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Noam Chomsky Quotes

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Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The neo-cons constitute a radical reactionary fringe of the planning spectrum, but the spectrum is narrow."

The neo-cons constitute a radical reactionary fringe of the planning spectrum, but the spectrum is narrow.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are."

If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "These are fashionable people who call themselves philosophers."

These are fashionable people who call themselves philosophers.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "What the public wants is called 'politically unrealistic.' Translated into English, that means power and privilege are opposed to it."

What the public wants is called 'politically unrealistic.' Translated into English, that means power and privilege are opposed to it.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Education is imposed ignorance."

Education is imposed ignorance.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "These are questions for action, not speculation, which is idle."

These are questions for action, not speculation, which is idle.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The basic principle, rarely violated, is that what conflicts with the requirements of power and privilege does not exist."

The basic principle, rarely violated, is that what conflicts with the requirements of power and privilege does not exist.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "We are entering a period of human history that may provide an answer to the question of whether it is better to be smart than stupid."

We are entering a period of human history that may provide an answer to the question of whether it is better to be smart than stupid.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "As long as each individual is facing the television tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege"

As long as each individual is facing the television tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust."

I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The childcare tax credit makes some sense."

The childcare tax credit makes some sense.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In November 2004, U.S. occupation forces launched their second major attack on the city of Falluja. The press reported major war crimes instantly, with approval."

In November 2004, U.S. occupation forces launched their second major attack on the city of Falluja. The press reported major war crimes instantly, with approval.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided."

It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "On October 15, 1965, an estimated 70,000 people took part in large-scale anti-war demonstrations."

On October 15, 1965, an estimated 70,000 people took part in large-scale anti-war demonstrations.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Since the civil war in Laos was resumed in earnest in 1963, American participation has been veiled in secrecy."

Since the civil war in Laos was resumed in earnest in 1963, American participation has been veiled in secrecy.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Up until the First World War, when people turned anti-German, Germany had been described by American political scientists as the model of democracy."

Up until the First World War, when people turned anti-German, Germany had been described by American political scientists as the model of democracy.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The Iraq War was the first conflict in western history in which an imperialist war was massively protested against before it had even been launched."

The Iraq War was the first conflict in western history in which an imperialist war was massively protested against before it had even been launched.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The money in politics is a cash cow for the media."

The money in politics is a cash cow for the media.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "It was during the Reagan years that defiance of international law and the U.N. Charter became entirely open."

It was during the Reagan years that defiance of international law and the U.N. Charter became entirely open.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I do think that Magna Carta and international law are worth paying some attention to."

I do think that Magna Carta and international law are worth paying some attention to.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Individuals in a university - students, faculty, staff - can choose to become politically engaged, and a free university should foster a climate in which those are natural choices."

Individuals in a university - students, faculty, staff - can choose to become politically engaged, and a free university should foster a climate in which those are natural choices.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "It's true that many say that [they] object to the idea of "human nature," but it's not clear what that is supposed to mean. Are we different from ants?"

It's true that many say that [they] object to the idea of "human nature," but it's not clear what that is supposed to mean. Are we different from ants?

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Take something you really don't think about: Plastics in the ocean. I mean plastics in the ocean have an enormous ecological effect."

Take something you really don't think about: Plastics in the ocean. I mean plastics in the ocean have an enormous ecological effect.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "To understand how people organize social systems, we have to discover the principles that we create to make some societies intelligible."

To understand how people organize social systems, we have to discover the principles that we create to make some societies intelligible.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I'm sorry to say it has some historical analogs. It's kind of reminiscent of what happened in Germany in the late Weimar years."

I'm sorry to say it has some historical analogs. It's kind of reminiscent of what happened in Germany in the late Weimar years.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The Republican establishment, the mainstream corporate financial wealth, is getting to a point where it can't control the base it's mobilized."

The Republican establishment, the mainstream corporate financial wealth, is getting to a point where it can't control the base it's mobilized.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I've occasionally been asked to talk on Israel-Palestine. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it elicits hysteria in the community."

I've occasionally been asked to talk on Israel-Palestine. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it elicits hysteria in the community.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In the United States, and to a certain extent in Canada, there's very little interest in what happens outside their borders."

