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Neil Peart Quotes

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Neil Peart Quotes: "Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand... prejudice, fear and ignorance walk hand-in-hand."

Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand... prejudice, fear and ignorance walk hand-in-hand.

Neil Peart Quotes: "From the point of ignition. To the final drive. The point of the journey is not to arrive."

From the point of ignition. To the final drive. The point of the journey is not to arrive.

Neil Peart Quotes: "...The important thing is: if you fail once, or if your luck is bad this time, the dream is still there. A dream is only over if you give it up-or if it comes true."

...The important thing is: if you fail once, or if your luck is bad this time, the dream is still there. A dream is only over if you give it up-or if it comes true.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I think everything I do has Howard Roark [hero of The Fountainhead] in it, you know, as much as anything. The person I write for is Howard Roark."

I think everything I do has Howard Roark [hero of The Fountainhead] in it, you know, as much as anything. The person I write for is Howard Roark.

Neil Peart Quotes: "You can surrender without a prayer, but never really pray without surrender. You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win without a fight."

You can surrender without a prayer, but never really pray without surrender. You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win without a fight.

Neil Peart Quotes: "If you've got a problem, take it out on a drum."

If you've got a problem, take it out on a drum.

Neil Peart Quotes: "A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission."

A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Playing a three-hour Rush show is like running a marathon while solving equations."

Playing a three-hour Rush show is like running a marathon while solving equations.

Neil Peart Quotes: "How can anybody be enlightened? Truth is after all so poorly lit"

How can anybody be enlightened? Truth is after all so poorly lit

Neil Peart Quotes: "Now I call myself a bleeding heart libertarian. Because I do believe in the principles of Libertarianism as an ideal - because I'm an idealist."

Now I call myself a bleeding heart libertarian. Because I do believe in the principles of Libertarianism as an ideal - because I'm an idealist.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away. Waiting for the rainbow's end to cast its gold your way ... You don't get something for nothing. You can't have freedom for free"

Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away. Waiting for the rainbow's end to cast its gold your way ... You don't get something for nothing. You can't have freedom for free

Neil Peart Quotes: "What is a master but a master student? And if that's true, then there's a responsibility on you to keep getting better and to explore avenues of your profession."

What is a master but a master student? And if that's true, then there's a responsibility on you to keep getting better and to explore avenues of your profession.

Neil Peart Quotes: "All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience outside the gilded cage"

All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience outside the gilded cage

Neil Peart Quotes: "Dedicated to the future, with honor to the past."

Dedicated to the future, with honor to the past.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Don't try to change Doofus, let Doofus change you."

Don't try to change Doofus, let Doofus change you.

Neil Peart Quotes: "No, his mind is not for rent To any God or government Always hopeful yet discontent He knows changes aren't permanent But change is."

No, his mind is not for rent To any God or government Always hopeful yet discontent He knows changes aren't permanent But change is.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I remain the optimist: you just do your best and hope for the best. But it's an evolving state of mind."

I remain the optimist: you just do your best and hope for the best. But it's an evolving state of mind.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Live for yourself... there's no one else more worth living for..."

Live for yourself... there's no one else more worth living for...

Neil Peart Quotes: "Stamina is the force that drives the drumming; it's not really a sprint."

Stamina is the force that drives the drumming; it's not really a sprint.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep."

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Living in the limelight: the universal dream for those who wish to SEEM. Those who wish to BE, must put aside the alienation, get on with the fascination, the real relation, the underlying theme."

Living in the limelight: the universal dream for those who wish to SEEM. Those who wish to BE, must put aside the alienation, get on with the fascination, the real relation, the underlying theme.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I still totally believe in individual rights and individual responsibility and in choosing to do good."

I still totally believe in individual rights and individual responsibility and in choosing to do good.

Neil Peart Quotes: "It's always a happy day when YYZ appears on our luggage tags."

It's always a happy day when YYZ appears on our luggage tags.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Could hell be a place where there is no self-respect? A place where people have no pride in their own existence or behavior, and thus would have none for anyone or anything else?"

Could hell be a place where there is no self-respect? A place where people have no pride in their own existence or behavior, and thus would have none for anyone or anything else?

Neil Peart Quotes: "No one gets to their heaven without a fight..."

