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Pope Francis Quotes

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Pope Francis Quotes: "The Christian who does not feel that the Virgin Mary is his or her mother is an orphan."

The Christian who does not feel that the Virgin Mary is his or her mother is an orphan.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey."

Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The process of healing also needs to include the pursuit of truth, not for the sake of opening old wounds, but rather as a necessary means of promoting justice, healing and unity."

The process of healing also needs to include the pursuit of truth, not for the sake of opening old wounds, but rather as a necessary means of promoting justice, healing and unity.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments: let us make sure we do not forget God."

Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments: let us make sure we do not forget God.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Our deepest joy comes from Christ: remaining with him, walking with him, being his disciples."

Our deepest joy comes from Christ: remaining with him, walking with him, being his disciples.

Pope Francis Quotes: "To follow Jesus means to share his merciful love for every human being."

To follow Jesus means to share his merciful love for every human being.

Pope Francis Quotes: "In the Church, and in the journey of faith, women have had and still have a special role in opening doors to the Lord."

In the Church, and in the journey of faith, women have had and still have a special role in opening doors to the Lord.

Pope Francis Quotes: "If investments in banks fall, it is a tragedy, and people say, 'What are we going to do?' but if people die of hunger, have nothing to eat or suffer from poor health, that's nothing."

If investments in banks fall, it is a tragedy, and people say, 'What are we going to do?' but if people die of hunger, have nothing to eat or suffer from poor health, that's nothing.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer."

The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled; The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!"

Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled; The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!

Pope Francis Quotes: "The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it."

The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Do not be afraid of confession!"

Do not be afraid of confession!

Pope Francis Quotes: "Amid so many problems, even grave, may we not lose our hope in the infinite mercy of God."

Amid so many problems, even grave, may we not lose our hope in the infinite mercy of God.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Let us ask Mary to help us fix our eyes intently on Jesus, to follow him always, even when this is demanding."

Let us ask Mary to help us fix our eyes intently on Jesus, to follow him always, even when this is demanding.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Our infinite sadness can only be cured by an infinite love."

Our infinite sadness can only be cured by an infinite love.

Pope Francis Quotes: "I don't know how things stand in the thinking of the Italian parliament. The Pope doesn't get mixed up in Italian politics."

I don't know how things stand in the thinking of the Italian parliament. The Pope doesn't get mixed up in Italian politics.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others."

Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Obeying God is listening to God, having an open heart to follow the path that God points out to us."

Obeying God is listening to God, having an open heart to follow the path that God points out to us.

Pope Francis Quotes: "At times we can be self-absorbed. Lord, help us to open our hearts to others and to serve those who are most vulnerable."

At times we can be self-absorbed. Lord, help us to open our hearts to others and to serve those who are most vulnerable.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The Christian family is missionary: it announces the love of God to the world."

The Christian family is missionary: it announces the love of God to the world.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Laboratories are useful, but reflection for us must always start from experience."

Laboratories are useful, but reflection for us must always start from experience.

Pope Francis Quotes: "If you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid."

If you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid.

Pope Francis Quotes: "May each family rediscover family prayer, which helps to bring about mutual understanding and forgiveness."

May each family rediscover family prayer, which helps to bring about mutual understanding and forgiveness.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply."

Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love."

Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love.

Pope Francis Quotes: "We cannot be tepid disciples. The Church needs our courage in order to give witness to truth."

We cannot be tepid disciples. The Church needs our courage in order to give witness to truth.

Pope Francis Quotes: "I extend my appreciation to the associations, movements and all those who defend human life."

I extend my appreciation to the associations, movements and all those who defend human life.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Jesus came to save us: let us not reject this marvelous gift!"

Jesus came to save us: let us not reject this marvelous gift!

Pope Francis Quotes: "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel."

A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel.

Pope Francis Quotes: "We are all called to be friends with Jesus. Don’t be afraid to love the Lord."

We are all called to be friends with Jesus. Don’t be afraid to love the Lord.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again."

Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again.

Pope Francis Quotes: "We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ."

We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Dear young people, pray with me for peace in the world."

Dear young people, pray with me for peace in the world.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The Cross is the Word through which God has responded to evil in the world."

The Cross is the Word through which God has responded to evil in the world.

Pope Francis Quotes: "War destroys, kills, impoverishes. Lord, give us your peace!"

War destroys, kills, impoverishes. Lord, give us your peace!

Pope Francis Quotes: "Jesus did not say: 'One of you go', but 'All of you go': we are sent together."

Jesus did not say: 'One of you go', but 'All of you go': we are sent together.

Pope Francis Quotes: "God shows up with surprises."

God shows up with surprises.

Pope Francis Quotes: "I thank all missionaries, men and women who quietly work hard for the Lord and their brothers and sisters."

I thank all missionaries, men and women who quietly work hard for the Lord and their brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis Quotes: "May we learn to say “thank you” to God and to one another. We teach children to do it, and then we forget to do it ourselves!"

May we learn to say “thank you” to God and to one another. We teach children to do it, and then we forget to do it ourselves!

Pope Francis Quotes: "God does not reveal himself in strength or power, but in the weakness and fragility of a newborn babe."

God does not reveal himself in strength or power, but in the weakness and fragility of a newborn babe.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor."

Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise."

Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Our Lady is always close to us, especially when we feel the weight of life with all its problems"

Our Lady is always close to us, especially when we feel the weight of life with all its problems

Pope Francis Quotes: "Every Christian can witness to God in the workplace, not only with words, but above all with an honest life."

Every Christian can witness to God in the workplace, not only with words, but above all with an honest life.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The cry of a baby is God's voice: never drive them away from the church!"

The cry of a baby is God's voice: never drive them away from the church!

Pope Francis Quotes: "Saints are people who belong fully to God. They are not afraid of being mocked, misunderstood or marginalized."

Saints are people who belong fully to God. They are not afraid of being mocked, misunderstood or marginalized.

Pope Francis Quotes: "Jesus teaches us to put the needs of the poor ahead of our own, our needs, even if legitimate, will never be so urgent as those of the poor, who lack the necessities of life."

Jesus teaches us to put the needs of the poor ahead of our own, our needs, even if legitimate, will never be so urgent as those of the poor, who lack the necessities of life.

Pope Francis Quotes: "We cannot trust in our own strength, but only in Jesus and in his mercy."

We cannot trust in our own strength, but only in Jesus and in his mercy.

Pope Francis Quotes: "The Church is or should go back to being a community of God's people, and priests, pastors and bishops, who have the care of souls, are at the service of the people of God."

The Church is or should go back to being a community of God's people, and priests, pastors and bishops, who have the care of souls, are at the service of the people of God.