In the United States, and to a certain extent in Canada, there's very little interest in what happens outside their borders.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The United States is a very insular society. Most people know very little about the outside world and don't care that much. They're concerned with their own affairs."

The United States is a very insular society. Most people know very little about the outside world and don't care that much. They're concerned with their own affairs.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "People don't have knowledge and understanding about the outside world, or about history [in the USA]."

People don't have knowledge and understanding about the outside world, or about history [in the USA].

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "When something isn't constantly drummed-up by the media, [people] just don't know about it."

When something isn't constantly drummed-up by the media, [people] just don't know about it.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "It seems self-evident that we should want people to be free, to be able to play an active part in making decisions about matters of concern to them, to the largest possible extent."

It seems self-evident that we should want people to be free, to be able to play an active part in making decisions about matters of concern to them, to the largest possible extent.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "We should therefore be opposed to institutional barriers to that freedom: Military dictatorships, for example. Or states run by a Central Committee."

We should therefore be opposed to institutional barriers to that freedom: Military dictatorships, for example. Or states run by a Central Committee.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Pakistan just cannot survive if it continues to do so (continue this confrontation with India)."

Pakistan just cannot survive if it continues to do so (continue this confrontation with India).

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I'm into eating as little as possible, paying as little attention as possible. I never cook. Never use the stove or anything."

I'm into eating as little as possible, paying as little attention as possible. I never cook. Never use the stove or anything.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Plainly elites in America don't want democracy. And why should they? Democracy is always harmful to elite interests. Almost by definition."

Plainly elites in America don't want democracy. And why should they? Democracy is always harmful to elite interests. Almost by definition.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I don't like piracy but if anybody's concerned about piracy, why don't they pay attention to our role in it?"

I don't like piracy but if anybody's concerned about piracy, why don't they pay attention to our role in it?

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The change between horse and buggy to automobile is a big change and there hasn't been a major change since."

The change between horse and buggy to automobile is a big change and there hasn't been a major change since.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "There's a tremendous amount of language loss. Most of the attention is given to indigenous languages, which makes sense, but some of the most dramatic language loss is in Europe."

There's a tremendous amount of language loss. Most of the attention is given to indigenous languages, which makes sense, but some of the most dramatic language loss is in Europe.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Very urgent measures need to be taken, and without much delay, in dealing with the ongoing destruction of the environment."

Very urgent measures need to be taken, and without much delay, in dealing with the ongoing destruction of the environment.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The educational system is pretty much geared to passing the next exam. You're educated to pass tests and not to understand."

The educational system is pretty much geared to passing the next exam. You're educated to pass tests and not to understand.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "A democracy barely functions under the neoliberal system."

A democracy barely functions under the neoliberal system.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Right now, we happen to be in a general period of regression, not just in education. A lot of what's happening is sort of backlash to the 60s; the 60s were a democratizing period."

Right now, we happen to be in a general period of regression, not just in education. A lot of what's happening is sort of backlash to the 60s; the 60s were a democratizing period.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Education is not just you learn how a mosquito flies in the rain, but you learn how to be creative and why it's exciting to learn things and create things and make up new things."

Education is not just you learn how a mosquito flies in the rain, but you learn how to be creative and why it's exciting to learn things and create things and make up new things.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Obama's latest line is that he didn't establish a "red line" but the world did through its conventions on chemical warfare."

Obama's latest line is that he didn't establish a "red line" but the world did through its conventions on chemical warfare.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If you have worker-owned and worker-managed enterprises, you've got a different sociopolitical system."

If you have worker-owned and worker-managed enterprises, you've got a different sociopolitical system.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "There are enormous opportunities to work for a world that is more free, peaceful and just."

There are enormous opportunities to work for a world that is more free, peaceful and just.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "There are a lot of things that can be done within the framework of existing institutions which would be very valuable for people."

There are a lot of things that can be done within the framework of existing institutions which would be very valuable for people.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "There are all the activist groups on every imaginable topic - solidarity groups, environmental and feminist groups - sectors of these movements do very valuable work."

There are all the activist groups on every imaginable topic - solidarity groups, environmental and feminist groups - sectors of these movements do very valuable work.