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Norman Mailer Quotes

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Norman Mailer Quotes: "You do not really wish to hear more of the Battle of Kadesh. Let me say only that human fat, gorged in considerable quantity, has an intoxicating effect. I became ... drunk."

You do not really wish to hear more of the Battle of Kadesh. Let me say only that human fat, gorged in considerable quantity, has an intoxicating effect. I became ... drunk.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Since great writers communicate a vision of existence, one can't borrow their methods. The method is married to the vision."

Since great writers communicate a vision of existence, one can't borrow their methods. The method is married to the vision.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "What were the phenomena of the world today? If I knew little else, I knew the answer - war, and the preparations for new war."

What were the phenomena of the world today? If I knew little else, I knew the answer - war, and the preparations for new war.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "...the indispensable requirement for a good newspaperman - as eager to tell a lie as the truth."

...the indispensable requirement for a good newspaperman - as eager to tell a lie as the truth.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Comfortless was my religion, anxiety of the anxieties, for I believed God was not love, but courage. Love came only as a reward."

Comfortless was my religion, anxiety of the anxieties, for I believed God was not love, but courage. Love came only as a reward.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "People who are greedy have extraordinary capacities for waste-they must, they take in too much."

People who are greedy have extraordinary capacities for waste-they must, they take in too much.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "If only gravity were working, the path would be symmetrical, it is the wind resistance that produces the tragic curve."

If only gravity were working, the path would be symmetrical, it is the wind resistance that produces the tragic curve.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "The novelist ... must live in paranoia and seek to be one with the world; he must be terrified of experience and hungry for it; he must think himself nothing and believe he is superior to all."

The novelist ... must live in paranoia and seek to be one with the world; he must be terrified of experience and hungry for it; he must think himself nothing and believe he is superior to all.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "The sense of a long last night over civilization is back again; it has perhaps not been here so intensely in thirty years, not since the Nazis were prospering, but it is coming back."

The sense of a long last night over civilization is back again; it has perhaps not been here so intensely in thirty years, not since the Nazis were prospering, but it is coming back.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "MIke Lee writes with honesty, penetration, wit and the ability to surprise the reader with an unexpected turn from time to time that enriches the experience."

MIke Lee writes with honesty, penetration, wit and the ability to surprise the reader with an unexpected turn from time to time that enriches the experience.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Goldstein, you'd be a pretty good boy if you wasn't so chicken."

Goldstein, you'd be a pretty good boy if you wasn't so chicken.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "A book of great beauty and manically exquisite insight with a wild and deadly humor . . . The only American novelist who may conceivably be possessed by genius."

A book of great beauty and manically exquisite insight with a wild and deadly humor . . . The only American novelist who may conceivably be possessed by genius.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I did like Robert Vavra's book not only for its so very good photographs but for the text as well. He's no ordinary fellow, obviously."

I did like Robert Vavra's book not only for its so very good photographs but for the text as well. He's no ordinary fellow, obviously.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Even an evil man can have principles—he can be true to his own evil, which is not always so easy."

Even an evil man can have principles—he can be true to his own evil, which is not always so easy.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Great hope has no real footing unless one is willing to face into the doom that may also be on the way. p.207"

Great hope has no real footing unless one is willing to face into the doom that may also be on the way. p.207

Norman Mailer Quotes: "The sole virtue of losing your short-term memory is that it does free you to be your own editor."

The sole virtue of losing your short-term memory is that it does free you to be your own editor.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "To make an Army work you have to have every man in it fitted into a fear ladder... The Army functions best when you're frightened of the man above you, and contemptuous of your subordinates."

To make an Army work you have to have every man in it fitted into a fear ladder... The Army functions best when you're frightened of the man above you, and contemptuous of your subordinates.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I am convinced the most unfortunate people are those who would make an art of love. It sours other effort. Of all artists, they are certainly the most wretched."

I am convinced the most unfortunate people are those who would make an art of love. It sours other effort. Of all artists, they are certainly the most wretched.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Is one human? Or merely alive? Like a blade of grass equal to all existance in the moment it is torn? Yes. If pain is fundament, then a blade of grass can know all there is."

Is one human? Or merely alive? Like a blade of grass equal to all existance in the moment it is torn? Yes. If pain is fundament, then a blade of grass can know all there is.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "For what does it mean to be a hero? It requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself."

For what does it mean to be a hero? It requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Love was love, one could find it with anyone, one could find it anywhere. It was just that you could never keep it. Not unless you were ready to die for it."

Love was love, one could find it with anyone, one could find it anywhere. It was just that you could never keep it. Not unless you were ready to die for it.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I don't read other writers because I'm writing all the time. It's too disturbing to read a writer with a good style when you're in the middle of putting your work together."

I don't read other writers because I'm writing all the time. It's too disturbing to read a writer with a good style when you're in the middle of putting your work together.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "God is a creator, not a law giver."

God is a creator, not a law giver.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "There's a tendency for Americans, particularly the simpler you are, the more you believe in the president as the kind of person to be."

There's a tendency for Americans, particularly the simpler you are, the more you believe in the president as the kind of person to be.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union by increasing armaments."

Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union by increasing armaments.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I met Jack Kennedy in November, 1946. We were both war heroes, and both of us had just been elected to Congress."

I met Jack Kennedy in November, 1946. We were both war heroes, and both of us had just been elected to Congress.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I wonder, said the Lord I wonder if I know the answer any more."

I wonder, said the Lord I wonder if I know the answer any more.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Every time I move I squash something said Loathesome."

Every time I move I squash something said Loathesome.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "Let everywritertell hisownliesThat's freedomof thepress."

Let everywritertell hisownliesThat's freedomof thepress.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "rip the prisonsopenput theconvictsontelevision"

rip the prisonsopenput theconvictsontelevision

Norman Mailer Quotes: "How his hatred seethed in search of a justifiable excuse."

How his hatred seethed in search of a justifiable excuse.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "There is something silly about a man who wears a white suit all the time, especially in New York." (on Tom Wolfe)"

There is something silly about a man who wears a white suit all the time, especially in New York." (on Tom Wolfe)

Norman Mailer Quotes: "With the pride of the artist you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance."

With the pride of the artist you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "The private terror of the liberal spirit is invariably suicide not murder."

The private terror of the liberal spirit is invariably suicide not murder.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "I think it's bad to talk about one's present work for it spoils something at the root of the creative act. It discharges the tension."

I think it's bad to talk about one's present work for it spoils something at the root of the creative act. It discharges the tension.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "With the pride of the artist, you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance."

With the pride of the artist, you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance.

Norman Mailer Quotes: "There are four stages in a marriage. First there's the affair, then the marriage, then children and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce."

There are four stages in a marriage. First there's the affair, then the marriage, then children and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce.