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Patti Smith Quotes

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Patti Smith Quotes: "With the death of Robert Mapplethorpe, I had lost my main collaborator in taking photographs. So I didn't know who to work with."

With the death of Robert Mapplethorpe, I had lost my main collaborator in taking photographs. So I didn't know who to work with.

Patti Smith Quotes: "If I have any regrets, I could say that I'm sorry I wasn't a better writer or a better singer."

If I have any regrets, I could say that I'm sorry I wasn't a better writer or a better singer.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Steven [Sebring] just fell in with my family life. He helped me wash the dishes and play with the kids. I could tell that he was a person who understood families."

Steven [Sebring] just fell in with my family life. He helped me wash the dishes and play with the kids. I could tell that he was a person who understood families.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I was so unhealthy as a child, and at least three or four times my parents were told to get ready, that I would not make it."

I was so unhealthy as a child, and at least three or four times my parents were told to get ready, that I would not make it.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I have vague memories, like impressions on glass plates."

I have vague memories, like impressions on glass plates.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Grief isn't all tears."

Grief isn't all tears.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Will you pretend you're my boyfriend?"

Will you pretend you're my boyfriend?

Patti Smith Quotes: "I walk alone, assaulted it seems, by tears from heaven."

I walk alone, assaulted it seems, by tears from heaven.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Everybody's got to reclaim these thingspoetry, rock'n'roll, political activismand it's got to be done over and over again. It's like eating: you can't say,'Oh, I ate yesterday'.You have to eat again."

Everybody's got to reclaim these thingspoetry, rock'n'roll, political activismand it's got to be done over and over again. It's like eating: you can't say,'Oh, I ate yesterday'.You have to eat again.

Patti Smith Quotes: "We never had any children," he said ruefully. "Our work was our children."

We never had any children," he said ruefully. "Our work was our children.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste."

Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.

Patti Smith Quotes: "You don't want to OD on improvisation."

You don't want to OD on improvisation.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I don't think," he insisted. "I feel."

I don't think," he insisted. "I feel.

Patti Smith Quotes: "We went our separate ways, but within walking distance of one another."

We went our separate ways, but within walking distance of one another.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I thought to myself that he contained a whole universe that I had yet to know."

I thought to myself that he contained a whole universe that I had yet to know.

Patti Smith Quotes: "One day we’ll go in together, and the work will be ours."

One day we’ll go in together, and the work will be ours.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Everything distracted me, but most of all myself."

Everything distracted me, but most of all myself.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Hey sister, you're just moving too fast, you're screwing up the quota."

Hey sister, you're just moving too fast, you're screwing up the quota.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Within that moment was trust, compassion, and our mutual sense of irony. He was carrying death within him and I was carrying life. We were both aware of that, I know."

Within that moment was trust, compassion, and our mutual sense of irony. He was carrying death within him and I was carrying life. We were both aware of that, I know.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Christianity made us think there's one heaven."

Christianity made us think there's one heaven.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Robert was concerned with how to make the photograph, and I with how to be the photograph."

Robert was concerned with how to make the photograph, and I with how to be the photograph.

Patti Smith Quotes: "What I wanted to do in rock'n'roll was merge poetry with sonic scapes, and the two people who had contributed so much to that were Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison."

What I wanted to do in rock'n'roll was merge poetry with sonic scapes, and the two people who had contributed so much to that were Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I’m not much a role model in terms of hair care, though."

I’m not much a role model in terms of hair care, though.

Patti Smith Quotes: "When I stopped performing for 16 years and lived in Michigan and was married and raising my children, I wrote about four or five books. I haven't published them."

When I stopped performing for 16 years and lived in Michigan and was married and raising my children, I wrote about four or five books. I haven't published them.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Words are just rules and regulations to me."

Words are just rules and regulations to me.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Usually when I go to a place for the first time, unless there's something historical or spectacular that nature has to offer, the first thing I like to do is see what's on the minds of the people."

Usually when I go to a place for the first time, unless there's something historical or spectacular that nature has to offer, the first thing I like to do is see what's on the minds of the people.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I believe myself to be an artist. That was my calling, to do my work, and what's most important to me is to do the best work I possibly can. And that is what means the most, that is what will endure."

I believe myself to be an artist. That was my calling, to do my work, and what's most important to me is to do the best work I possibly can. And that is what means the most, that is what will endure.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I've lost lots of men in my life, besides my mother, which is a whole different loss."

I've lost lots of men in my life, besides my mother, which is a whole different loss.

Patti Smith Quotes: "The truth is, no matter how modest Steven [Sebring] is, he was obsessed with the outcome of the film [Dream of Life]. Every single frame was important to him."

The truth is, no matter how modest Steven [Sebring] is, he was obsessed with the outcome of the film [Dream of Life]. Every single frame was important to him.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I think the film [Dream of Life] is life-affirming."

I think the film [Dream of Life] is life-affirming.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I'm not really a nostalgic person."

I'm not really a nostalgic person.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I think that there is an air of experience and aesthetic sophistication that weaves in with the amateur aspects of the film [Dream of Life]; it gives the film a certain elegance."

I think that there is an air of experience and aesthetic sophistication that weaves in with the amateur aspects of the film [Dream of Life]; it gives the film a certain elegance.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I wrote every day. I don't think I could have written Just Kids had I not spent all of the 80s developing my craft as a writer."

I wrote every day. I don't think I could have written Just Kids had I not spent all of the 80s developing my craft as a writer.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I hated the makeup. I hated all that pancake makeup. I didn't really like dressing for parts."

I hated the makeup. I hated all that pancake makeup. I didn't really like dressing for parts.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I could have a job as a teacher because I like talking in front of people."

I could have a job as a teacher because I like talking in front of people.

Patti Smith Quotes: "Trust is everything between two artists, or between subject and artist. You have to have trust or nothing good will come out of it."

Trust is everything between two artists, or between subject and artist. You have to have trust or nothing good will come out of it.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I've written a lot of prose. I just haven't published it."

I've written a lot of prose. I just haven't published it.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I think its very important to not be afraid to experience joy in the middle of sorrow."

I think its very important to not be afraid to experience joy in the middle of sorrow.

Patti Smith Quotes: "It was no hardship to me to spend long hours reading and writing."

It was no hardship to me to spend long hours reading and writing.

Patti Smith Quotes: "The hand above turns those leaves of loves, all in all a timeless view. Each dream of life flung from paradise everlasting, ever new."

The hand above turns those leaves of loves, all in all a timeless view. Each dream of life flung from paradise everlasting, ever new.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I know from an early age that I'm very comfortable in front of people. When I was a young girl, I'd love giving book reports."

I know from an early age that I'm very comfortable in front of people. When I was a young girl, I'd love giving book reports.

Patti Smith Quotes: "The whole process of working with Steven [Sebring] and being filmed by him helped me psychologically to get my feet back on the ground."

The whole process of working with Steven [Sebring] and being filmed by him helped me psychologically to get my feet back on the ground.

Patti Smith Quotes: "We believe we will raise the sky, we got to fly over the land, over the sea. Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise. God, do not seize me please."

We believe we will raise the sky, we got to fly over the land, over the sea. Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise. God, do not seize me please.

Patti Smith Quotes: "[Steven Sebring] presence was also nice for my children, who, having just lost their father, quite naturally craved warm male attention. They gravitated to him right away."

[Steven Sebring] presence was also nice for my children, who, having just lost their father, quite naturally craved warm male attention. They gravitated to him right away.

Patti Smith Quotes: "If someone didn't want to be filmed, or my children said, "Don't film me anymore," [Steven Sebring] didn't try to sneak a shot or cajole them; he just respected their wishes."

If someone didn't want to be filmed, or my children said, "Don't film me anymore," [Steven Sebring] didn't try to sneak a shot or cajole them; he just respected their wishes.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I liked being on stage, I just didn't like the theatrical aspect of being in front of people."

I liked being on stage, I just didn't like the theatrical aspect of being in front of people.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I just like living in certain atmospheres. Or I just like people as they are."

I just like living in certain atmospheres. Or I just like people as they are.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I like photographing dresses in windows. I actually wore a lot of dresses in the '70s. I like them on other people now."

I like photographing dresses in windows. I actually wore a lot of dresses in the '70s. I like them on other people now.

Patti Smith Quotes: "I always know that everything I do is the best I could do."

I always know that everything I do is the best I could do.