No one gets to their heaven without a fight...

Neil Peart Quotes: "Look in, look the storm in the eye. Look out, to the sea and the sky. Look around, at the sight and sound. Look in, look out, look around."

Look in, look the storm in the eye. Look out, to the sea and the sky. Look around, at the sight and sound. Look in, look out, look around.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Let your heart be the anchor and the beat of your song."

Let your heart be the anchor and the beat of your song.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I have come to believe that anger and grudges are burning embers in the heart."

I have come to believe that anger and grudges are burning embers in the heart.

Neil Peart Quotes: "The tarot card 'The Tower' seemed a chilling reflection of the events of September 11, 2001."

The tarot card 'The Tower' seemed a chilling reflection of the events of September 11, 2001.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Everything in moderation, with occasional excess."

Everything in moderation, with occasional excess.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I don't like lyrics that are just thrown together, that were obviously written as you went along, or the song was already written and the guy made up the lyrics in five minutes."

I don't like lyrics that are just thrown together, that were obviously written as you went along, or the song was already written and the guy made up the lyrics in five minutes.

Neil Peart Quotes: "You just become adaptable and try to lead a good life in ways that make sense, regardless. Because I know at the end of it, if I'm going to meet Jesus or Allah or Buddha, I'm going to be all right."

You just become adaptable and try to lead a good life in ways that make sense, regardless. Because I know at the end of it, if I'm going to meet Jesus or Allah or Buddha, I'm going to be all right.

Neil Peart Quotes: "We're only immortal for a limited time."

We're only immortal for a limited time.

Neil Peart Quotes: "It was actually drumming that gave me the stamina to get into sports later."

It was actually drumming that gave me the stamina to get into sports later.

Neil Peart Quotes: "You can't get wise with sleep still in your eyes no matter what your dream might be."

You can't get wise with sleep still in your eyes no matter what your dream might be.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Throw off those chains of reason and your prison disappears."

Throw off those chains of reason and your prison disappears.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Extroverts never understand introverts, and it was like that in school days."

Extroverts never understand introverts, and it was like that in school days.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Once I had defined myself as a compositional drummer, I thought, "Well, I want to be an improvisational drummer.""

Once I had defined myself as a compositional drummer, I thought, "Well, I want to be an improvisational drummer."

Neil Peart Quotes: "But glittering prizes and endless compromises, Shatter the illusion of integrity..."

But glittering prizes and endless compromises, Shatter the illusion of integrity...

Neil Peart Quotes: "The ones we wish could hear us have heard it all before."

The ones we wish could hear us have heard it all before.

Neil Peart Quotes: "If I do something weird, play it twice and it's a new part."

If I do something weird, play it twice and it's a new part.

Neil Peart Quotes: "To me, the highest expression of life is art with jokes. It's very rarified, very difficult to accomplish if you want to be more than just funny, and more than just jokes about human gaseousness."

To me, the highest expression of life is art with jokes. It's very rarified, very difficult to accomplish if you want to be more than just funny, and more than just jokes about human gaseousness.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Geddy once joked, 'You're the only guy I know who rehearses to rehearse!"

Geddy once joked, 'You're the only guy I know who rehearses to rehearse!

Neil Peart Quotes: "Like a force of nature love can fade with the stars at dawn..."

Like a force of nature love can fade with the stars at dawn...

Neil Peart Quotes: "I had spindly little ankles, and growing up in Canada, I couldn't skate. I was no good at any sports so was very much a pariah through those adolescent years."

I had spindly little ankles, and growing up in Canada, I couldn't skate. I was no good at any sports so was very much a pariah through those adolescent years.

Neil Peart Quotes: "Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."

Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves.

Neil Peart Quotes: "To me, drum soloing is like doing a marathon and solving equations at the same time."

To me, drum soloing is like doing a marathon and solving equations at the same time.

Neil Peart Quotes: "While I believe in all that freedom, I also believe that no one should suffer needlessly."

While I believe in all that freedom, I also believe that no one should suffer needlessly.

Neil Peart Quotes: "I love jokes as much as anyone, but I don't want to hear my snail jokes every day. But I might want to hear a good song every day."

I love jokes as much as anyone, but I don't want to hear my snail jokes every day. But I might want to hear a good song every day.