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P.J. Gordon Quotes

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P.J. Gordon Quotes: "To put yourself in anothers place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily."

To put yourself in anothers place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I hope we left you with something to put under your pillows."

I hope we left you with something to put under your pillows.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I believe in the time when we shall be able to create works of art in the Theatre without the use of the written play, without the use of actors."

I believe in the time when we shall be able to create works of art in the Theatre without the use of the written play, without the use of actors.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Climate change is and will be a significant threat to our national security and in a larger sense to life on earth as we know it to be."

Climate change is and will be a significant threat to our national security and in a larger sense to life on earth as we know it to be.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Never dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith."

Never dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Best to start at the bottom & gradually climb up. It's much more fun, too."

Best to start at the bottom & gradually climb up. It's much more fun, too.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Every time you ride, your either teaching or un-teaching your horse."

Every time you ride, your either teaching or un-teaching your horse.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."

We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "A well-composed book is a magic carpet on which we are wafted to a world that we cannot enter in any other way."

A well-composed book is a magic carpet on which we are wafted to a world that we cannot enter in any other way.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren't there."

The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren't there.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "There were two dawns that morning. One the orderly sunrise of God, followed by man's fireball at the base of that rocket."

There were two dawns that morning. One the orderly sunrise of God, followed by man's fireball at the base of that rocket.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "If you think your best days are behind you, they are. If you think your best days are ahead of you, they are."

If you think your best days are behind you, they are. If you think your best days are ahead of you, they are.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "It is in recognizing the actual presence of God that we find prayer no longer a chore, but a supreme delight."

It is in recognizing the actual presence of God that we find prayer no longer a chore, but a supreme delight.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Think in terms of images and words. They can be mighty powerful when they are fitted together properly."

Think in terms of images and words. They can be mighty powerful when they are fitted together properly.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best."

Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Let our hearts touch far horizons. Let our love know no borders, Draw the Circles wide until, No one stands alone."

Let our hearts touch far horizons. Let our love know no borders, Draw the Circles wide until, No one stands alone.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and "patriotism" . . . Extreme bigots are almost always super-patriots."

Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and "patriotism" . . . Extreme bigots are almost always super-patriots.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run."

The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you."

I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound."

A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Jazz to me is a living music. It's a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings, the dreams, hopes, of the people."

Jazz to me is a living music. It's a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings, the dreams, hopes, of the people.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "To be a teacher you must be a prophet - because you are trying to prepare people for a world thirty to fifty years into the future."

To be a teacher you must be a prophet - because you are trying to prepare people for a world thirty to fifty years into the future.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "We are creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory."

We are creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Challenges ONLY make you STRONGER!!!"

Challenges ONLY make you STRONGER!!!

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Somebody who knows what they're doing, who has a good track record, they come across as very articulate, bright and looking for a challenge - that's absolutely my kind of hire."

Somebody who knows what they're doing, who has a good track record, they come across as very articulate, bright and looking for a challenge - that's absolutely my kind of hire.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Prejudgments become prejudices only if they are not reversible when exposed to new knowledge."

Prejudgments become prejudices only if they are not reversible when exposed to new knowledge.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms."

He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Don't let negative people drain your energy. Focus on your positive energy and kill them with kindness. Energy vampires are no match for your positive energy."

Don't let negative people drain your energy. Focus on your positive energy and kill them with kindness. Energy vampires are no match for your positive energy.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Being assertive and somewhat really firm has to be backed up with being fair."

Being assertive and somewhat really firm has to be backed up with being fair.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Excite the mind, and the hand will reach for the pocket."

Excite the mind, and the hand will reach for the pocket.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Instead of being disappointed about where you are, be optimistic about where you are going."

Instead of being disappointed about where you are, be optimistic about where you are going.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Stopping the junk food and Eating well is partially about cooking well and having the skills to do that."

Stopping the junk food and Eating well is partially about cooking well and having the skills to do that.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I have the normal desire, experienced by everybody who's ever flown an airplane with a certain amount of zoom capability, to go a little bit higher and a little bit faster."

I have the normal desire, experienced by everybody who's ever flown an airplane with a certain amount of zoom capability, to go a little bit higher and a little bit faster.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Remember, you have only one ride through life so give it all you got and enjoy the ride."

Remember, you have only one ride through life so give it all you got and enjoy the ride.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Being a chef never seems like a job, it becomes a true passion."

Being a chef never seems like a job, it becomes a true passion.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "God is not just saving individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather, He is creating a people among whom He can live and who in their life together will reproduce God’s life and character."

God is not just saving individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather, He is creating a people among whom He can live and who in their life together will reproduce God’s life and character.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "You are not a true success unless you are helping others be successful."

You are not a true success unless you are helping others be successful.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "You know, the camera is not meant just to show misery. You can show things that you like about the universe, things that you hate about the universe. It's capable of doing both."

You know, the camera is not meant just to show misery. You can show things that you like about the universe, things that you hate about the universe. It's capable of doing both.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Life is mostly froth and bubble"

Life is mostly froth and bubble

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "You may be leading, then you might be at the back of the pack trying to work your way up. It's just a constant reminder not to give up, and to know that God, in my mind, is really in control."

You may be leading, then you might be at the back of the pack trying to work your way up. It's just a constant reminder not to give up, and to know that God, in my mind, is really in control.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Instrument flying is an unnatural act probably punishable by God."

Instrument flying is an unnatural act probably punishable by God.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "The airline business is the biggest team sport in the world. When you're all consumed with fighting among yourselves, your opponents can run over you every day."

The airline business is the biggest team sport in the world. When you're all consumed with fighting among yourselves, your opponents can run over you every day.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "You have not failed until you quit trying."

You have not failed until you quit trying.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I am what I am. A fighter."

I am what I am. A fighter.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Love received and love given comprise the best form of therapy."

Love received and love given comprise the best form of therapy.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Media used to be one way. Everyone else in the world just had to listen. Now the internet is allowing what used to be a monologue to become a dialogue. I think that's healthy."

Media used to be one way. Everyone else in the world just had to listen. Now the internet is allowing what used to be a monologue to become a dialogue. I think that's healthy.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Information on UFOs, including sighting reports, has been and is still being officially withheld."

Information on UFOs, including sighting reports, has been and is still being officially withheld.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "I suffered first as a child from discrimination, poverty ... So I think it was a natural follow from that that I should use my camera to speak for people who are unable to speak for themselves."

I suffered first as a child from discrimination, poverty ... So I think it was a natural follow from that that I should use my camera to speak for people who are unable to speak for themselves.

P.J. Gordon Quotes: "Try a little harder to be a little better."

Try a little harder to be a little better.