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Noam Chomsky Quotes

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Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The freer the society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more you have to be careful to cage it somehow."

The freer the society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more you have to be careful to cage it somehow.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The more there is a need to talk about the ideals of democracy, the less democratic the system usually is."

The more there is a need to talk about the ideals of democracy, the less democratic the system usually is.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The people who live on the land - Israelis and Palestinians - have a right to live in security and peace."

The people who live on the land - Israelis and Palestinians - have a right to live in security and peace.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "There is no reason to accept the doctrines crafted to sustain power and privilege, or to believe that we are constrained by mysterious and unknown social laws."

There is no reason to accept the doctrines crafted to sustain power and privilege, or to believe that we are constrained by mysterious and unknown social laws.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The responsibility of the writer as a moral agent is to try to bring the truth about matters of human significance to an audience that can do something about them."

The responsibility of the writer as a moral agent is to try to bring the truth about matters of human significance to an audience that can do something about them.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The only way we can put a permanent end to terrorism is to stop participating in it."

The only way we can put a permanent end to terrorism is to stop participating in it.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "After the first International Days of Protest in October, 1965, Senator Mansfield criticized the 'sense of utter irresponsibility' shown by the demonstrators."

After the first International Days of Protest in October, 1965, Senator Mansfield criticized the 'sense of utter irresponsibility' shown by the demonstrators.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The 'free-floating intellectual' may occupy himself with problems because of their inherent interest and importance, perhaps to little effect."

The 'free-floating intellectual' may occupy himself with problems because of their inherent interest and importance, perhaps to little effect.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I choose to live in what I think is the greatest country in the world, which is committing horrendous terrorist acts and should stop."

I choose to live in what I think is the greatest country in the world, which is committing horrendous terrorist acts and should stop.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In the United States, the political system is a very marginal affair. There are two parties, so-called, but they're really factions of the same party, the Business Party."

In the United States, the political system is a very marginal affair. There are two parties, so-called, but they're really factions of the same party, the Business Party.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Putting it in plain terms, the general public must be reduced to its traditional apathy and obedience, and driven from the arena of political debate and action, if democracy is to survive."

Putting it in plain terms, the general public must be reduced to its traditional apathy and obedience, and driven from the arena of political debate and action, if democracy is to survive.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: ". . . among all grammars meeting this condition (of adequacy), we select the simplest."

. . . among all grammars meeting this condition (of adequacy), we select the simplest.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment."

Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "WikiLeaks is a service to the population. Assange should get an award for - presidential medal of honor."

WikiLeaks is a service to the population. Assange should get an award for - presidential medal of honor.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If a child from an Amazonian hunter-gatherer tribe comes to Boston, is raised in Boston, that child will be indistinguishable in language capacities from my children growing up here, and vice versa."

If a child from an Amazonian hunter-gatherer tribe comes to Boston, is raised in Boston, that child will be indistinguishable in language capacities from my children growing up here, and vice versa.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I don't think that experience is a very useful or convincing attribute for a sensible foreign policy. Henry Kissinger had a lot of experience."

I don't think that experience is a very useful or convincing attribute for a sensible foreign policy. Henry Kissinger had a lot of experience.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I have trouble reading modern Hebrew. In the 1950s, I could read anything. I don't know how much experience you've had with contemporary Hebrew. It's quite difficult."

I have trouble reading modern Hebrew. In the 1950s, I could read anything. I don't know how much experience you've had with contemporary Hebrew. It's quite difficult.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I don't like the intellectual label."

I don't like the intellectual label.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "State formation has been a brutal project, with many hideous consequences. But the results exist, and their pernicious aspects should be overcome."

State formation has been a brutal project, with many hideous consequences. But the results exist, and their pernicious aspects should be overcome.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "We're supposed to worship Adam Smith but you're not supposed to read him. That's too dangerous."

We're supposed to worship Adam Smith but you're not supposed to read him. That's too dangerous.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If you want to end terrorism stop participating in it."

If you want to end terrorism stop participating in it.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Barron and Paul...rely on 'specialists' at the State and Defense Departments...Elsewhere in the media, similiar figures are bandied about, with equal credibility."

Barron and Paul...rely on 'specialists' at the State and Defense Departments...Elsewhere in the media, similiar figures are bandied about, with equal credibility.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "You might recall, perhaps, that we were probably the only commentators to rely on the most knowledgeable source, State Department intelligence."

