which go a great way in the character even of the most exalted princes."

The greatest ornament of an illustrious life is modesty and humility, which go a great way in the character even of the most exalted princes.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Has a man the right to kill himself? Yes, if his death harms no one and if life is an evil to him. When is life an evil? When it offers a man nothing but suffering and pain."

Has a man the right to kill himself? Yes, if his death harms no one and if life is an evil to him. When is life an evil? When it offers a man nothing but suffering and pain.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Put a rogue in the limelight and he will act like an honest man."

Put a rogue in the limelight and he will act like an honest man.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Ability is nothing without opportunity."

Ability is nothing without opportunity.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Even when I am gone, I shall remain in people's minds the star of their rights, my name will be the war cry of their efforts, the motto of their hopes."

Even when I am gone, I shall remain in people's minds the star of their rights, my name will be the war cry of their efforts, the motto of their hopes.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "It's not the size of the army but the power within the army."

It's not the size of the army but the power within the army.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Unite for the public safety, if you would remain an independent nation."

Unite for the public safety, if you would remain an independent nation.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Power is what they like - it is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs."

Power is what they like - it is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god."

To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Nature intended women to be our slaves. They are our property."

Nature intended women to be our slaves. They are our property.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "England would be better off without Canada; it keeps her in a prepared state for war at a great expense and constant irritation."

England would be better off without Canada; it keeps her in a prepared state for war at a great expense and constant irritation.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the bible."

Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the bible.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "History paints the human heart."

History paints the human heart.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Rashness succeeds often, still more often fails."

Rashness succeeds often, still more often fails.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them."

Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "The worse the troops the greater the need of artillery."

The worse the troops the greater the need of artillery.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes."

Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Wine is inspiring and adds greatly to the joy of living."

Wine is inspiring and adds greatly to the joy of living.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments."

In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Human life is the only thing that takes care of itself."

Human life is the only thing that takes care of itself.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Who saves his country violates no law."

Who saves his country violates no law.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "All generals, officers, and soldiers who capitulate in battle to save their own lives should be decimated."

All generals, officers, and soldiers who capitulate in battle to save their own lives should be decimated.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Courage cannot be counterfeited. It is one virtue that escapes hypocrisy."

Courage cannot be counterfeited. It is one virtue that escapes hypocrisy.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "In war, as in love, we must come into contact before we triumph."

In war, as in love, we must come into contact before we triumph.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Music, of all the liberal arts, has the greatest influence over the passions, and it is that to which the legislator ought to give the greatest encouragement."

Music, of all the liberal arts, has the greatest influence over the passions, and it is that to which the legislator ought to give the greatest encouragement.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "It is only by prudence, wisdom, and dexterity that great ends are attained and obstacles overcome. Without these qualities nothing succeeds."

It is only by prudence, wisdom, and dexterity that great ends are attained and obstacles overcome. Without these qualities nothing succeeds.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "The strong are good, only the weak are wicked."

The strong are good, only the weak are wicked.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined."

Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "The greater the man, the less is he opinionative, he depends upon events and circumstances."

The greater the man, the less is he opinionative, he depends upon events and circumstances.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Vengeance has no foresight."

Vengeance has no foresight.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "It is easy to know when a government wishes for peace by observing the character of the person sent to negotiate for it."

It is easy to know when a government wishes for peace by observing the character of the person sent to negotiate for it.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Love is the occupation of the idle man, the amusement of a busy one, and the shipwreck of a sovereign."

Love is the occupation of the idle man, the amusement of a busy one, and the shipwreck of a sovereign.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Ability is noting without opportunity."

Ability is noting without opportunity.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "I believe love to be hurtful to society, and to the individual happiness of men. I believe, in short, that love does more harm than good."

I believe love to be hurtful to society, and to the individual happiness of men. I believe, in short, that love does more harm than good.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "I can no longer obey; I have tasted command, and I cannot give it up."

I can no longer obey; I have tasted command, and I cannot give it up.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Never depend on the multitude, full of instability and whims; always take precautions against it."

Never depend on the multitude, full of instability and whims; always take precautions against it.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Cavalry is useful before, during, and after the battle."

Cavalry is useful before, during, and after the battle.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Circumstances-what are circumstances? I make circumstances"

Circumstances-what are circumstances? I make circumstances

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "In war one must lean on an obstacle in order to overcome it."

In war one must lean on an obstacle in order to overcome it.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Do you know what astonished me the most in this world? The inability of force to create anything."

Do you know what astonished me the most in this world? The inability of force to create anything.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "It would be a joke if the conduct of the victor had to be justified to the vanquished."

It would be a joke if the conduct of the victor had to be justified to the vanquished.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Reconnaissance memoranda should always be written in the simplest style and be purely descriptive. They should never stray from their objective by introducing extraneous ideas."

Reconnaissance memoranda should always be written in the simplest style and be purely descriptive. They should never stray from their objective by introducing extraneous ideas.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "Man loves the marvelous. It has an irresistible charm for him. He is always ready to leave that with which he is familiar to pursue vain inventions. He lends himself to his own deception."

Man loves the marvelous. It has an irresistible charm for him. He is always ready to leave that with which he is familiar to pursue vain inventions. He lends himself to his own deception.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "The future destiny of a child is always the work of the mother"

The future destiny of a child is always the work of the mother

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "All the women in the world would not make me lose an hour."

All the women in the world would not make me lose an hour.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes: "It strengthens the bonds between nations to have the same civil laws and the same monetary system."

It strengthens the bonds between nations to have the same civil laws and the same monetary system.