You might recall, perhaps, that we were probably the only commentators to rely on the most knowledgeable source, State Department intelligence.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If we move toward the weaponisation of space, we can bid farewell to the planet. The chances of survival are very slight."

If we move toward the weaponisation of space, we can bid farewell to the planet. The chances of survival are very slight.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor led to many very good things. If you follow the trail, it led to kicking Europeans out of Asia - that saved tens of millions of lives in India alone."

The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor led to many very good things. If you follow the trail, it led to kicking Europeans out of Asia - that saved tens of millions of lives in India alone.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself."

The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Latin America has much richer resources. You'd expect it to be far more advanced than East Asia, but it had the disadvantage of being under imperialist wings."

Latin America has much richer resources. You'd expect it to be far more advanced than East Asia, but it had the disadvantage of being under imperialist wings.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The American escalation of the war in Laos provoked a response by the Communist forces, which now control more of Laos than ever before."

The American escalation of the war in Laos provoked a response by the Communist forces, which now control more of Laos than ever before.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "If the United States loses the economic weapons of control, it is very much weakened."

If the United States loses the economic weapons of control, it is very much weakened.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Surely few if any readers have come across the sentence they are now reading, and someone who had by chance heard or seen it could not possibly remember such a fact."

Surely few if any readers have come across the sentence they are now reading, and someone who had by chance heard or seen it could not possibly remember such a fact.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In some respects, South African apartheid was more vicious than Israeli practices, and in some respects the opposite is true."

In some respects, South African apartheid was more vicious than Israeli practices, and in some respects the opposite is true.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The Republican and Democratic Parties are only factions of the Government Party."

The Republican and Democratic Parties are only factions of the Government Party.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "It's not a free trade agreement. It has virtually nothing to do with free trade... It's a protectionist agreement; it's anti free-trade."

It's not a free trade agreement. It has virtually nothing to do with free trade... It's a protectionist agreement; it's anti free-trade.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Growing up in the place I did I never was aware of any other option but to question everything."

Growing up in the place I did I never was aware of any other option but to question everything.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Anti-Americanism is a pure totalitarian concept. The very notion is idiotic."

Anti-Americanism is a pure totalitarian concept. The very notion is idiotic.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "When Britain and the U.S. invaded Iraq, it was with the reasonable expectation that it was going to increase the threat of terror, as it has."

When Britain and the U.S. invaded Iraq, it was with the reasonable expectation that it was going to increase the threat of terror, as it has.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I don't want followers."

I don't want followers.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "How people themselves perceive what they are doing is not a question that interests me."

How people themselves perceive what they are doing is not a question that interests me.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Language is a weapon of politicians, but language is a weapon in much of human affairs."

Language is a weapon of politicians, but language is a weapon in much of human affairs.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Sooner or later, jihadist-style terror and WMD are going to come together and the consequences could be horrendous."

Sooner or later, jihadist-style terror and WMD are going to come together and the consequences could be horrendous.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Anywhere in Latin America there is a potential threat of the pathology of caudillismo and it has to be guarded against."

Anywhere in Latin America there is a potential threat of the pathology of caudillismo and it has to be guarded against.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "As a research tool, the internet is invaluable."

As a research tool, the internet is invaluable.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "I don't see any possibility of Britain and the U.S. allowing a sovereign independent Iraq; that's almost inconceivable."

I don't see any possibility of Britain and the U.S. allowing a sovereign independent Iraq; that's almost inconceivable.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In America, the professor talks to the mechanic. They are in the same category."

In America, the professor talks to the mechanic. They are in the same category.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "In the academic world, most of the work that is done is clerical. A lot of the work done by professors is routine."

In the academic world, most of the work that is done is clerical. A lot of the work done by professors is routine.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "My proposal happens to be very mainstream."

My proposal happens to be very mainstream.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Now financial liberalization is just a catastrophe waiting to happen, and there are very well understood reasons for that."

Now financial liberalization is just a catastrophe waiting to happen, and there are very well understood reasons for that.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "The government of Israel doesn't like the kinds of things I say, which puts them into the same category as every other government in the world."

The government of Israel doesn't like the kinds of things I say, which puts them into the same category as every other government in the world.

Noam Chomsky Quotes: "Governments don't control people like they used to."

Governments don't control people like they used to.